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GSharp - GMod lua for C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace GSharp {
public delegate int LuaFunc(IntPtr L);
public delegate int LuaWriter(IntPtr L, IntPtr Data, int Size, IntPtr P);
public delegate IntPtr LuaReader(IntPtr L, IntPtr Data, IntPtr Size);
public delegate IntPtr LuaAlloc(IntPtr UD, IntPtr Ptr, int OSize, int NSize);
public static unsafe class Lua {
static List<LuaFunc> LuaFuncs = new List<LuaFunc>();
const string LIBNAME = "lua_shared.dll";
const CallingConvention CConv = CallingConvention.Cdecl;
const CharSet CSet = CharSet.Auto;
public const int TNONE = -1;
public const int TNIL = 0;
public const int TBOOLEAN = 1;
public const int TLIGHTUSERDATA = 2;
public const int TNUMBER = 3;
public const int TSTRING = 4;
public const int TTABLE = 5;
public const int TFUNCTION = 6;
public const int TUSERDATA = 7;
public const int TTHREAD = 8;
public const int GCSTOP = 0;
public const int GCRESTART = 1;
public const int GCCOLLECT = 2;
public const int GCCOUNT = 3;
public const int GCCOUNTB = 4;
public const int GCSTEP = 5;
public const int GCSETPAUSE = 6;
public const int GCSETSTEPMUL = 7;
public const int REGISTRYINDEX = -10000;
public const int ENVIRONINDEX = -10001;
public const int GLOBALSINDEX = -10002;
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_getmetafield")]
public static extern int GetMetaField(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_getmetafield")]
public static extern int GetMetaField(IntPtr State, int I, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_callmeta")]
public static extern int CallMeta(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_callmeta")]
public static extern int CallMeta(IntPtr State, int I, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_newstate")]
public static extern IntPtr NewState();
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_newstate")]
public static extern IntPtr NewState(LuaAlloc F, IntPtr UD);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_openlibs")]
public static extern void OpenLibs(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_base")]
public static extern int OpenBase(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_bit")]
public static extern int OpenBit(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_debug")]
public static extern int OpenDebug(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_jit")]
public static extern int OpenJit(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_math")]
public static extern int OpenMath(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_os")]
public static extern int OpenOS(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_package")]
public static extern int OpenPackage(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_string")]
public static extern int OpenString(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaopen_table")]
public static extern int OpenTable(IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_typerror")]
public static extern int TypeError(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_typerror")]
public static extern int TypeError(IntPtr State, int I, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_argerror")]
public static extern int ArgError(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_argerror")]
public static extern int ArgError(IntPtr State, int I, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checklstring")]
public static extern IntPtr CheckLString(IntPtr State, int I, int L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_optlstring")]
public static extern IntPtr OptLString(IntPtr State, int I, string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checknumber")]
public static extern double CheckNumber(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_optnumber")]
public static extern double OptNumber(IntPtr State, int I, double Def);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checkinteger")]
public static extern int CheckInt(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_optinteger")]
public static extern int OptInt(IntPtr State, int I, int Def);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checkstack")]
public static extern int CheckStack(IntPtr State, int Extra, string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checktype")]
public static extern void CheckType(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checkany")]
public static extern void CheckAny(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_newmetatable")]
public static extern int NewMetatable(IntPtr State, string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_checkudata")]
public static extern IntPtr CheckUData(IntPtr State, int I, string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_where")]
public static extern void Where(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_error")]
public static extern int Error(IntPtr State, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_error")]
public static extern int Error(IntPtr State, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_ref")]
public static extern int Ref(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_unref")]
public static extern void Unref(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_loadfile")]
public static extern int LoadFile(IntPtr State, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_loadfile")]
public static extern int LoadFile(IntPtr State, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_loadbuffer")]
public static extern int LoadBuffer(IntPtr State, string S, int I, string S2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_loadstring")]
public static extern int LoadString(IntPtr State, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_loadstring")]
public static extern int LoadString(IntPtr State, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_gsub")]
public static extern IntPtr GSub(IntPtr State, string S, string S2, string S3);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "luaL_findtable")]
public static extern IntPtr FindTable(IntPtr State, int I, string S, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_close")]
public static extern void Close(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_newthread")]
public static extern IntPtr NewThread(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_atpanic")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)]
public static extern LuaFunc AtPanic(IntPtr State, LuaFunc F);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_gettop")]
public static extern int GetTop(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_settop")]
public static extern void SetTop(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushvalue")]
public static extern void PushValue(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_remove")]
public static extern void Remove(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_insert")]
public static extern void Insert(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_replace")]
public static extern void Replace(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_xmove")]
public static extern void XMove(IntPtr State, IntPtr L, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_isnumber")]
public static extern bool IsNumber(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_isstring")]
public static extern bool IsString(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_iscfunction")]
public static extern bool IsCFunction(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_isuserdata")]
public static extern bool IsUserdata(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_type")]
public static extern int Type(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_typename")]
static extern IntPtr _TypeName(IntPtr State, int I);
public static string TypeName(IntPtr State, int I = TNONE) {
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(_TypeName(State, I));
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_equal")]
public static extern int Equal(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_rawequal")]
public static extern int RawEqual(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_lessthan")]
public static extern int LessThan(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_load")]
public static extern int Load(IntPtr State, LuaReader R, IntPtr Data, IntPtr ChunkName);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_load")]
public static extern int Load(IntPtr State, LuaReader R, IntPtr Data, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string ChunkName);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_tonumber")]
public static extern double ToNumber(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_tointeger")]
public static extern int ToInteger(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_toboolean")]
public static extern bool ToBoolean(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_tolstring")]
//[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
public static extern IntPtr ToLString(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr L);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_objlen")]
public static extern int ObjLen(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_tocfunction")]
public static extern LuaFunc ToCFunction(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_touserdata")]
public static extern IntPtr ToUserdata(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_tothread")]
public static extern IntPtr ToThread(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_topointer")]
public static extern IntPtr ToPointer(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushnil")]
public static extern void PushNil(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushnumber")]
public static extern void PushNumber(IntPtr State, double D);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushinteger")]
public static extern void PushInteger(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushlstring")]
public static extern void PushLString(IntPtr State, string S, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushstring")]
public static extern void PushString(IntPtr State, IntPtr S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushstring")]
public static extern void PushString(IntPtr State, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushcclosure")]
static extern void _PushCClosure(IntPtr State, LuaFunc F, int N = 0);
public static void PushCClosure(IntPtr State, LuaFunc F, int N = 0) {
if (!LuaFuncs.Contains(F))
_PushCClosure(State, F, N);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushboolean")]
public static extern void PushBoolean(IntPtr State, int B);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushlightuserdata")]
public static extern void PushLightUserdata(IntPtr State, IntPtr P);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pushthread")]
public static extern int PushThread(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_gettable")]
public static extern void GetTable(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_getfield")]
public static extern void GetField(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr S);
public static void GetGlobal(IntPtr State, IntPtr S) {
GetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_getfield")]
public static extern void GetField(IntPtr State, int I, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
public static void GetGlobal(IntPtr State, string S) {
GetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_rawget")]
public static extern void RawGet(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_rawgeti")]
public static extern void RawGetI(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_createtable")]
public static extern void CreateTable(IntPtr State, int NArr, int NRec);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_newuserdata")]
public static extern IntPtr NewUserdata(IntPtr State, int Size);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_getmetatable")]
public static extern int GetMetatable(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_getfenv")]
public static extern void GetFEnv(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_dump")]
public static extern int Dump(IntPtr State, LuaWriter Writer, IntPtr P);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_settable")]
public static extern void SetTable(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_getallocf")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)]
public static extern LuaAlloc GetAllocF(IntPtr State, IntPtr UD);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_setfield")]
public static extern void SetField(IntPtr State, int I, IntPtr S);
public static void SetGlobal(IntPtr State, IntPtr S) {
SetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_setfield")]
public static extern void SetField(IntPtr State, int I, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AnsiBStr)]string S);
public static void SetGlobal(IntPtr State, string S) {
SetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, S);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_rawset")]
public static extern void RawSet(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_rawseti")]
public static extern void RawSetI(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_setmetatable")]
public static extern int SetMetatable(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_setfenv")]
public static extern int SetFEnv(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_call")]
public static extern void Call(IntPtr State, int NArgs, int NResults);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_pcall")]
public static extern int PCall(IntPtr State, int I, int I2, int I3);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_cpcall")]
public static extern int CPCall(IntPtr State, LuaFunc F, IntPtr P);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_yield")]
public static extern int Yield(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_resume_real")]
public static extern int Resume(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_status")]
public static extern int Status(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_gc")]
public static extern int GC(IntPtr State, int What, int Data);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_error")]
public static extern int Error(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_next")]
public static extern int Next(IntPtr State, int I);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_concat")]
public static extern void Concat(IntPtr State, int N);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_getupvalue")]
public static extern IntPtr GetUpValue(IntPtr State, int I, int I2);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_gethookmask")]
public static extern int GetHookMask(IntPtr State);
[DllImport(LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CConv, CharSet = CSet, EntryPoint = "lua_gethookcount")]
public static extern int GetHookCount(IntPtr State);
// Custom
public static void NewTable(IntPtr State) {
CreateTable(State, 0, 0);
public static bool Is(IntPtr State, int Idx, int Type) {
return Lua.Type(State, Idx) == Type;
public static bool IsNoneOrNil(IntPtr State, int Idx) {
return Is(State, Idx, TNONE) || Is(State, Idx, TNIL);
public static string ToString(IntPtr State, int I) {
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(Lua.ToLString(State, I, IntPtr.Zero));
public static void Pop(IntPtr State, int I = 1) {
SetTop(State, -(I) - 1);
public static void PushCFunction(IntPtr State, LuaFunc F) {
PushCClosure(State, F, 0);
public static void Push(IntPtr L, object O) {
if (O == null)
else if (O is string)
Lua.PushString(L, O.ToString());
else if (O is int)
Lua.PushInteger(L, (int)O);
else if (O is float || O is double)
Lua.PushNumber(L, (double)O);
else if (O is LuaFunc)
Lua.PushCFunction(L, (LuaFunc)O);
else if (O is bool)
Lua.PushBoolean(L, (bool)O ? 1 : 0);
throw new Exception("Invalid type " + O.GetType().FullName);
public static object To(IntPtr L, int I = -1, params string[] Pth) {
int T = Lua.Type(L, I);
switch (T) {
return Lua.ToString(L, I);
return Lua.ToNumber(L, I);
LuaFunc LF = Lua.ToCFunction(L, I);
if (!LuaFuncs.Contains(LF))
return LF;
return Lua.ToBoolean(L, I);
case TNIL: {
return null;
case TTABLE: {
throw new NotImplementedException();
return null;
public static void RegisterCFunction(IntPtr State, string TableName, string FuncName, LuaFunc F) {
GetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, TableName);
if (!Is(State, -1, TTABLE)) {
CreateTable(State, 0, 1);
SetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, TableName);
GetField(State, GLOBALSINDEX, TableName);
PushString(State, FuncName);
PushCFunction(State, F);
SetTable(State, -3);
public static string[] GetStack(IntPtr State) {
int Cnt = Lua.GetTop(State);
List<string> R = new List<string>();
for (int i = Cnt; i >= 1; i--)
R.Add(string.Format("{0}, {1} = {2}", -i, Cnt - i + 1, Lua.TypeName(State, Lua.Type(State, -i))));
return R.ToArray();
public static void PrintStack(IntPtr State, string Title = "") {
string[] St = GetStack(State);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", Title, "{");
foreach (var S in St)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", S);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "}");
public static unsafe class GMod {
private static IntPtr State;
public static object Lock = new object();
public static void Init(IntPtr State) {
GMod.State = State;
public static void Print(object O) {
lock (Lock) {
Lua.GetGlobal(State, "print");
Lua.PushString(State, O != null ? O.ToString() : "NULL");
Lua.Call(State, 1, 0);
public static void MsgC(int R, int G, int B, string Msg) {
lock (Lock) {
Lua.GetField(State, Lua.GLOBALSINDEX, "MsgC");
Lua.CreateTable(State, 0, 3);
Lua.PushString(State, "r");
Lua.PushNumber(State, R);
Lua.SetTable(State, -3);
Lua.PushString(State, "g");
Lua.PushNumber(State, G);
Lua.SetTable(State, -3);
Lua.PushString(State, "b");
Lua.PushNumber(State, B);
Lua.SetTable(State, -3);
Lua.PushString(State, "a");
Lua.PushNumber(State, 255);
Lua.SetTable(State, -3);
Lua.PushString(State, Msg);
Lua.Call(State, 2, 0);
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