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  • Save sayan3296/2f04291d37cb284d5ab087e96c07039a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sayan3296/2f04291d37cb284d5ab087e96c07039a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
foreman-rake db:migrate VERSION=0 SCOPE=foreman_puppet
I, [2023-11-24 16:30:23+0530 #155557] INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Check for Puppet capsules from the database' finished ---
I, [2023-11-24 16:30:23+0530 #155557] INFO -- : --- Execution step 'Remove Puppet feature' [puppet-remove-puppet] started ---
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:23+0530 #155557] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'rubygem-foreman_puppet' with stdin nil
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:23+0530 #155557] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:23+0530 #155557] DEBUG -- : Running command foreman-rake db:migrate VERSION=0 SCOPE=foreman_puppet with stdin nil
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:37+0530 #155557] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
== 20220421204325 DropEnvironmentFromHostAndHg: reverting =====================
== 20220421204325 DropEnvironmentFromHostAndHg: reverted (0.0000s) ============
== 20220208135305 MigrateEnvironmentIgnoreType: reverting =====================
== 20220208135305 MigrateEnvironmentIgnoreType: reverted (0.0000s) ============
== 20220201205305 MigrateHostClassPermission: reverting =======================
== 20220201205305 MigrateHostClassPermission: reverted (0.0000s) ==============
== 20211112130803 CleanupEnvironmentFromCoreTables: reverting =================
== 20211112130803 CleanupEnvironmentFromCoreTables: reverted (0.0000s) ========
== 20211111125003 DropPuppetclassesDirectReferences: reverting ================
-- add_reference(:host_classes, :host, {:foreign_key=>true, :index=>true, :_uses_legacy_reference_index_name=>true})
-> 0.0068s
-- add_reference(:hostgroup_classes, :hostgroup, {:foreign_key=>true, :index=>true, :_uses_legacy_reference_index_name=>true})
-> 0.0045s
== 20211111125003 DropPuppetclassesDirectReferences: reverted (0.0113s) =======
== 20210924103241 RemoveKatelloIdFromEnvironments: reverting ==================
== 20210924103241 RemoveKatelloIdFromEnvironments: reverted (0.0000s) =========
== 20201125113903 MigratePuppetclassesToFacets: reverting =====================
-- remove_reference(:host_classes, :host_puppet_facet, {:index=>true, :foreign_key=>true})
-> 0.0028s
-- remove_reference(:hostgroup_classes, :hostgroup_puppet_facet, {:index=>true, :foreign_key=>true})
-> 0.0023s
== 20201125113903 MigratePuppetclassesToFacets: reverted (0.0357s) ============
== 20200803113903 MigrateHostTypeInHostConfigGroups: reverting ================
== 20200803113903 MigrateHostTypeInHostConfigGroups: reverted (0.0024s) =======
== 20200803113803 MigrateEnvironmentToPuppetFacet: reverting ==================
-- column_exists?(:hosts, :environment_id)
-> 0.0024s
== 20200803113803 MigrateEnvironmentToPuppetFacet: reverted (0.0024s) =========
== 20200803113531 CreateHostgroupPuppetFacet: reverting =======================
-- drop_table(:hostgroup_puppet_facets, {})
-> 0.0014s
== 20200803113531 CreateHostgroupPuppetFacet: reverted (0.0014s) ==============
== 20200722171017 CreateHostPuppetFacet: reverting ============================
-- drop_table(:host_puppet_facets, {})
-> 0.0013s
== 20200722171017 CreateHostPuppetFacet: reverted (0.0013s) ===================
== 20200720123005 MigratePuppetCoreTypes: reverting ===========================
== 20200720123005 MigratePuppetCoreTypes: reverted (0.0213s) ==================
== 20181224174419 AddIndexToEnvironmentClassByLookupKeyAndPuppetclass: reverting
-- remove_index(:environment_classes, [:puppetclass_lookup_key_id, :puppetclass_id], {:name=>"index_env_classes_on_lookup_key_and_class"})
-> 0.0018s
== 20181224174419 AddIndexToEnvironmentClassByLookupKeyAndPuppetclass: reverted (0.0019s)
== 20181023112532 AddEnvironmentPuppetclassId: reverting ======================
-- remove_index(:environment_classes, [:environment_id, :puppetclass_id])
-> 0.0010s
== 20181023112532 AddEnvironmentPuppetclassId: reverted (0.0020s) =============
== 20180831115634 AddUniquenessToPuppetclassName: reverting ===================
-- remove_index(:puppetclasses, :name)
-> 0.0011s
-- add_index(:puppetclasses, :name)
-> 0.0035s
== 20180831115634 AddUniquenessToPuppetclassName: reverted (0.0046s) ==========
== 20180816134832 CastLookupKeyValues: reverting ==============================
== 20180816134832 CastLookupKeyValues: reverted (0.0000s) =====================
== 20170109115157 FixLookupKeyAuditableType: reverting ========================
== 20170109115157 FixLookupKeyAuditableType: reverted (0.0018s) ===============
== 20161205142618 DeleteOrphanedSmartClassParameters: reverting ===============
== 20161205142618 DeleteOrphanedSmartClassParameters: reverted (0.0000s) ======
== 20140407162059 CreateHostConfigGroups: reverting ===========================
-- drop_table(:host_config_groups, {:id=>:integer})
-> 0.0005s
== 20140407162059 CreateHostConfigGroups: reverted (0.0006s) ==================
== 20140407162007 CreateConfigGroupClasses: reverting =========================
-- drop_table(:config_group_classes, {:id=>:integer})
-> 0.0005s
== 20140407162007 CreateConfigGroupClasses: reverted (0.0006s) ================
== 20140407161817 CreateConfigGroups: reverting ===============================
-- drop_table(:config_groups, {:id=>:integer})
-> 0.0006s
== 20140407161817 CreateConfigGroups: reverted (0.0007s) ======================
== 20121018152459 CreateHostgroupClasses: reverting ===========================
-- remove_column(:hostgroup_classes, :id)
-> 0.0005s
-- rename_table(:hostgroup_classes, :hostgroups_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0028s
== 20121018152459 CreateHostgroupClasses: reverted (0.0034s) ==================
== 20120905095532 CreateEnvironmentClasses: reverting =========================
-- remove_foreign_key(:environment_classes, :lookup_keys, {:column=>:puppetclass_lookup_key_id})
-> 0.0022s
-- remove_column(:environment_classes, :puppetclass_lookup_key_id, :integer)
-> 0.0002s
-- rename_table(:environment_classes, :environments_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0019s
== 20120905095532 CreateEnvironmentClasses: reverted (0.0043s) ================
== 20120824142048 AddSomeIndexes: reverting ===================================
-- foreign_key_exists?(:host_classes, :hosts)
-> 0.0017s
-- remove_foreign_key("host_classes", "hosts")
-> 0.0020s
-- foreign_key_exists?(:host_classes, :puppetclasses)
-> 0.0016s
-- remove_foreign_key("host_classes", "puppetclasses")
-> 0.0018s
-- foreign_key_exists?(:operatingsystems_puppetclasses, :operatingsystems)
-> 0.0016s
-- remove_foreign_key("operatingsystems_puppetclasses", "operatingsystems")
-> 0.0019s
-- foreign_key_exists?(:operatingsystems_puppetclasses, :puppetclasses)
-> 0.0015s
-- remove_foreign_key("operatingsystems_puppetclasses", "puppetclasses")
-> 0.0018s
== 20120824142048 AddSomeIndexes: reverted (0.0140s) ==========================
== 20110712070522 CreateHostClass: reverting ==================================
-- remove_column(:host_classes, :id)
-> 0.0005s
-- rename_table(:host_classes, :hosts_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0022s
== 20110712070522 CreateHostClass: reverted (0.0028s) =========================
== 20110412103238 RemoveUnusedFieldsFromPuppetClasses: reverting ==============
== 20110412103238 RemoveUnusedFieldsFromPuppetClasses: reverted (0.0000s) =====
== 20101121140000 AddEnvironmentToTemplateCombinations: reverting =============
-- remove_reference(:template_combinations, :environment, {:foreign_key=>true})
-> 0.0024s
== 20101121140000 AddEnvironmentToTemplateCombinations: reverted (0.0024s) ====
== 20090905150132 CreateHostgroupsPuppetclasses: reverting ====================
-- drop_table(:hostgroups_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0008s
== 20090905150132 CreateHostgroupsPuppetclasses: reverted (0.0008s) ===========
== 20090802062223 CreatePuppetclasses: reverting ==============================
-- drop_table(:operatingsystems_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0003s
-- drop_table(:hosts_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0002s
-- remove_foreign_key(:environments_puppetclasses, :puppetclasses)
-> 0.0020s
-- drop_table(:puppetclasses)
-> 0.0006s
== 20090802062223 CreatePuppetclasses: reverted (0.0032s) =====================
== 20090722141107 CreateEnvironments: reverting ===============================
-- drop_table(:environments_puppetclasses)
-> 0.0007s
-- drop_table(:environments)
-> 0.0004s
== 20090722141107 CreateEnvironments: reverted (0.0011s) ======================
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:37+0530 #155557] DEBUG -- : Running command satellite-installer --no-enable-puppet --no-enable-foreman-plugin-puppet --no-enable-foreman-cli-puppet --foreman-proxy-puppet false --foreman-proxy-puppetca false --foreman-proxy-content-puppet false with stdin nil
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:38+0530 #155711] DEBUG -- : Running command rpm -q 'satellite' with stdin nil
D, [2023-11-24 16:30:38+0530 #155711] DEBUG -- : output of the command:
Copy link

# diff --suppress-common-lines foreman_good.sql foreman_bad.sql -y
-- Name: config_group_classes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; O <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.config_group_classes (		      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    puppetclass_id integer,				      <
    config_group_id integer,				      <
    created_at timestamp without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.config_group_classes OWNER TO foreman;     <
--							      <
-- Name: config_group_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.config_group_classes_id_seq	      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.config_group_classes_id_seq OWNER TO forem <
--							      <
-- Name: config_group_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.config_group_classes_id_seq OWNED BY pu <
--							      <
-- Name: config_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: f <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.config_groups (			      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    name character varying(255),			      <
    created_at timestamp without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.config_groups OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: config_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.config_groups_id_seq		      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.config_groups_id_seq OWNER TO foreman;     <
--							      <
-- Name: config_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schem <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.config_groups_id_seq OWNED BY <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Ow <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.environment_classes (		      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    puppetclass_id integer NOT NULL,			      <
    environment_id integer,				      <
    puppetclass_lookup_key_id integer			      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.environment_classes OWNER TO foreman;      <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema:  <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.environment_classes_id_seq	      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.environment_classes_id_seq OWNER TO forema <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.environment_classes_id_seq OWNED BY pub <
--							      <
-- Name: environments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: fo <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.environments (			      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,		      <
    created_at timestamp without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.environments OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: environments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.environments_id_seq		      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.environments_id_seq OWNER TO foreman;      <
--							      <
-- Name: environments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.environments_id_seq OWNED BY public.env <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: fo <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.host_classes (			      <
    puppetclass_id integer NOT NULL,			      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    host_puppet_facet_id bigint				      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.host_classes OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.host_classes_id_seq		      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.host_classes_id_seq OWNER TO foreman;      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.host_classes_id_seq OWNED BY public.hos <
--							      <
-- Name: host_config_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Own <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.host_config_groups (		      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    config_group_id integer,				      <
    host_id integer,					      <
    host_type character varying(255),			      <
    created_at timestamp without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.host_config_groups OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_config_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: p <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.host_config_groups_id_seq	      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.host_config_groups_id_seq OWNER TO foreman <
--							      <
-- Name: host_config_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY;  <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.host_config_groups_id_seq OWNED BY publ <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Own <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.host_puppet_facets (		      <
    id bigint NOT NULL,					      <
    host_id bigint,					      <
    environment_id bigint,				      <
    puppet_proxy_id bigint,				      <
    created_at timestamp(6) without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp(6) without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.host_puppet_facets OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: p <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.host_puppet_facets_id_seq	      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.host_puppet_facets_id_seq OWNER TO foreman <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY;  <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.host_puppet_facets_id_seq OWNED BY publ <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owne <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.hostgroup_classes (			      <
    puppetclass_id bigint NOT NULL,			      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    hostgroup_puppet_facet_id bigint			      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.hostgroup_classes OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: pu <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.hostgroup_classes_id_seq		      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.hostgroup_classes_id_seq OWNER TO foreman; <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; S <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.hostgroup_classes_id_seq OWNED BY publi <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets; Type: TABLE; Schema: public <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.hostgroup_puppet_facets (		      <
    id bigint NOT NULL,					      <
    hostgroup_id bigint,				      <
    environment_id bigint,				      <
    puppet_proxy_id bigint,				      <
    created_at timestamp(6) without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp(6) without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.hostgroup_puppet_facets OWNER TO foreman;  <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Sche <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_seq	      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_seq OWNER TO fo <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_seq OWNED BY <
--							      <
-- Name: operatingsystems_puppetclasses; Type: TABLE; Schema: <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.operatingsystems_puppetclasses (	      <
    puppetclass_id integer NOT NULL,			      <
    operatingsystem_id integer NOT NULL			      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.operatingsystems_puppetclasses OWNER TO fo <
--							      <
-- Name: puppetclasses; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: f <
--							      <
CREATE TABLE public.puppetclasses (			      <
    id integer NOT NULL,				      <
    name character varying(255),			      <
    created_at timestamp without time zone,		      <
    updated_at timestamp without time zone		      <
);							      <
ALTER TABLE public.puppetclasses OWNER TO foreman;	      <
--							      <
-- Name: puppetclasses_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public <
--							      <
CREATE SEQUENCE public.puppetclasses_id_seq		      <
    AS integer						      <
    START WITH 1					      <
    INCREMENT BY 1					      <
    NO MINVALUE						      <
    NO MAXVALUE						      <
    CACHE 1;						      <
ALTER TABLE public.puppetclasses_id_seq OWNER TO foreman;     <
--							      <
-- Name: puppetclasses_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schem <
--							      <
ALTER SEQUENCE public.puppetclasses_id_seq OWNED BY public.pu <
--							      <
    updated_at timestamp without time zone,		      |	    updated_at timestamp without time zone
    environment_id integer				      <
-- Name: config_group_classes id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: publ <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.config_group_classes ALTER COLUMN id  <
--							      <
-- Name: config_groups id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Own <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.config_groups ALTER COLUMN id SET DEF <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: publi <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.environment_classes ALTER COLUMN id S <
--							      <
-- Name: environments id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owne <
--							      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owne <
--							      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_config_groups id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_config_groups ALTER COLUMN id SE <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_puppet_facets ALTER COLUMN id SE <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_classes ALTER COLUMN id SET <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: p <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_puppet_facets ALTER COLUMN  <
--							      <
-- Name: puppetclasses id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Own <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.puppetclasses ALTER COLUMN id SET DEF <
--							      <
39	1	ForemanPuppet::Environment	3	\N    <
							      >	39	1	Environment	3	\N	API Admin
-- Data for Name: config_group_classes; Type: TABLE DATA; Sch <
--							      <
COPY public.config_group_classes (id, puppetclass_id, config_ <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: config_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: pu <
--							      <
COPY public.config_groups (id, name, created_at, updated_at)  <
\.							      <
--							      <
							      >	a0fe5556-8833-4db6-8790-11ac5b61ab8a	Dynflow::Coordinator:
a0fe5556-8833-4db6-8790-11ac5b61ab8a	Dynflow::Coordinator: <
-- Data for Name: environment_classes; Type: TABLE DATA; Sche <
--							      <
COPY public.environment_classes (id, puppetclass_id, environm <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: environments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: pub <
--							      <
COPY public.environments (id, name, created_at, updated_at) F <
1	production	2023-11-24 13:22:56.596014	2023- <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: host_classes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: pub <
--							      <
COPY public.host_classes (puppetclass_id, id, host_puppet_fac <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: host_config_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schem <
--							      <
COPY public.host_config_groups (id, config_group_id, host_id, <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: host_puppet_facets; Type: TABLE DATA; Schem <
--							      <
COPY public.host_puppet_facets (id, host_id, environment_id,  <
1	1	1	\N	2023-11-24 13:22:56.632729    <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: hostgroup_classes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema <
--							      <
COPY public.hostgroup_classes (puppetclass_id, id, hostgroup_ <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets; Type: TABLE DATA;  <
--							      <
COPY public.hostgroup_puppet_facets (id, hostgroup_id, enviro <
\.							      <
--							      <
-- Data for Name: operatingsystems_puppetclasses; Type: TABLE <
--							      <
COPY public.operatingsystems_puppetclasses (puppetclass_id, o <
\.							      <
--							      <
142	view_config_groups	ForemanPuppet::ConfigGroup    <
143	create_config_groups	ForemanPuppet::ConfigGroup    <
144	edit_config_groups	ForemanPuppet::ConfigGroup    <
145	destroy_config_groups	ForemanPuppet::ConfigGroup    <
146	view_external_parameters	ForemanPuppet::Puppet <
147	create_external_parameters	ForemanPuppet::Puppet <
148	edit_external_parameters	ForemanPuppet::Puppet <
149	destroy_external_parameters	ForemanPuppet::Puppet <
150	view_environments	ForemanPuppet::Environment    <
151	create_environments	ForemanPuppet::Environment    <
152	edit_environments	ForemanPuppet::Environment    <
153	destroy_environments	ForemanPuppet::Environment    <
154	import_environments	ForemanPuppet::Environment    <
155	view_puppetclasses	ForemanPuppet::Puppetclass    <
156	create_puppetclasses	ForemanPuppet::Puppetclass    <
157	edit_puppetclasses	ForemanPuppet::Puppetclass    <
158	destroy_puppetclasses	ForemanPuppet::Puppetclass    <
159	import_puppetclasses	ForemanPuppet::Puppetclass    <
							      >	146	view_external_parameters	PuppetclassLookupKey
							      >	147	create_external_parameters	PuppetclassLookupKey
							      >	148	edit_external_parameters	PuppetclassLookupKey
							      >	149	destroy_external_parameters	PuppetclassLookupKey
							      >	155	view_puppetclasses	Puppetclass	2023-11-24 13
							      >	156	create_puppetclasses	Puppetclass	2023-11-24 13
							      >	157	edit_puppetclasses	Puppetclass	2023-11-24 13
							      >	158	destroy_puppetclasses	Puppetclass	2023-11-24 13
							      >	159	import_puppetclasses	Puppetclass	2023-11-24 13
							      >	150	view_environments	Environment	2023-11-24 13
							      >	151	create_environments	Environment	2023-11-24 13
							      >	152	edit_environments	Environment	2023-11-24 13
							      >	153	destroy_environments	Environment	2023-11-24 13
							      >	154	import_environments	Environment	2023-11-24 13
							      >	142	view_config_groups	ConfigGroup	2023-11-24 13
							      >	143	create_config_groups	ConfigGroup	2023-11-24 13
							      >	144	edit_config_groups	ConfigGroup	2023-11-24 13
							      >	145	destroy_config_groups	ConfigGroup	2023-11-24 13
-- Data for Name: puppetclasses; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: pu <
--							      <
COPY public.puppetclasses (id, name, created_at, updated_at)  <
\.							      <
--							      <
20090722141107						      <
20090802062223						      <
20090905150132						      <
20101121140000						      <
20110412103238						      <
20110712070522						      <
20120824142048						      <
20120905095532						      <
20121018152459						      <
20140407161817						      <
20140407162007						      <
20140407162059						      <
20161205142618						      <
20170109115157						      <
20180816134832						      <
20180831115634						      <
20181023112532						      <
20181224174419						      <
20200720123005						      <
20200722171017						      <
20200803113531						      <
20200803113803						      <
20200803113903						      <
20201125113903						      <
20210924103241						      <
20211111125003						      <
20211112130803						      <
20220201205305						      <
20220208135305						      <
20220421204325						      <
518	2	1	ForemanPuppet::Environment	      <
519	1	1	ForemanPuppet::Environment	      <
							      >	519	1	1	Environment
							      >	518	2	1	Environment
COPY public.template_combinations (id, provisioning_template_ |	COPY public.template_combinations (id, provisioning_template_
-- Name: config_group_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Sch <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.config_group_classes_id_seq' <
--							      <
-- Name: config_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: pu <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.config_groups_id_seq', 1, fa <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Sche <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.environment_classes_id_seq', <
--							      <
-- Name: environments_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: pub <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.environments_id_seq', 1, tru <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: pub <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.host_classes_id_seq', 1, fal <
--							      <
-- Name: host_config_groups_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schem <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.host_config_groups_id_seq',  <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schem <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.host_puppet_facets_id_seq',  <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.hostgroup_classes_id_seq', 1 <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET;  <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.hostgroup_puppet_facets_id_s <
--							      <
-- Name: puppetclasses_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: pu <
--							      <
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.puppetclasses_id_seq', 1, fa <
--							      <
-- Name: config_group_classes config_group_classes_pkey; Type <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.config_group_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT config_group_classes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) <
--							      <
-- Name: config_groups config_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT;  <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.config_groups			      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT config_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);	      <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes environment_classes_pkey; Type:  <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.environment_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT environment_classes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); <
--							      <
-- Name: environments environments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Sc <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.environments			      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT environments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);	      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes host_classes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Sc <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_classes			      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT host_classes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);	      <
--							      <
-- Name: host_config_groups host_config_groups_pkey; Type: CO <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_config_groups		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT host_config_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);  <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets host_puppet_facets_pkey; Type: CO <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT host_puppet_facets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);  <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes hostgroup_classes_pkey; Type: CONS <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT hostgroup_classes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);   <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets hostgroup_puppet_facets_pkey <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT hostgroup_puppet_facets_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( <
--							      <
-- Name: puppetclasses puppetclasses_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT;  <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.puppetclasses			      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT puppetclasses_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);	      <
--							      <
-- Name: index_env_classes_on_lookup_key_and_class; Type: IND <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_env_classes_on_lookup_key_and_class ON pub <
--							      <
-- Name: index_environment_classes_on_environment_id_and_pupp <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_environment_classes_on_environment_id_and_ <
--							      <
-- Name: index_host_classes_on_host_puppet_facet_id; Type: IN <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_host_classes_on_host_puppet_facet_id ON pu <
--							      <
-- Name: index_host_puppet_facets_on_environment_id; Type: IN <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_host_puppet_facets_on_environment_id ON pu <
--							      <
-- Name: index_host_puppet_facets_on_host_id; Type: INDEX; Sc <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_host_puppet_facets_on_host_id ON public.ho <
--							      <
-- Name: index_host_puppet_facets_on_puppet_proxy_id; Type: I <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_host_puppet_facets_on_puppet_proxy_id ON p <
--							      <
-- Name: index_hostgroup_classes_on_hostgroup_puppet_facet_id <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_hostgroup_classes_on_hostgroup_puppet_face <
--							      <
-- Name: index_hostgroup_classes_on_puppetclass_id; Type: IND <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_hostgroup_classes_on_puppetclass_id ON pub <
--							      <
-- Name: index_hostgroup_puppet_facets_on_environment_id; Typ <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_hostgroup_puppet_facets_on_environment_id  <
--							      <
-- Name: index_hostgroup_puppet_facets_on_hostgroup_id; Type: <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_hostgroup_puppet_facets_on_hostgroup_id ON <
--							      <
-- Name: index_hostgroup_puppet_facets_on_puppet_proxy_id; Ty <
--							      <
CREATE INDEX index_hostgroup_puppet_facets_on_puppet_proxy_id <
--							      <
-- Name: index_puppetclasses_on_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: pu <
--							      <
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_puppetclasses_on_name ON public.pup <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes environment_classes_lookup_key_i <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.environment_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT environment_classes_lookup_key_id_fk FOREI <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets fk_rails_16db508c33; Type: F <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_16db508c33 FOREIGN KEY (puppet_pr <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets fk_rails_2640d30897; Type: FK CON <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_2640d30897 FOREIGN KEY (environme <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes fk_rails_442a5d32e3; Type: FK CONSTRAIN <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_classes			      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_442a5d32e3 FOREIGN KEY (host_pupp <
--							      <
-- Name: template_combinations fk_rails_7c330ecd6e; Type: FK  <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.template_combinations		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_7c330ecd6e FOREIGN KEY (environme <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets fk_rails_95698c0c1f; Type: FK CON <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_95698c0c1f FOREIGN KEY (puppet_pr <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes fk_rails_c784c62b6c; Type: FK CO <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.environment_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_c784c62b6c FOREIGN KEY (puppetcla <
--							      <
-- Name: host_puppet_facets fk_rails_cadab260b9; Type: FK CON <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_cadab260b9 FOREIGN KEY (host_id)  <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets fk_rails_d5e8be6d61; Type: F <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_d5e8be6d61 FOREIGN KEY (environme <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes fk_rails_dcf43436dc; Type: FK CONS <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_dcf43436dc FOREIGN KEY (hostgroup <
--							      <
-- Name: environment_classes fk_rails_e85d3a865e; Type: FK CO <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.environment_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_e85d3a865e FOREIGN KEY (environme <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_classes fk_rails_f25fcd3d47; Type: FK CONS <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_classes		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_f25fcd3d47 FOREIGN KEY (puppetcla <
--							      <
-- Name: hostgroup_puppet_facets fk_rails_f4182c97c4; Type: F <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.hostgroup_puppet_facets		      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_f4182c97c4 FOREIGN KEY (hostgroup <
--							      <
-- Name: host_classes host_classes_puppetclass_id_fk; Type: F <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.host_classes			      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT host_classes_puppetclass_id_fk FOREIGN KEY <
--							      <
--							      <
-- Name: operatingsystems_puppetclasses operatingsystems_pupp <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.operatingsystems_puppetclasses	      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT operatingsystems_puppetclasses_operatingsy <
--							      <
-- Name: operatingsystems_puppetclasses operatingsystems_pupp <
--							      <
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.operatingsystems_puppetclasses	      <
    ADD CONSTRAINT operatingsystems_puppetclasses_puppetclass <

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