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Created June 18, 2019 23:51
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#nowarn "9"
namespace Sayuri.IO.Compression
open System.IO.Compression
open System.Reflection
type ZLibOption = {
CompressionLevel : int // -1, 0 .. 9
WindowBits : int // (8), 9 .. 15
MemLevel : int // 1 .. 9
CompressionStrategy : int // 0, 1 .. 4
static member Default = { CompressionLevel = -1; WindowBits = 15; MemLevel = 8; CompressionStrategy = 0 }
module ZLib =
let private zlibNative = typeof<DeflateStream>.Assembly.GetType "System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative"
let private compressionLevel = zlibNative.GetNestedType "CompressionLevel"
let private compressionStrategy = zlibNative.GetNestedType "CompressionStrategy"
let private zlibStreamHandle = zlibNative.GetNestedType "ZLibStreamHandle"
let private nextIn = zlibStreamHandle.GetProperty "NextIn"
let private availIn = zlibStreamHandle.GetProperty "AvailIn"
let private totalIn = zlibStreamHandle.GetProperty "TotalIn"
let private nextOut = zlibStreamHandle.GetProperty "NextOut"
let private availOut = zlibStreamHandle.GetProperty "AvailOut"
let private totalOut = zlibStreamHandle.GetProperty "TotalOut"
let private deflate = zlibStreamHandle.GetMethod "Deflate"
let private inflate = zlibStreamHandle.GetMethod "Inflate"
let private createZLibStreamForDeflate = zlibNative.GetMethod("CreateZLibStreamForDeflate", [| zlibStreamHandle.MakeByRefType(); compressionLevel; typeof<int>; typeof<int>; compressionStrategy |])
let private createZLibStreamForInflate = zlibNative.GetMethod("CreateZLibStreamForInflate", [| zlibStreamHandle.MakeByRefType(); typeof<int>; |])
let private NoFlush = 0
let private Finish = 4
let private Ok = 0
let private StreamEnd = 1
let inline private invoke (methodInfo : MethodInfo) flush handle (inBuffer : byte[]) (outBuffer : byte[]) =
use handle = unbox handle
use inPtr = fixed inBuffer
use outPtr = fixed outBuffer
nextIn.SetValue(handle, inPtr)
availIn.SetValue(handle, uint32 inBuffer.Length)
nextOut.SetValue(handle, outPtr)
availOut.SetValue(handle, uint32 outBuffer.Length)
let result = downcast methodInfo.Invoke(handle, [| flush |])
if result <> StreamEnd then failwithf "%s failed: %d." methodInfo.Name result
totalOut.GetValue handle :?> uint32
let compressWithOption { CompressionLevel = compressionLevel; WindowBits = windowBits; MemLevel = memLevel; CompressionStrategy = compressionStrategy } (inBuffer : _[]) =
let args = [| null; compressionLevel; windowBits; memLevel; compressionStrategy |] : obj[]
let result = downcast createZLibStreamForDeflate.Invoke(null, args)
if result <> Ok then failwithf "CreateZLibStreamForDeflate failed: %d." result
let outBuffer = Array.zeroCreate (inBuffer.Length + inBuffer.Length / 10)
let totalOut = invoke deflate Finish args.[0] inBuffer outBuffer
outBuffer.[.. int totalOut - 1]
[<CompiledName "Compress">]
let compress inBuffer =
compressWithOption ZLibOption.Default inBuffer
[<CompiledName "Uncompress">]
let uncompress inBuffer outBuffer =
let args = [| null; 15 |] : obj[]
let result = downcast createZLibStreamForInflate.Invoke(null, args)
if result <> Ok then failwithf "CreateZLibStreamForInflate failed: %d." result
let totalOut = invoke inflate NoFlush args.[0] inBuffer outBuffer
if totalOut <> uint32 outBuffer.Length then failwithf "Inflate invalid length: %d." totalOut
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