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Last active May 10, 2024 11:20
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Compute real return instead of IRR on Vanguard UK's investment dashboard.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Vangugard Real Return
// @namespace
// @version 2024-05-10
// @description Vangugard show real return instead of IRR.
// @author say4n
// @match*/investments/personals*
// @icon
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
let stats = [...document.querySelectorAll(".stat-row")];
if (stats.length > 1) {
let startedWith = parseFloat(stats.filter(it => it.innerText.includes("You started with"))[0].getElementsByClassName("figure")[0].innerText.replace("£", "").replace(",", ""));
let contributedAndWithdrew = parseFloat(stats.filter(it => it.innerText.includes("You contributed and withdrew"))[0].getElementsByClassName("figure")[0].innerText.replace("£", "").replace(",", ""));
let returnFromInvestment = parseFloat(stats.filter(it => it.innerText.includes("Your investments returned you"))[0].getElementsByClassName("figure")[0].innerText.replace("£", "").replace(",", ""));
console.log(startedWith, contributedAndWithdrew, returnFromInvestment);
const profitPercent = (returnFromInvestment * 100) / (contributedAndWithdrew + startedWith);
console.log("profitPercent", profitPercent);
const currentText = document.querySelector(".stat-return > .figure").innerText;
document.querySelector(".stat-return > .figure").innerText = currentText + ` (${profitPercent.toFixed(2)}%)`;
currentText && clearInterval(intervalId);
}, 500);
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