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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Save sayedihashimi/d6a72c096a55b1d60ebb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script which can be used to optimize images. All you need to do is download the script and call it. The script will download the files it needs to run.
function OptimizeImages{
$force = $false,
$customTemp = "$env:LocalAppData\CustomPublish\",
$imgOptUrl = ''
if(!(Test-Path $customTemp)){New-Item $customTemp -ItemType Directory}
$imgOptPath = (Join-Path $customTemp 'optimize-images.ps1')
if(!(Test-Path $imgOptPath)){
# download the file
'Downloading optimize-images.ps1' | Write-Verbose
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($imgOptUrl, $imgOptPath)
&$imgOptPath $folder $force
$customTemp = "$env:LocalAppData\CustomPublish\"
$imgOptPath = Join-Path $customTemp 'optimize-images.ps1'
$imgOptUrl = ''
$folderToOptimize = ($pwd),
$force = $false,
$toolsDir = ("$env:LOCALAPPDATA\LigerShark\tools\"),
$nugetDownloadUrl = ''
If nuget is in the tools
folder then it will be downloaded there.
function Get-Nuget(){
$toolsDir = ("$env:LOCALAPPDATA\LigerShark\tools\"),
$nugetDownloadUrl = ''
$nugetDestPath = Join-Path -Path $toolsDir -ChildPath nuget.exe
if(!(Test-Path $nugetDestPath)){
'Downloading nuget.exe' | Write-Verbose
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($nugetDownloadUrl, $nugetDestPath)
# double check that is was written to disk
if(!(Test-Path $nugetDestPath)){
throw 'unable to download nuget'
# return the path of the file
If the image optimizer in the .ools
folder then it will be downloaded there.
function GetImageOptimizer(){
$toolsDir = ("$env:LOCALAPPDATA\LigerShark\tools\"),
$nugetDownloadUrl = ''
if(!(Test-Path $toolsDir)){
New-Item $toolsDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$imgOptimizer = (Get-ChildItem -Path $toolsDir -Include 'ImageCompressor.Job.exe' -Recurse)
'Downloading image optimizer to the .tools folder' | Write-Verbose
# nuget install AzureImageOptimizer -Prerelease -OutputDirectory C:\temp\nuget\out\
$cmdArgs = @('install','AzureImageOptimizer','-Prerelease','-OutputDirectory',(Resolve-Path $toolsDir).ToString())
'Calling nuget to install image optimzer with the following args. [{0}]' -f ($cmdArgs -join ' ') | Write-Verbose
&(Get-Nuget -toolsDir $toolsDir -nugetDownloadUrl $nugetDownloadUrl) $cmdArgs | Out-Null
$imgOptimizer = Get-ChildItem -Path $toolsDir -Include 'ImageCompressor.Job.exe' -Recurse | select -first 1
if(!$imgOptimizer){ throw 'Image optimizer not found' }
function OptimizeImages(){
$toolsDir = ("$env:LOCALAPPDATA\LigerShark\tools\"),
$nugetDownloadUrl = ''
[string]$imgOptExe = (GetImageOptimizer -toolsDir $toolsDir -nugetDownloadUrl $nugetDownloadUrl)
[string]$folderToOptimize = (Resolve-path $dir)
'Starting image optimizer on folder [{0}]' -f $dir | Write-Output
# .\.tools\AzureImageOptimizer.0.0.10-beta\tools\ImageCompressor.Job.exe --dir M:\temp\images\opt\to-optimize
$cmdArgs = @('--dir', ('{0}\' -f (get-item $folderToOptimize).FullName))
$cmdArgs += '--force'
'Calling img optimizer with the following args [{0} {1}]' -f $imgOptExe, ($cmdArgs -join ' ') | Write-Output
&$imgOptExe $cmdArgs
'Images optimized' | Write-Output
OptimizeImages -dir $folderToOptimize -toolsDir $toolsDir -nugetDownloadUrl $nugetDownloadUrl
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