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Created December 27, 2013 12:05
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namespace Sayuri
open System
open System.Net
open System.Security.Cryptography
open System.Text
type ParameterType =
| ProtocolString of string
| QueryString of string
| BodyString of string
| BodyBinary of byte[]
type OAuthBase (clientCredentials : NetworkCredential) =
static let epoch = DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)
static let random = Random()
static let urlEncode source =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty source then source else
let result = ResizeArray()
let encodeNibble n =
char (n + if n < 10 then int '0' else int 'A' - 10) |> result.Add
let encodeByte b =
if '0'B <= b && b <= '9'B || 'A'B <= b && b <= 'Z'B || 'a'B <= b && b <= 'z'B || b = '-'B || b = '.'B || b = '_'B || b = '~'B then
char b |> result.Add
result.Add '%'
int b / 16 |> encodeNibble
int b % 16 |> encodeNibble
if String.forall (fun c -> c < '\x80') source then
String.iter (byte >> encodeByte) source
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes source |> Array.iter encodeByte
if clientCredentials = null then nullArg "consumerCredential"
let authenticate (httpMethod : string, url, tokenCredentials : NetworkCredential, parameters) =
if httpMethod = null then nullArg "httpMethod"
if url = null then nullArg "url"
if parameters = null then nullArg "parameters"
// 3.1. Making Requests
let parameters = [
yield "oauth_consumer_key", clientCredentials.UserName
if tokenCredentials <> null then
yield "oauth_token", tokenCredentials.UserName
yield "oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1"
// 3.3. Nonce and Timestamp
yield "oauth_timestamp", (DateTime.UtcNow - epoch).TotalSeconds |> int |> string
yield "oauth_nonce", random.Next() |> string
yield "oauth_version", "1.0" // RFC5849 3.1ではoauth_versionはOPTIONAL。しかしstream.twitter.comでは必須。
// Parameter Sources
match Seq.fold (fun (req, opt) ->
| n, (ProtocolString v | QueryString v) -> (n, v) :: req, opt
| n, BodyString v -> req, (fun l -> (n, v) :: l) opt
| _, BodyBinary _ -> req, None) ([], Some []) parameters with
| req, Some opt -> yield! req; yield! opt
| req, None -> yield! req
// Parameters Normalization
let normalizedParameters =
|> (fun (name, value) -> urlEncode name, urlEncode value)
|> Seq.sort
|> (fun (name, value) -> name + "=" + value)
|> String.concat "&"
// 3.4.1. Signature Base String
let signatureBaseString = httpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() + "&" + urlEncode url + "&" + urlEncode normalizedParameters
// 3.4.2. HMAC-SHA1
let key = clientCredentials.Password + "&" + if tokenCredentials <> null then tokenCredentials.Password else ""
|> Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes
let text = signatureBaseString |> Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes
let digest = use hash = new HMACSHA1(key)
hash.ComputeHash text
// 3.5.1. Authorization Header
let authorization = ("oauth_signature", digest |> Convert.ToBase64String |> urlEncode) :: parameters
|> List.filter (fun (name, _) -> name.StartsWith "oauth_")
|> (fun (name, value) -> name + "=\"" + value + "\"")
|> String.concat ","
"OAuth " + authorization
abstract member RequestToken : string
abstract member Authorize : string
abstract member AccessToken : string
abstract member Callback : string
default this.Callback = "oob"
member this.AsyncGetResponse (httpMethod, uri, tokenCredentials, parameters) =
let authorization = authenticate(httpMethod, uri, tokenCredentials, parameters)
let uri =
match Array.choose (fun (name, value) -> match value with QueryString value -> Some (name, value) | _ -> None) parameters with
| [||] -> uri
| array -> uri + "?" + ( (fun (name, value) -> urlEncode name + "=" + urlEncode value) array |> String.concat "&")
let request = WebRequest.Create uri :?> HttpWebRequest
request.Method <- httpMethod
request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, authorization)
let body =
|> Array.fold (fun list ->
| _, (ProtocolString _ | QueryString _) -> list
| name, BodyString value -> (fun list -> (name, value) :: list) list
| _ -> None) (Some [])
|> function
| Some [] -> [||]
| Some list ->
request.ContentType <- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (fun (name, value) -> urlEncode name + "=" + urlEncode value) list
|> String.concat "&"
|> Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes
| None ->
let boundary = random.Next() |> string
request.ContentType <- "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary
for name, value in parameters do
match value with
| ProtocolString _ | QueryString _ -> ()
| BodyString value ->
yield! sprintf "--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n%s\r\n" boundary name value
|> Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes
| BodyBinary value ->
yield! sprintf "--%s\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n" boundary name
|> Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes
yield! value
yield '\r'B
yield '\n'B
yield! sprintf "--%s--\r\n" boundary |> Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes
if body.Length > 0 then
request.ContentLength <- body.LongLength
use! stream = Async.FromBeginEnd(request.BeginGetRequestStream, request.EndGetRequestStream)
do! stream.AsyncWrite body
return! request.AsyncGetResponse()
member this.AsyncRequestCredentials () =
let parameters = [|
"oauth_callback", ProtocolString this.Callback
use! response = this.AsyncGetResponse(WebRequestMethods.Http.Post, this.RequestToken, null, parameters)
use stream = response.GetResponseStream()
let! body = int response.ContentLength |> stream.AsyncRead
let result =
(Encoding.UTF8.GetString body).Split '&'
|> (fun pair -> let pair = pair.Split([|'='|], 2) in pair.[0], pair.[1])
|> dict
return NetworkCredential(result.["oauth_token"], result.["oauth_token_secret"])
member this.AsyncGetAuthorizationAddress () =
let! credentials = this.AsyncRequestCredentials()
return this.Authorize + "?oauth_token=" + credentials.UserName, credentials
member this.AsyncRequestToken (tokenCredentials, verifier) =
let parameters = [|
"oauth_verifier", ProtocolString verifier
use! response = this.AsyncGetResponse(WebRequestMethods.Http.Post, this.AccessToken, tokenCredentials, parameters)
use stream = response.GetResponseStream()
let! body = int response.ContentLength |> stream.AsyncRead
let result =
(Encoding.UTF8.GetString body).Split '&'
|> (fun pair -> let pair = pair.Split([|'='|], 2) in pair.[0], pair.[1])
|> dict
return NetworkCredential(result.["oauth_token"], result.["oauth_token_secret"])
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