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Created August 9, 2013 23:23
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とりあえずGIFの情報をダンプするだけ。 情報の整合性はチェックしてません。 Extensionsは最低限しか実装してないからまだ不足がある。
open System
open System.IO
let dumpGif (bytes : byte[]) =
let i = ref 0
let byte () =
let byte = bytes.[!i]
incr i
int byte
let uint16 () =
let uint16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, !i)
i := !i + 2
int uint16
let string n =
let string = char bytes.[!i + 0 .. !i + n - 1]
i := !i + n
String string
let skipColorTable size =
let colors = 1 <<< size + 1
printfn " Color Table, colors: %d" colors
(* for j in 0 .. colors - 1 do
printfn "R %02X, G %02X, B %02X" bytes.[i + 3 * j + 0] bytes.[i + 3 * j + 1] bytes.[i + 3 * j + 2] *)
i := !i + 3 * colors
let extensions () =
let label = byte ()
let size = byte ()
match label with
| 0xF9 -> printfn "Graphic Control Extension"
if size <> 4 then
printfn " size miss-match: %d, skip it." size
i := !i + size
let packedFields = byte ()
let disposalMethod = packedFields >>> 2
let userInput = packedFields &&& 0x02 <> 0
let transparentColor = packedFields &&& 0x01 <> 0
let delayTime = uint16 () * 10
let transparentColorIndex = byte ()
printfn " Disposal Method: %d, User Input: %b, Transparent Color: %b" disposalMethod userInput transparentColor
printfn " Delay Time: %dms, Transparent Color Index: %d" delayTime transparentColorIndex
| 0xFF -> printfn "Application Extension"
if size <> 11 then
printfn " size miss-match: %d, skip it." size
i := !i + size
let size = byte ()
printfn " Application Data: size: %d" size
i := !i + size
let applicationIdentifier = string 8
let authenticationCode = [| byte (); byte (); byte () |]
printfn " Application Identifier: %s, Authentication Code: %02X-%02X-%02X" applicationIdentifier
authenticationCode.[0] authenticationCode.[1] authenticationCode.[2]
let size = byte ()
match applicationIdentifier, authenticationCode, size with
| "NETSCAPE", [| 0x32; 0x2E; 0x30 |], 3 ->
let id = byte ()
let loopCount = uint16 ()
printfn " Sub-block ID: %d, Loop Count: %d" id loopCount
| _, _, _ ->
printfn " Application Data: size: %d" size
i := !i + size
| _ -> printfn "Unknown Block, size %d, skip it" size
i := !i + size
if byte () <> 0 then failwith "Block Terminator not zero."
let image () =
printfn "Image Descriptor"
let left = uint16 ()
let top = uint16 ()
let width = uint16 ()
let height = uint16 ()
let packedFields = byte ()
let localColorTable = packedFields &&& 0x80 <> 0
let interlace = packedFields &&& 0x40 <> 0
let sort = packedFields &&& 0x20 <> 0
let sizeOfLocalColorTable = packedFields &&& 0x07
printfn " Left: %d, Top: %d, Width: %d, Height: %d, Local Color Table: %b" left top width height localColorTable
printfn " Interlace: %b, Sort: %b, Size of Local Color Table: %d" interlace sort sizeOfLocalColorTable
if localColorTable then
skipColorTable sizeOfLocalColorTable
let lzwMinimumCodeSize = byte ()
printfn " LZW Minimum Code Size: %d" lzwMinimumCodeSize
let rec loop (count, size) =
let b = byte ()
if b = 0 then count, size else
i := !i + b
loop (count+1, size+b)
let count, size = loop (0, 0)
printfn " block count: %d, size: %d" count size
printfn "Header"
match string 3 with
| "GIF" -> printf " GIF"
| _ -> failwith "Signature"
match string 3 with
| "87a" -> printfn " 87a"
| "89a" -> printfn " 89a"
| _ -> failwith "Version"
printfn "Logical Screen Descriptor"
let logicalScreenWidth = uint16 ()
let logicalScreenHeight = uint16 ()
let packedFields = byte ()
let globalColorTable = packedFields &&& 0x80 <> 0
let colorResolution = packedFields >>> 4 &&& 0x07
let sort = packedFields &&& 0x08 <> 0
let sizeOfGlobalColorTable = packedFields &&& 0x07
let backgroundColorIndex = byte ()
let pixelAspectRatio = byte ()
printfn " Logical Screen Width: %d, Height: %d, Global Color Table: %b" logicalScreenWidth logicalScreenHeight globalColorTable
printfn " Color Resolution: %d, Sort: %b, Size of Global Color Table: %d" colorResolution sort sizeOfGlobalColorTable
printfn " Background Color Index: %d, Pixel Aspect Ratio: %d" backgroundColorIndex pixelAspectRatio
if globalColorTable then
skipColorTable sizeOfGlobalColorTable
while !i < Array.length bytes do
match byte () with
| 0x21 -> extensions ()
| 0x2C -> image ()
| 0x3B -> printfn "Trailer"
| l -> failwithf "offset %08X: %02X" (!i - 1) l
let main argv =
let bytes = File.ReadAllBytes argv.[0]
dumpGif bytes
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