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Last active June 16, 2023 17:55
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Determine BigQuery Storage Costs Across an Organization for Both Compressed (Physical) and Uncompressed (Logical) Storage
* This query will run across an entire organization looking at tables across every project
* and shows how they will compare on compressed and uncompressed storage.
* Region Notes:
* This query will only read from a single region or multi-region at a time. It's
* currently not possible to read this data from across all
* By default this reads from the US multi-region, so this might need to be changed if
* your data lives elsewhere.
* IAM Notes:
* This query will be reading multiple projects' and datasets' INFORMATION_SCHEMA views
* across the organization (see below notes) so you will need to have global BigQuery
* data read or admin rights across the entire organization for this to run successfully.
* First and foremost if you have a large organization with many projects and datasets then
* this query may take a long time to run. Along those same lines if you are running on-demand
* this may scan a LOT of data and cost quite a bit of money without a way to calculate the cost
* (more on the why below). So I recommend to NOT run this on a larger organization with an
* on-demand project. On the inverse if you have a small flat-rate or Editions reservation then
* this query may take a while to run or be very slot intensive, so flex slots (if available)
* are a good idea to scale up before running this and then scale down after completion.
* If running Editions then I would HIGHLY recommend setting a max on the autoscaler as this
* query is almost guaranteed to cause the autoscaler to scale up crazily for a time.
* Note that currently BigQuery does not have a "TABLES_BY_ORGANIZATION" view in the
* INFORMATION_SCHEMA so getting the "real" (read as non-temporary, non-result, and non-external)
* table metadata requires reading the TABLES view in each individual project. Due to this
* the below query has to use dynamic queries in order to read this data as this is the
* only way to do this until Google implements a method to read all tables across the
* entire organization.
* This means that queries are dynamically generated by the SQL code and then run against
* every project in the organization. This will mean that there is not a way to estimate the
* bytes processed by this query and also gives the risk of generated code being ran. Due to
* this I HIGHLY recommend reading the below code before running this so you can understand
* what is being run against your datasets and to know this code is safe. This also means that
* the BigQuery Autoscaler (if used) will not be able to predict the execution of this query
* very well and will scale up to the max slot values till it figures itself out.
* While I highly am against using dynamically generated code inside of SQL as well as using
* loops, in this case there was unfortunately not another way I could come up with to do this.
* So I took some liberties on this code I wouldn't usually do which is why it is HIGHLY
* imperative to read this code before executing it so you know exactly what it's doing as
* it's not something most SQL coders would do on a regular basis.
* Output Notes:
* This will spit out quite a few result sets. The only one that will be used is the very
* last result set. It will start with: "SELECT tsbo.project_id, table_schema AS dataset_id"
* Just hit "View Results" in the BQ UI on it to see your results.
-- Note this
DECLARE union_query STRING DEFAULT "SELECT project_id, dataset_id, table_name FROM (";
DECLARE external_table_query DEFAULT "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tables AS (";
-- This builds a table of queries, as a string, querying every single project mentioned in storage_by_organization
-- Must use a temporary table here as CTEs cannot be used with for loops apparently
SELECT CONCAT("SELECT table_catalog AS project_id, table_schema AS dataset_id, table_name FROM `",
STRING_AGG(CONCAT("'", TABLE_NAME, "'")), ')') AS query
WHERE table_type <> 'EXTERNAL' AND deleted = FALSE
--SELECT * FROM queries;
-- Run over every query built above building up a "UNION ALL" statement for them
FOR query_string IN (SELECT query FROM queries)
-- If not the first query then add UNION ALL onto the query
IF counter > 0 THEN
SET union_query = (SELECT CONCAT(union_query, " UNION ALL ", query_string.query));
SET union_query = (SELECT CONCAT(union_query, query_string.query));
-- Increment the counter
SET counter = counter + 1;
-- Add the closing ) characters
SET union_query = (SELECT CONCAT(union_query, "))"));
-- Creates a tempoary table with all "real" tables in it from datasets
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CONCAT(external_table_query, union_query);
* At this point there is a list of all non-temporary, non-external, and non-result tables
* that will be joined against the storage_by_organization view for the final list of tables,
* sizes, and prices.
* This is the final result query to grab results from.
table_schema AS dataset_id,
-- Uncompressed bytes
total_logical_bytes AS total_uncompressed_bytes,
total_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS total_logical_gibytes,
total_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS total_logical_tibytes,
active_logical_bytes AS active_uncompressed_bytes,
active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS active_uncompressed_gibytes,
active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS active_uncompressed_tibytes,
long_term_logical_bytes AS long_term_uncompressed_bytes,
long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS long_term_uncompressed_gibytes,
long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS long_term_uncompressed_tibytes,
-- Compressed bytes
total_physical_bytes AS total_compressed_bytes,
total_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS total_compressed_gibytes,
total_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS total_compressed_tibytes,
-- Compression ratios
SAFE_DIVIDE(total_logical_bytes, total_physical_bytes) AS total_compression_ratio, -- Defined as uncompressed size/compressed size
SAFE_DIVIDE(long_term_logical_bytes, long_term_physical_bytes) AS long_term_compression_ratio,
SAFE_DIVIDE(active_logical_bytes, active_physical_bytes) AS active_compression_ratio,
-- Pricing
ROUND(((active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.02) +
((long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.01), 2) AS total_uncompressed_price,
ROUND(((active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.02), 2) AS active_uncompressed_price,
ROUND(((long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.01), 2) AS long_term_uncompressed_price,
ROUND((((active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes)/POW(1024, 3))*0.04) +
((long_term_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.02), 2) AS total_compressed_price,
ROUND((((active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes)/POW(1024, 3))*0.04), 2) AS active_compressed_price,
ROUND((long_term_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.02, 2) AS long_term_compressed_price,
ROUND((time_travel_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.04, 2) AS time_travel_compressed_price,
ROUND((fail_safe_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*0.04, 2) AS fail_safe_compressed_price
tables AS t ON
t.project_id = tsbo.project_id AND
t.dataset_id = tsbo.table_schema AND
t.table_name = tsbo.table_name;
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