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Created November 16, 2017 14:47
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Backup Linux Box
## backup script for my_env
TSTAMP=$(date +%d%b%y_%H%M%S%Z)
SOURCECHECK=$(test -d "${SOURCEDIR}" && echo Exists || echo Does not exist)
BKUPCHECK=$(test -d "${BKUPDIR}" && echo Exists || echo Does not exist)
## this script should run from a specific hostname or linux machine, and not from all of hostnames, e.g.,
## run only from a login node but not from compute nodes as compute node may not have access to all disk mounts
if [[ "$(hostname)" == "" && -d "${SOURCEDIR}" && -d "${BKUPDIR}" ]]; then
LOGFILE=$(printf "bkup_my_env_%s.log" "${TSTAMP}")
LOGPATH=$(printf "%s/bkup_configs/logs/%s" "${SOURCEDIR}" "${LOGFILE}")
## slack api
## echo -e "\nSource location: ${SOURCEDIR}\nLog file: ${LOGPATH}\n" | slacktee -t "my_env backup started" -i "floppy_disk" >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
df -h
## preserve symlinks using -l flag
## --delete-after is enabled, so changing paths in source or target location or exclude-from list
## can potentially delete previously backuped data.
## Read --delete-after specification for more.
## keep trailing slash marks for both source and destination
## DISABLE --delete-after rsync: rsync will NOT sync updated packages and will keep deprecated
## rsync -rtxl --partial --numeric-ids --info=progress2 --exclude-from="${SOURCEDIR}"/bkup_configs/exclude_dirs.txt --delete-after --log-file=/tmp/"${LOGFILE}" "${SOURCEDIR}"/ "${BKUPDIR}"/
## rsync without --delete-after; keep LOGFILE under tmp/ or RAM disk else I/O error may occur because of too many
## write requests over very short time
rsync -rtxl --partial --numeric-ids --info=progress2 --log-file=/tmp/"${LOGFILE}" "${SOURCEDIR}"/ "${BKUPDIR}"/
rsync -avhP /tmp/"${LOGFILE}" "${LOGPATH}"
rm -f /tmp/"${LOGFILE}"
df -h
# notify slack if error, require slacktee script
if [[ "${exitstat}" != 0 && -s "${HOME}"/bin/slacktee ]]; then
echo -e "\nmy_env backup failed on $(hostname)\nSource: ${SOURCEDIR}\nTarget: ${BKUPDIR}\nExit status: ${exitstat}\nLog file: ${LOGPATH}\n"
echo -e "\nmy_env backup failed on $(hostname)\nSource: ${SOURCEDIR}\nTarget: ${BKUPDIR}\nExit status: ${exitstat}\nLog file: ${LOGPATH}\n" | slacktee -t "my_env backup returned an error exit code: ${exitstat}" -i "warning" >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
# keep ssh into background but allow 5 seconds before exit of parent script so ssh job can ping slack
sleep 5
elif [[ "${exitstat}" == 0 && -s "${HOME}"/bin/slacktee ]]; then
echo -e "\nmy_env backup is done on $(hostname)\nSource: ${SOURCEDIR}\nTarget: ${BKUPDIR}\nExit status: ${exitstat}\nLog file: ${LOGPATH}\n"
echo -e "\nmy_env backup is done on $(hostname)\nSource: ${SOURCEDIR}\nTarget: ${BKUPDIR}\nExit status: ${exitstat}\nLog file: ${LOGPATH}\n" | slacktee -t "my_env backup is done" -i "white_check_mark" >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
# keep ssh into background but allow 5 seconds before exit of parent script so ssh job can ping slack
sleep 5
echo -e "####\nSkipping backup my_env\nExecute script from rvdev host to start backup\nHostname: $(hostname)\nSource: ${SOURCEDIR} ${SOURCECHECK}\nTarget: ${BKUPDIR} ${BKUPCHECK}\n####"
## slack api
## echo -e "####\nSkipping backup my_env\nExecute script from rvdev host to start backup\nHostname: $(hostname)\nSource: ${SOURCEDIR} ${SOURCECHECK}\nTarget: ${BKUPDIR} ${BKUPCHECK}\n####" | slacktee -t "my_env backup skipped" -i "warning" >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
## wait for slack api to send message before exit
sleep 5
## full system backup
## Read including snapshots
#### CAUTION: ####
## make sure target disk has enough space
## make sure exclude flag is excluding most of large and non-essential disk mounts not needed to be backuped
## we certainly do not need to backup NFS mounted disks from HPC!
## if using --delete-after flag, see above for more on that, including some dangers of changing paths.
#### Command to backup entire system ####
## rsync -aAXv --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/scratch/*","/lost+found"} / /mnt/bkup_cgp-small/
## END ##
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