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Last active December 16, 2015 04:19
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  • Save sayurin/5376305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sayurin/5376305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
POptiPNG; Parallel OptiPNG, it invoke OptiPNG with parallel and manage processes.
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
open System.Reflection
open System.Threading
let count = Environment.ProcessorCount
let optipng = "\"" + Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), "optipng") + "\""
let prefix = "-silent -o5 "
let cmdLen = 32768 - 1(* \0 *) - String.length optipng - 1(* SP *) - String.length prefix
let split count seq =
let arr = [| for i in 1..count -> new ResizeArray<_>() |]
seq |> Seq.iteri (fun i v -> arr.[i % count].Add(v))
arr |> (fun list -> list.ToArray())
let makeProcess dir files =
let len = Array.length files - 1
let rec makeArguments len =
let result = String.concat " " files.[0..len]
if String.length result < cmdLen then
result, files.[len + 1..]
makeArguments (len - 1)
let arg, rest = makeArguments len
let si = new ProcessStartInfo(optipng, prefix + arg, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, WorkingDirectory = dir)
let p = new Process(StartInfo = si)
p, rest
let rec makeProcesses dir (files : seq<_>) =
let processes, rest = files |> split count
|> (makeProcess dir)
|> Array.unzip
match Array.concat rest with
| [||] -> processes
| rest -> makeProcesses dir rest |> Array.append processes
let getFiles dir =
(new DirectoryInfo(dir)).EnumerateFiles("*.png") |> Seq.sortBy (fun f -> -f.Length)
|> (fun f -> f.Name)
let main argv =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
let processes = argv |> (fun dir -> getFiles dir |> makeProcesses dir)
|> Array.concat
Console.CancelKeyPress.Add(fun _ -> processes |> Seq.iter (fun p -> try p.Kill() with _ -> ()))
use complete = new CountdownEvent(Array.length processes)
use semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(count)
processes |> Seq.iter (fun p -> semaphore.Wait()
p.Exited.Add(fun _ -> semaphore.Release() |> ignore
complete.Signal() |> ignore)
p.EnableRaisingEvents <- true
p.Start() |> ignore)
printfn "time: %d" (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000L)
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