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Last active December 31, 2015 03:08
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  • Save sayanee/7925124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sayanee/7925124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1. download [chrome]( and login to my account - change downloads to Desktop path
1. app store apps - LimeChat, Sketch, Codebox, LiveReload, Mindful Myna, XCode, Dash, Evernote, Skitch, Pomodoro
1. xcode command line tools
1. sublime text 3 - link with [subl](, install [package control](, syntax highlighting, sidebar enchancement, preferences, key bindings
1. [iTerm2](, Pref > Text> Monaco 18, Pointer > Focus follow mouse
1. [iTerm2To](, [Solarized theme](
1. oh my zsh
1. System Pref - Dock to the left and hide, install hot corners
1. [Shiftitapp](
1. [AlfredApp]
1. caffeine
1. app cleaner
1. enable full path view
1. show path bar in finder
1. finder preferences
1. show all hidden files and folder (dotfiles)
1. open in iterm and sublime text
1. install Mou App
1. remap capslock to control
1. install brew
1. install rvm, rvm requirements
1. rvm install ruby
1. brew install git
1. [setup git and github](
1. adding ssh keys to github
1. brew install gem
1. install Tower
1. brew install tree, terminal-notifier, autojump
1. install nvm, node, npm, npm install -g grunt, npm install -g grunt-cli, npm install -g bower
1. install tmux
1. brew install wget
1. alfredapp
1. sublime text setting
1. iterm2 settings
1. finder view settings
1. hot corners and dock
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