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Created November 24, 2023 10:11
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Properly cleanup broken DB after puppet purge and then re-enable puppet
First step,
--> Cascade delete two offending tables
--> and delete these migrations i.e. 20090905150132 20101121140000 20201125113903 20200803113803 20200722171017 20200803113531 20200803113903 20211111125003 from schema_migration tables
Command to do both at once:
# cat << EOF |foreman-rake console
User.current = User.anonymous_admin
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table(:hostgroup_puppet_facets, if_exists: true, force: :cascade)
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table(:host_puppet_facets, if_exists: true, force: :cascade)
ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.where(version: %w[20090905150132 20101121140000 20201125113903 20200803113803 20200722171017 20200803113531 20200803113903 20211111125003]).delete_all
Verify any tables with "puppet" string are not present:
# echo "\dt" | su - postgres -c "psql foreman" | grep puppet
Now, try enabling puppet back. Example commands:
# satellite-installer --enable-foreman-cli-puppet --enable-foreman-plugin-puppet --enable-puppet --foreman-proxy-puppet true --foreman-proxy-puppetca true --puppet-server true
# satellite-installer --enable-foreman-plugin-puppet --enable-foreman-cli-puppet --foreman-proxy-puppet true --foreman-proxy-puppetca true --foreman-proxy-content-puppet true --enable-puppet --puppet-server true --puppet-server-foreman-ssl-ca /etc/pki/katello/puppet/puppet_client_ca.crt --puppet-server-foreman-ssl-cert /etc/pki/katello/puppet/puppet_client.crt --puppet-server-foreman-ssl-key /etc/pki/katello/puppet/puppet_client.key
If successful, Unset the puppet_proxy and puppet_ca_proxy from all hosts and hostgroups.
cat << EOF | foreman-rake console
User.current = User.anonymous_admin
::Hostgroup.update_all(puppet_proxy_id: nil) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.column_exists?(:hostgroups, :puppet_proxy_id)
::Hostgroup.update_all(puppet_ca_proxy_id: nil) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.column_exists?(:hostgroups, :puppet_ca_proxy_id)
Host::Managed.update_all(puppet_proxy_id: nil) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.column_exists?(:hosts, :puppet_proxy_id)
Host::Managed.update_all(puppet_ca_proxy_id: nil) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.column_exists?(:hosts, :puppet_ca_proxy_id)
If no issues or errors, Restart the services
# satellite-maintain service restart
And verify that puppet related features are visible for satellite's own smart-proxy\capsule i.e.
# hammer capsule info --id 1
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