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Last active June 25, 2018 23:10
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const adjectives = [ 'able', 'absolute', 'acceptable', 'acclaimed', 'accomplished', 'accurate', 'aching', 'acrobatic', 'adorable', 'adventurous', 'basic', 'belated', 'beloved', 'calm', 'candid', 'capital', 'carefree', 'caring', 'cautious', 'celebrated', 'charming', 'daring', 'darling', 'dearest', 'each', 'eager', 'early', 'earnest', 'easy', 'easygoing', 'ecstatic', 'edible', 'fabulous', 'fair', 'faithful', 'familiar', 'famous', 'fancy', 'fantastic', 'far', 'generous', 'gentle', 'genuine', 'giant', 'handmade', 'handsome', 'handy', 'happy', 'icy', 'ideal', 'identical', 'keen', 'lasting', 'lavish', 'magnificent', 'majestic', 'mammoth', 'marvelous', 'natural', 'obedient', 'palatable', 'parched', 'passionate', 'pastel', 'peaceful', 'perfect', 'perfumed', 'quaint', 'qualified', 'radiant', 'rapid', 'rare', 'safe', 'sandy', 'satisfied', 'scaly', 'scarce', 'scared', 'scary', 'scented', 'scientific', 'secret', 'sentimental', 'talkative', 'tangible', 'tart', 'tasty', 'tattered', 'teeming', 'ultimate', 'uncommon', 'unconscious', 'understated', 'warm', 'active', 'adept', 'admirable', 'admired', 'adorable', 'adored', 'advanced', 'affectionate', 'beneficial', 'best', 'better', 'big', 'cheerful', 'cheery', 'chief', 'chilly', 'classic', 'clean', 'clear', 'clever', 'decent', 'decisive', 'deep', 'defiant', 'definitive', 'delectable', 'delicious', 'elaborate', 'elastic', 'elated', 'elegant', 'elementary', 'elliptical', 'fast', 'favorable', 'favorite', 'fearless', 'gifted', 'glamorous', 'gleaming', 'glittering', 'harmonious', 'imaginative', 'immense', 'jealous', 'kind', 'leafy', 'legal', 'mature', 'mean', 'meaty', 'nautical', 'neat', 'necessary', 'needy', 'oddball', 'offbeat', 'periodic', 'perky', 'personal', 'pertinent', 'petty', 'quarterly', 'ready', 'real', 'realistic', 'reasonable', 'regal', 'serene', 'shabby', 'sharp', 'shiny', 'showy', 'shy', 'silky', 'tempting', 'tense', 'terrific', 'testy', 'thankful', 'uniform', 'unique', 'vast', 'weary', 'wee', 'welcome', 'agile', 'alarmed', 'alert', 'alive', 'bleak', 'blissful', 'blushing', 'coarse', 'colorful', 'colossal', 'comfortable', 'compassionate', 'complete', 'delightful', 'dense', 'dependable', 'dependent', 'descriptive', 'detailed', 'determined', 'devoted', 'different', 'eminent', 'emotional', 'enchanted', 'enchanting', 'energetic', 'enormous', 'fine', 'finished', 'firm', 'firsthand', 'fixed', 'flashy', 'flawless', 'glorious', 'glossy', 'golden', 'good', 'gorgeous', 'graceful', 'healthy', 'heartfelt', 'hearty', 'helpful', 'impartial', 'impressive', 'jolly', 'jovial', 'lighthearted', 'likable', 'lined', 'mellow', 'melodic', 'memorable', 'mild', 'new', 'opulent', 'playful', 'pleasant', 'pleasing', 'plump', 'plush', 'polished', 'polite', 'reliable', 'relieved', 'remarkable', 'remote', 'respectful', 'responsible', 'simple', 'simplistic', 'sizzling', 'sleepy', 'slight', 'slim', 'smart', 'smooth', 'snappy', 'snoopy', 'thirsty', 'this', 'thorough', 'those', 'thoughtful', 'united', 'vibrant', 'vicious', 'wellmade', 'whimsical', 'whirlwind', 'zesty', 'amazing', 'ambitious', 'ample', 'amused', 'amusing', 'ancient', 'angelic', 'antique', 'bold', 'bossy', 'both', 'bouncy', 'bountiful', 'complex', 'conscious', 'considerate', 'constant', 'content', 'conventional', 'cooked', 'cool', 'cooperative', 'diligent', 'dimwitted', 'direct', 'discrete', 'envious', 'essential', 'ethical', 'euphoric', 'flippant', 'fluffy', 'fluid', 'flustered', 'focused', 'fond', 'gracious', 'grand', 'grandiose', 'granular', 'grateful', 'grave', 'great', 'hidden', 'high', 'hilarious', 'homely', 'incomparable', 'incredible', 'infamous', 'joyful', 'lively', 'loathsome', 'lonely', 'long', 'milky', 'mindless', 'miniature', 'minor', 'misty', 'next', 'nice', 'nifty', 'nimble', 'orderly', 'organic', 'ornate', 'popular', 'posh', 'positive', 'potable', 'powerful', 'powerless', 'precious', 'present', 'prestigious', 'quick', 'rewarding', 'rich', 'right', 'sociable', 'soft', 'solid', 'some', 'sophisticated', 'soulful', 'sparkling', 'spectacular', 'speedy', 'spicy', 'spiffy', 'spirited', 'spiteful', 'splendid', 'spotless', 'spry', 'thrifty', 'tidy', 'tight', 'timely', 'tinted', 'unruly', 'untimely', 'violet', 'wicked', 'wide', 'wild', 'willing', 'winding', 'windy', 'zigzag', 'apprehensive', 'appropriate', 'artistic', 'assured', 'astonishing', 'bright', 'brilliant', 'bronze', 'coordinated', 'courageous', 'courteous', 'crafty', 'crazy', 'creamy', 'creative', 'crisp', 'distant', 'distinct', 'downright', 'evergreen', 'everlasting', 'every', 'evil', 'excellent', 'excitable', 'exemplary', 'exhausted', 'forthright', 'fortunate', 'fragrant', 'frank', 'free', 'frequent', 'fresh', 'friendly', 'frightened', 'frigid', 'gripping', 'grounded', 'honest', 'honorable', 'honored', 'hopeful', 'hospitable', 'hot', 'huge', 'infatuated', 'infinite', 'informal', 'insistent', 'instructive', 'juicy', 'jumbo', 'knowing', 'knowledgeable', 'longterm', 'loud', 'lovable', 'loving', 'modern', 'modest', 'moist', 'monumental', 'normal', 'notable', 'outgoing', 'precious', 'pretty', 'prickly', 'primary', 'pristine', 'private', 'prize', 'productive', 'profitable', 'quiet', 'quintessential', 'roasted', 'robust', 'square', 'squiggly', 'stable', 'staid', 'starry', 'steel', 'stimulating', 'striking', 'striped', 'strong', 'studious', 'stunning', 'tough', 'trained', 'treasured', 'tremendous', 'triangular', 'tricky', 'unused', 'unusual', 'upbeat', 'virtual', 'witty', 'wonderful', 'wooden', 'worldly', 'youthful', 'attached', 'attentive', 'attractive', 'austere', 'authentic', 'automatic', 'aware', 'awesome', 'bubbly', 'bustling', 'busy', 'buttery', 'cuddly', 'cultured', 'curly', 'curvy', 'cute', 'cylindrical', 'downright', 'dramatic', 'excited', 'exciting', 'exotic', 'experienced', 'expert', 'frosty', 'fruitful', 'full', 'fumbling', 'funny', 'fussy', 'growing', 'grown', 'gummy', 'humble', 'humongous', 'hungry', 'intelligent', 'interesting', 'known', 'kooky', 'kosher', 'loyal', 'lucky', 'luminous', 'lustrous', 'luxurious', 'multicolored', 'mysterious', 'noteworthy', 'numb', 'nutritious', 'outstanding', 'overjoyed', 'proper', 'proud', 'prudent', 'punctual', 'puny', 'pure', 'puzzled', 'puzzling', 'quirky', 'stupendous', 'sturdy', 'stylish', 'subdued', 'subtle', 'sunny', 'super', 'superb', 'supportive', 'surprised', 'sweet', 'swift', 'sympathetic', 'trivial', 'trusting', 'trustworthy', 'trusty', 'truthful', 'twin', 'usable', 'used', 'useful', 'utilized', 'vital', 'vivid', 'worried', 'worthwhile', 'worthy', 'writhing', 'wry', 'yummy', 'chocolate', 'crimson', 'cyan', 'fuchsia', 'gold', 'honeydew', 'lime', 'linen', 'magenta', 'olive', 'peru', 'salmon', 'seashell', 'sienna', 'snow', 'thistle', 'tomato', 'transparent', 'turquoise', 'violet' ];
const nouns = [ 'space', 'land', 'world', 'universe', 'plane', 'room', 'nation', 'plaza', 'gathering', 'meetup', 'get together', 'conclave', 'party', 'powwow', 'domain', 'dominion', 'realm', 'square', 'commons', 'park', 'cosmos', 'sphere', 'terrain', 'spot', 'zone', 'area', 'tract', 'turf', 'place', 'territory', 'volume', 'camp', 'picnic', 'outing', 'vacation', 'adventure', 'exploration', 'outing', 'walkabout', 'safari', 'venture', 'roundtable', 'barbecue', 'celebration', 'festivity', 'gala', 'shindig', 'social', 'convention', 'assembly', 'congregation', 'rendezvous', 'huddle', 'meet', 'soiree' ];
function generateHubName() {
const randItem = set => {
const s = set[Math.floor(Math.random() * set.length)];
return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
return `
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