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Last active December 30, 2015 11:18
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ブログ記事 新人女子プログラマの書いたコードを直すだけの簡単なお仕事です!|paizaオンラインハッカソンVol.1
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
static class CsPoh {
static int Calculate(byte[] buffer, byte[] prices) {
int ii = 0, oi = 0, temp;
var itemCount = 0;
while ((temp = buffer[ii++] - '0') >= 0)
itemCount = itemCount * 10 + temp;
var days = 0;
while ((temp = buffer[ii++] - '0') >= 0)
days = days * 10 + temp;
do {
var price = 0;
while ((temp = buffer[ii++] - '0') >= 0)
price = price * 10 + temp;
prices[price] = 1;
} while (--itemCount > 0);
var low0 = 10;
while (prices[low0] == 0)
do {
var targetPrice = 0;
while ((temp = buffer[ii++] - '0') >= 0)
targetPrice = targetPrice * 10 + temp;
var low = low0;
var high = targetPrice - low0;
while (prices[high] == 0)
var price = 0;
do {
temp = low + high;
if (temp == targetPrice) {
price = targetPrice;
if (temp < targetPrice) {
if (price < temp)
price = temp;
while (prices[++low] == 0)
} else
while (prices[--high] == 0)
} while (low < high);
if (100000 <= price)
goto l100000;
if (10000 <= price)
goto l10000;
if (1000 <= price)
goto l1000;
goto l100;
buffer[oi++] = (byte)('0' + Math.DivRem(price, 100000, out price));
buffer[oi++] = (byte)('0' + Math.DivRem(price, 10000, out price));
buffer[oi++] = (byte)('0' + Math.DivRem(price, 1000, out price));
buffer[oi++] = (byte)('0' + Math.DivRem(price, 100, out price));
buffer[oi++] = (byte)('0' + Math.DivRem(price, 10, out price));
buffer[oi++] = (byte)('0' + price);
buffer[oi++] = 10;
} while (--days > 0);
return oi;
static extern int read(int fd, IntPtr buf, int count);
static extern int write(int fd, IntPtr buf, int count);
static void Main() {
const int valueLength = 2 + 200000 + 75;
var buffer = new byte[valueLength * 7];
var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var pbuf = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, 0);
read(0, pbuf, valueLength * 7);
var length = Calculate(buffer, new byte[1000001]);
write(1, pbuf, length);
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