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Last active July 31, 2023 11:22
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  • Save sayedulsayem/8ca1bd3a304f1425149012854ba45ea8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sayedulsayem/8ca1bd3a304f1425149012854ba45ea8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Useful git command
Show git log
git log
Add and commit at a time
git commit -am "Commit Name"
Add existing directory to an origin
git remote add origin http//........
list all remote branches
git branch -a
list all local branches
git branch -l
git branch
Creates a new branch.
git branch branch-name
Delete branch
git branch -d branch-name
Delete remote branch
git push origin --delete branch-name
Creates a new branch and also switches to it.
git checkout -b [branch name]
This command shows the differences between the two commit.
git diff one-commit-ID two-commit-ID
This command deletes the file from your working directory and stages the deletion.
git rm [file]
This command delete all data which is not commited
git checkout -f
Delete the last commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1
Delete specific commit
git reset --hard <sha1-commit-id>
if you want to change remote URL
git remote set-url origin git@hostname:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git
Create git tag
git tag <tag_name>
Create git tag with message
git tag -a <tag_name> -m "message"
To see local git tag list
git tag
To see local git tag list with message
git tag -n
Switch to git tag
git tag <tag_name>
Push created git tags
git push --tags
Create git tag for commit
git tag <tag_name> <commit_sha>
Create Tag For Last Commit
git tag <tag_name> HEAD

(for the last commit)

git tag <tag_name> HEAD~1 

(for the commit before HEAD)

In order to checkout a Git tag
git checkout tags/<tag_name> -b <branch_name>
To fetch tags from your remote repository
git fetch --all --tags
To update local repository by fetching the remote tags available.
git fetch --tags
Delete a local Git tag
git tag -d <tag_name>
Delete a remote Git tag
git push --delete origin tagname
Merge steps
git push origin source-code
git checkout dev
git pull origin dev
git merge source-code

fixing merge conflict

git commit -am "something"
git push origin dev
Git staging
git stash

(Remonve all un-commit data)

git stash pop

(Get Stash data)

git stash clear

(Remonve all Stash data)

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