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Forked from acauamontiel/mixins.styl
Created May 5, 2018 12:28
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Useful mixins for Stylus
* Clearfix
content ' '
display table
clear both
* Font Face Mixin
* Usage:
* font-face('FamilyName', 'FileName'[, 'weight'])
font-face($family, $file, $weight = 'normal')
$font-url = '../font/'
font-family $family
font-weight $weight
font-style normal
src url($font-url + $file + '.eot')
src url($font-url + $file + '.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url($font-url + $file + '.woff') format('woff'), url($font-url + $file + '.woff2') format('woff2'), url($font-url + $file + '.ttf') format('truetype'), url($font-url + $file + '.svg#' + $file) format('svg')
* Font-size fallback
if typeof(value) is 'unit' and unit(value) is ''
font-size unit(value, 'px')
font-size rem(value)
font-size value
* Position mixin
* Mixin to enable the "center" value in "position" CSS property
* Browser support: IE 9.0+, Chrome 1.0+, Firefox 3.5+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 3.1+
if arguments is center
position absolute
top 50%
left 50%
transform translate(-50%, -50%)
position arguments
* Convert PX to REM
return unit(u/16, 'rem')
* Size mixin
size($width, $height = $width)
width $width
height $height
min-size($width, $height = $width)
min-width $width
min-height $height
max-size($width, $height = $width)
max-width $width
max-height $height
* Parent selector
* Placeholder
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