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Last active December 21, 2015 18:39
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  • Save sayurin/6348999 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sayurin/6348999 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module Sayuri.JsonSerializer
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Globalization
open System.Text
type JsonType =
| JsonNull
| JsonBoolean of bool
| JsonNumber of float
| JsonString of string
| JsonArray of JsonType[]
| JsonObject of IDictionary<string, JsonType>
let getBoolean = function
| JsonBoolean b -> b
| _ -> failwith "not boolean"
let getNumber = function
| JsonNumber d -> d
| _ -> failwith "not number"
let getString = function
| JsonString s -> s
| _ -> failwith "not string"
let getArray = function
| JsonArray a -> a
| _ -> failwith "not array"
let getObject = function
| JsonObject o -> o
| _ -> failwith "not object"
let deserialize (s : string) =
let i = ref 0
let skipWhiteSpace () =
while Char.IsWhiteSpace(s, !i) do
incr i
let c = s.[!i]
incr i
let deserializeString first =
if first <> '"' then failwith ""
let rec loop escaped =
if s.Length <= !i then failwith ""
let c = s.[!i]
incr i
if escaped then
(match c with
| '"' | '\'' | '/' | '\\'
-> c
| 'b' -> '\b'
| 'f' -> '\f'
| 'n' -> '\n'
| 'r' -> '\r'
| 't' -> '\t'
| 'u' -> let hex = s.Substring(!i, 4)
i := !i + 4
Int32.Parse(hex, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> char
| _ -> failwith "") :: loop false
elif c = '\\' then
loop true
elif c = '"' then
c :: loop false
String(loop false |> Array.ofList)
let rec deserialize () =
match skipWhiteSpace () with
| '{' ->
let dictionary = Dictionary()
let rec loop () =
let key = skipWhiteSpace () |> deserializeString
if skipWhiteSpace () <> ':' then failwith ""
dictionary.[key] <- deserialize ()
match skipWhiteSpace () with
| '}' -> ()
| ',' -> loop ()
| _ -> failwith ""
if s.[!i] <> '}' then loop () else incr i
JsonObject dictionary
| '[' ->
if s.[!i] = ']' then incr i; JsonArray Array.empty else
let rec loop () =
skipWhiteSpace () |> ignore
decr i
let o = deserialize ()
match skipWhiteSpace () with
| ']' -> [o]
| ',' -> o :: loop ()
| _ -> failwith ""
loop () |> Array.ofList |> JsonArray
| '"' ->
deserializeString '\"' |> JsonString
| _ ->
let start = !i - 1
let rec loop () =
if !i < s.Length then
let c = s.[!i]
if Char.IsLetterOrDigit c || c = '.' || c = '-' || c = '+' (*|| c = '_'*) then
incr i
loop ()
loop ()
match s.Substring(start, !i - start) with
| "null" -> JsonNull
| "true" -> JsonBoolean true
| "false" -> JsonBoolean false
| input -> Double.Parse(input, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) |> JsonNumber
deserialize ()
let serialize json =
let sb = StringBuilder()
let serializeString s =
ignore <| sb.Append '"'
let l = String.length s
let mutable i = 0
while i < l do
let o = i
while i < l && let c = s.[i] in '\x20' <= c && c <> '"' && c <> '\\' do
i <- i + 1
if o < i then
ignore <| sb.Append(s, o, i - o)
if i < l then
ignore <| sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "\\u{0:X4}", int s.[i])
i <- i + 1
sb.Append '"'
let rec serialize = function
| JsonNull -> sb.Append "null"
| JsonBoolean b -> sb.Append(if b then "true" else "false")
| JsonNumber n -> sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:g}", n)
| JsonString s -> serializeString s
| JsonArray a -> ignore <| sb.Append '['
for i in 0 .. Array.length a - 1 do
if i <> 0 then ignore <| sb.Append ','
ignore <| serialize a.[i]
sb.Append ']'
| JsonObject o -> ignore <| sb.Append '{'
let mutable first = true
for p in o do
if first then first <- false else ignore <| sb.Append ','
ignore <| serializeString p.Key
ignore <| sb.Append ':'
ignore <| serialize p.Value
sb.Append '}'
(serialize json).ToString()
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