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Created October 13, 2010 12:35
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osg-povray tests
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< 0.58779, -0.80902, 0 >
< 0, -1, 0 >
< -0.58779, -0.80902, 0 >
< -0.95106, -0.30901, 0 >
< -0.95106, 0.30901, 0 >
< -0.58779, 0.80902, 0 >
< 0, 1, 0 >
< 0.58779, 0.80902, 0 >
< 0.68819, -0.5, -0.52574 >
< -0.26287, -0.80901, -0.52574 >
< -0.85065, 0, -0.52574 >
< -0.26287, 0.80901, -0.52574 >
< 0.68819, 0.5, -0.52574 >
< 0.52573, 0, -0.85065 >
< 0.16246, -0.5, -0.85065 >
< -0.42532, -0.30901, -0.85065 >
< -0.42532, 0.30901, -0.85065 >
< 0.16246, 0.5, -0.85065 >
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<37,32,10>, <39,7,33>, <33,38,39>,
<11,39,38>, <38,33,6>, <40,8,34>,
<34,39,40>, <11,40,39>, <39,34,7>,
<41,9,35>, <35,40,41>, <11,41,40>,
<40,35,8>, <37,10,36>, <36,41,37>,
<11,37,41>, <41,36,9> }
<14,12,1>, <12,14,13>, <2,13,14>,
<13,0,12>, <16,1,12>, <12,15,16>,
<5,16,15>, <12,0,15>, <18,13,2>,
<13,18,17>, <3,17,18>, <17,0,13>,
<20,17,3>, <17,20,19>, <4,19,20>,
<19,0,17>, <21,19,4>, <19,21,15>,
<5,15,21>, <15,0,19>, <23,1,16>,
<16,22,23>, <10,23,22>, <22,16,5>,
<25,2,14>, <14,24,25>, <6,25,24>,
<24,14,1>, <27,3,18>, <18,26,27>,
<7,27,26>, <26,18,2>, <29,4,20>,
<20,28,29>, <8,29,28>, <28,20,3>,
<31,5,21>, <21,30,31>, <9,31,30>,
<30,21,4>, <32,23,10>, <23,32,24>,
<6,24,32>, <24,1,23>, <33,25,6>,
<25,33,26>, <7,26,33>, <26,2,25>,
<34,27,7>, <27,34,28>, <8,28,34>,
<28,3,27>, <35,29,8>, <29,35,30>,
<9,30,35>, <30,4,29>, <36,31,9>,
<31,36,22>, <10,22,36>, <22,5,31>,
<38,6,32>, <32,37,38>, <11,38,37>,
<37,32,10>, <39,7,33>, <33,38,39>,
<11,39,38>, <38,33,6>, <40,8,34>,
<34,39,40>, <11,40,39>, <39,34,7>,
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<40,35,8>, <37,10,36>, <36,41,37>,
<11,37,41>, <41,36,9> }
texture {
pigment {
color rgbf < 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0 >
finish { ambient 0.4
diffuse 1
specular 0
reflection 0
< 8, 0, 1 >
< 8.7236, -0.52572, 0.44721 >
< 7.72361, -0.85064, 0.44721 >
< 7.10558, 0, 0.44721 >
< 7.72361, 0.85064, 0.44721 >
< 8.7236, 0.52572, 0.44721 >
< 8.27639, -0.85064, -0.44721 >
< 7.2764, -0.52572, -0.44721 >
< 7.2764, 0.52572, -0.44721 >
< 8.27639, 0.85064, -0.44721 >
< 8.89442, 0, -0.44721 >
< 8, 0, -1 >
< 8.42532, -0.30901, 0.85065 >
< 7.83754, -0.5, 0.85065 >
< 8.26287, -0.80901, 0.52574 >
< 8.42532, 0.30901, 0.85065 >
< 8.85065, 0, 0.52574 >
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< 8, -1, 0 >
< 7.41221, -0.80902, 0 >
< 7.04894, -0.30901, 0 >
< 7.04894, 0.30901, 0 >
< 7.41221, 0.80902, 0 >
< 8, 1, 0 >
< 8.58779, 0.80902, 0 >
< 8.68819, -0.5, -0.52574 >
< 7.73713, -0.80901, -0.52574 >
< 7.14935, 0, -0.52574 >
< 7.73713, 0.80901, -0.52574 >
< 8.68819, 0.5, -0.52574 >
< 8.52573, 0, -0.85065 >
< 8.16246, -0.5, -0.85065 >
< 7.57468, -0.30901, -0.85065 >
< 7.57468, 0.30901, -0.85065 >
< 8.16246, 0.5, -0.85065 >
< 8.59719, -0.43388, 0.67461 >
< 8.22108, -0.16062, 0.96194 >
< 7.91556, -0.25989, 0.96194 >
< 7.7719, -0.70204, 0.67462 >
< 8.51275, -0.69378, 0.50573 >
< 7.99297, -0.86266, 0.50573 >
< 8.22108, 0.16062, 0.96194 >
< 8.59719, 0.43388, 0.67461 >
< 8.81827, -0.27326, 0.50573 >
< 8.81827, 0.27326, 0.50573 >
< 7.72673, 0, 0.96194 >
< 7.26183, 0, 0.67461 >
< 7.49863, -0.70204, 0.50573 >
< 7.17738, -0.25989, 0.50572 >
< 7.91556, 0.25989, 0.96194 >
< 7.7719, 0.70204, 0.67462 >
< 7.49863, 0.70204, 0.50573 >
< 7.17738, 0.25989, 0.50572 >
< 7.99297, 0.86266, 0.50573 >
< 8.51275, 0.69378, 0.50573 >
< 8.87047, 0.43388, 0.23246 >
< 8.95925, 0.16062, -0.23246 >
< 8.87047, -0.43388, 0.23246 >
< 8.95925, -0.16062, -0.23246 >
< 8.68164, -0.69378, 0.23246 >
< 8.44918, -0.86267, -0.23246 >
< 8.14366, -0.96194, -0.23246 >
< 7.85634, -0.96194, 0.23246 >
< 7.31836, -0.69378, -0.23246 >
< 7.55082, -0.86267, 0.23246 >
< 7.12953, -0.43388, -0.23246 >
< 7.04075, -0.16062, 0.23246 >
< 7.12953, 0.43388, -0.23246 >
< 7.04075, 0.16062, 0.23246 >
< 7.55082, 0.86267, 0.23246 >
< 7.31836, 0.69378, -0.23246 >
< 7.85634, 0.96194, 0.23246 >
< 8.14366, 0.96194, -0.23246 >
< 8.68164, 0.69378, 0.23246 >
< 8.44918, 0.86267, -0.23246 >
< 8.50137, -0.70204, -0.50573 >
< 8.82262, -0.25989, -0.50572 >
< 8.00703, -0.86266, -0.50573 >
< 7.48725, -0.69378, -0.50573 >
< 7.18173, -0.27326, -0.50573 >
< 7.18173, 0.27326, -0.50573 >
< 7.48725, 0.69378, -0.50573 >
< 8.00703, 0.86266, -0.50573 >
< 8.50137, 0.70204, -0.50573 >
< 8.82262, 0.25989, -0.50572 >
< 8.73817, 0, -0.67461 >
< 8.27327, 0, -0.96194 >
< 8.2281, -0.70204, -0.67462 >
< 8.08444, -0.25989, -0.96194 >
< 7.40281, -0.43388, -0.67461 >
< 7.77892, -0.16062, -0.96194 >
< 7.40281, 0.43388, -0.67461 >
< 7.77892, 0.16062, -0.96194 >
< 8.2281, 0.70204, -0.67462 >
< 8.08444, 0.25989, -0.96194 >
< 8.3618, -0.58778, 0.72361 >
< 8.1382, -0.42532, 0.89443 >
< 8.05279, -0.68819, 0.72361 >
< 8.67082, -0.16246, 0.72361 >
< 8.44721, 0, 0.89443 >
< 8.67082, 0.16246, 0.72361 >
< 7.55279, -0.52573, 0.72361 >
< 7.6382, -0.26286, 0.89443 >
< 7.36181, -0.26286, 0.72361 >
< 7.36181, 0.26286, 0.72361 >
< 7.6382, 0.26286, 0.89443 >
< 7.55279, 0.52573, 0.72361 >
< 8.05279, 0.68819, 0.72361 >
< 8.1382, 0.42532, 0.89443 >
< 8.3618, 0.58778, 0.72361 >
< 8.94721, -0.16246, 0.2764 >
< 8.94721, 0.16246, 0.2764 >
< 9, 0, 0 >
< 8.1382, -0.95106, 0.2764 >
< 8.44722, -0.85065, 0.2764 >
< 8.30902, -0.95106, 0 >
< 7.1382, -0.42532, 0.2764 >
< 7.32918, -0.68819, 0.2764 >
< 7.19098, -0.58778, 0 >
< 7.32918, 0.68819, 0.2764 >
< 7.1382, 0.42532, 0.2764 >
< 7.19098, 0.58778, 0 >
< 8.44722, 0.85065, 0.2764 >
< 8.1382, 0.95106, 0.2764 >
< 8.30902, 0.95106, 0 >
< 8.8618, -0.42532, -0.2764 >
< 8.80902, -0.58778, 0 >
< 8.67082, -0.68819, -0.2764 >
< 7.8618, -0.95106, -0.2764 >
< 7.69098, -0.95106, 0 >
< 7.55278, -0.85065, -0.2764 >
< 7.05279, -0.16246, -0.2764 >
< 7, 0, 0 >
< 7.05279, 0.16246, -0.2764 >
< 7.55278, 0.85065, -0.2764 >
< 7.69098, 0.95106, 0 >
< 7.8618, 0.95106, -0.2764 >
< 8.67082, 0.68819, -0.2764 >
< 8.80902, 0.58778, 0 >
< 8.8618, 0.42532, -0.2764 >
< 8.44721, -0.52573, -0.72361 >
< 8.63819, -0.26286, -0.72361 >
< 8.3618, -0.26286, -0.89443 >
< 7.6382, -0.58778, -0.72361 >
< 7.94721, -0.68819, -0.72361 >
< 7.8618, -0.42532, -0.89443 >
< 7.32918, 0.16246, -0.72361 >
< 7.32918, -0.16246, -0.72361 >
< 7.55279, 0, -0.89443 >
< 7.94721, 0.68819, -0.72361 >
< 7.6382, 0.58778, -0.72361 >
< 7.8618, 0.42532, -0.89443 >
< 8.63819, 0.26286, -0.72361 >
< 8.44721, 0.52573, -0.72361 >
< 8.3618, 0.26286, -0.89443 >
< 0, 0, 1 >
< 0.7236, -0.52572, 0.44721 >
< -0.27639, -0.85064, 0.44721 >
< -0.89442, 0, 0.44721 >
< -0.27639, 0.85064, 0.44721 >
< 0.7236, 0.52572, 0.44721 >
< 0.27639, -0.85064, -0.44721 >
< -0.7236, -0.52572, -0.44721 >
< -0.7236, 0.52572, -0.44721 >
< 0.27639, 0.85064, -0.44721 >
< 0.89442, 0, -0.44721 >
< 0, 0, -1 >
< 0.42532, -0.30901, 0.85065 >
< -0.16246, -0.5, 0.85065 >
< 0.26287, -0.80901, 0.52574 >
< 0.42532, 0.30901, 0.85065 >
< 0.85065, 0, 0.52574 >
< -0.52573, 0, 0.85065 >
< -0.68819, -0.5, 0.52574 >
< -0.16246, 0.5, 0.85065 >
< -0.68819, 0.5, 0.52574 >
< 0.26287, 0.80901, 0.52574 >
< 0.95106, 0.30901, 0 >
< 0.95106, -0.30901, 0 >
< 0.58779, -0.80902, 0 >
< 0, -1, 0 >
< -0.58779, -0.80902, 0 >
< -0.95106, -0.30901, 0 >
< -0.95106, 0.30901, 0 >
< -0.58779, 0.80902, 0 >
< 0, 1, 0 >
< 0.58779, 0.80902, 0 >
< 0.68819, -0.5, -0.52574 >
< -0.26287, -0.80901, -0.52574 >
< -0.85065, 0, -0.52574 >
< -0.26287, 0.80901, -0.52574 >
< 0.68819, 0.5, -0.52574 >
< 0.52573, 0, -0.85065 >
< 0.16246, -0.5, -0.85065 >
< -0.42532, -0.30901, -0.85065 >
< -0.42532, 0.30901, -0.85065 >
< 0.16246, 0.5, -0.85065 >
< 0.59719, -0.43388, 0.67461 >
< 0.22108, -0.16062, 0.96194 >
< -0.0844402, -0.25989, 0.96194 >
< -0.2281, -0.70204, 0.67462 >
< 0.51275, -0.69378, 0.50573 >
< -0.00703001, -0.86266, 0.50573 >
< 0.22108, 0.16062, 0.96194 >
< 0.59719, 0.43388, 0.67461 >
< 0.81827, -0.27326, 0.50573 >
< 0.81827, 0.27326, 0.50573 >
< -0.27327, 0, 0.96194 >
< -0.73817, 0, 0.67461 >
< -0.50137, -0.70204, 0.50573 >
< -0.82262, -0.25989, 0.50572 >
< -0.0844402, 0.25989, 0.96194 >
< -0.2281, 0.70204, 0.67462 >
< -0.50137, 0.70204, 0.50573 >
< -0.82262, 0.25989, 0.50572 >
< -0.00703001, 0.86266, 0.50573 >
< 0.51275, 0.69378, 0.50573 >
< 0.87047, 0.43388, 0.23246 >
< 0.959249, 0.16062, -0.23246 >
< 0.87047, -0.43388, 0.23246 >
< 0.959249, -0.16062, -0.23246 >
< 0.68164, -0.69378, 0.23246 >
< 0.44918, -0.86267, -0.23246 >
< 0.14366, -0.96194, -0.23246 >
< -0.14366, -0.96194, 0.23246 >
< -0.68164, -0.69378, -0.23246 >
< -0.44918, -0.86267, 0.23246 >
< -0.87047, -0.43388, -0.23246 >
< -0.95925, -0.16062, 0.23246 >
< -0.87047, 0.43388, -0.23246 >
< -0.95925, 0.16062, 0.23246 >
< -0.44918, 0.86267, 0.23246 >
< -0.68164, 0.69378, -0.23246 >
< -0.14366, 0.96194, 0.23246 >
< 0.14366, 0.96194, -0.23246 >
< 0.68164, 0.69378, 0.23246 >
< 0.44918, 0.86267, -0.23246 >
< 0.50137, -0.70204, -0.50573 >
< 0.82262, -0.25989, -0.50572 >
< 0.00702953, -0.86266, -0.50573 >
< -0.51275, -0.69378, -0.50573 >
< -0.81827, -0.27326, -0.50573 >
< -0.81827, 0.27326, -0.50573 >
< -0.51275, 0.69378, -0.50573 >
< 0.00702953, 0.86266, -0.50573 >
< 0.50137, 0.70204, -0.50573 >
< 0.82262, 0.25989, -0.50572 >
< 0.73817, 0, -0.67461 >
< 0.27327, 0, -0.96194 >
< 0.2281, -0.70204, -0.67462 >
< 0.0844402, -0.25989, -0.96194 >
< -0.59719, -0.43388, -0.67461 >
< -0.22108, -0.16062, -0.96194 >
< -0.59719, 0.43388, -0.67461 >
< -0.22108, 0.16062, -0.96194 >
< 0.2281, 0.70204, -0.67462 >
< 0.0844402, 0.25989, -0.96194 >
< 0.3618, -0.58778, 0.72361 >
< 0.1382, -0.42532, 0.89443 >
< 0.0527897, -0.68819, 0.72361 >
< 0.67082, -0.16246, 0.72361 >
< 0.44721, 0, 0.89443 >
< 0.67082, 0.16246, 0.72361 >
< -0.44721, -0.52573, 0.72361 >
< -0.3618, -0.26286, 0.89443 >
< -0.63819, -0.26286, 0.72361 >
< -0.63819, 0.26286, 0.72361 >
< -0.3618, 0.26286, 0.89443 >
< -0.44721, 0.52573, 0.72361 >
< 0.0527897, 0.68819, 0.72361 >
< 0.1382, 0.42532, 0.89443 >
< 0.3618, 0.58778, 0.72361 >
< 0.94721, -0.16246, 0.2764 >
< 0.94721, 0.16246, 0.2764 >
< 1, 0, 0 >
< 0.1382, -0.95106, 0.2764 >
< 0.44722, -0.85065, 0.2764 >
< 0.30902, -0.95106, 0 >
< -0.8618, -0.42532, 0.2764 >
< -0.67082, -0.68819, 0.2764 >
< -0.80902, -0.58778, 0 >
< -0.67082, 0.68819, 0.2764 >
< -0.8618, 0.42532, 0.2764 >
< -0.80902, 0.58778, 0 >
< 0.44722, 0.85065, 0.2764 >
< 0.1382, 0.95106, 0.2764 >
< 0.30902, 0.95106, 0 >
< 0.8618, -0.42532, -0.2764 >
< 0.80902, -0.58778, 0 >
< 0.67082, -0.68819, -0.2764 >
< -0.1382, -0.95106, -0.2764 >
< -0.30902, -0.95106, 0 >
< -0.44722, -0.85065, -0.2764 >
< -0.94721, -0.16246, -0.2764 >
< -1, 0, 0 >
< -0.94721, 0.16246, -0.2764 >
< -0.44722, 0.85065, -0.2764 >
< -0.30902, 0.95106, 0 >
< -0.1382, 0.95106, -0.2764 >
< 0.67082, 0.68819, -0.2764 >
< 0.80902, 0.58778, 0 >
< 0.8618, 0.42532, -0.2764 >
< 0.44721, -0.52573, -0.72361 >
< 0.63819, -0.26286, -0.72361 >
< 0.3618, -0.26286, -0.89443 >
< -0.3618, -0.58778, -0.72361 >
< -0.0527902, -0.68819, -0.72361 >
< -0.1382, -0.42532, -0.89443 >
< -0.67082, 0.16246, -0.72361 >
< -0.67082, -0.16246, -0.72361 >
< -0.44721, 0, -0.89443 >
< -0.0527902, 0.68819, -0.72361 >
< -0.3618, 0.58778, -0.72361 >
< -0.1382, 0.42532, -0.89443 >
< 0.63819, 0.26286, -0.72361 >
< 0.44721, 0.52573, -0.72361 >
< 0.3618, 0.26286, -0.89443 >
<102,46,14>, <46,102,42>, <12,42,102>,
<42,1,46>, <102,103,12>, <103,102,104>,
<14,104,102>, <104,13,103>, <45,47,2>,
<47,45,104>, <13,104,45>, <104,14,47>,
<44,103,13>, <103,44,43>, <0,43,44>,
<43,12,103>, <105,16,50>, <50,42,105>,
<12,105,42>, <42,50,1>, <105,12,106>,
<106,107,105>, <16,105,107>, <107,106,15>,
<49,5,51>, <51,107,49>, <15,49,107>,
<107,51,16>, <48,15,106>, <106,43,48>,
<0,48,43>, <43,106,12>, <108,54,18>,
<54,108,45>, <13,45,108>, <45,2,54>,
<108,109,13>, <109,108,110>, <18,110,108>,
<110,17,109>, <53,55,3>, <55,53,110>,
<17,110,53>, <110,18,55>, <52,109,17>,
<109,52,44>, <0,44,52>, <44,13,109>,
<111,59,20>, <59,111,53>, <17,53,111>,
<53,3,59>, <111,112,17>, <112,111,113>,
<20,113,111>, <113,19,112>, <57,58,4>,
<58,57,113>, <19,113,57>, <113,20,58>,
<56,112,19>, <112,56,52>, <0,52,56>,
<52,17,112>, <114,60,21>, <60,114,57>,
<19,57,114>, <57,4,60>, <114,115,19>,
<115,114,116>, <21,116,114>, <116,15,115>,
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< 11.0192, -0.19509, -0.5 >
< 11.0192, -0.19509, 0.5 >
< 11.0761, -0.382683, -0.5 >
< 11.0761, -0.382683, 0.5 >
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< 11.1685, -0.55557, 0.5 >
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< 12.9808, -0.19509, -0.5 >
< 12.9808, -0.19509, 0.5 >
< 0, 0, 1 >
< 0, 0, 1 >
< 0, 0, 1 >
< 0, 0, 1 >
< 0, 0, 1 >
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< 0, 0, -1 >
< 0, 0, -1 >
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< 0, 0, -1 >
< 0, 0, -1 >
< 0, 0, -1 >
< 0, 0, -1 >
< 1, 0, 0 >
< 1, 0, 0 >
< 0.980785, 0.19509, 0 >
< 0.980785, 0.19509, 0 >
< 0.92388, 0.382683, 0 >
< 0.92388, 0.382683, 0 >
< 0.83147, 0.55557, 0 >
< 0.83147, 0.55557, 0 >
< 0.707107, 0.707107, 0 >
< 0.707107, 0.707107, 0 >
< 0.55557, 0.83147, 0 >
< 0.55557, 0.83147, 0 >
< 0.382683, 0.92388, 0 >
< 0.382683, 0.92388, 0 >
< 0.19509, 0.980785, 0 >
< 0.19509, 0.980785, 0 >
< 0, 1, 0 >
< 0, 1, 0 >
< -0.19509, 0.980785, 0 >
< -0.19509, 0.980785, 0 >
< -0.382683, 0.92388, 0 >
< -0.382683, 0.92388, 0 >
< -0.55557, 0.83147, 0 >
< -0.55557, 0.83147, 0 >
< -0.707107, 0.707107, 0 >
< -0.707107, 0.707107, 0 >
< -0.83147, 0.55557, 0 >
< -0.83147, 0.55557, 0 >
< -0.92388, 0.382683, 0 >
< -0.92388, 0.382683, 0 >
< -0.980785, 0.19509, 0 >
< -0.980785, 0.19509, 0 >
< -1, 1.22461e-16, 0 >
< -1, 1.22461e-16, 0 >
< -0.980785, -0.19509, 0 >
< -0.980785, -0.19509, 0 >
< -0.92388, -0.382683, 0 >
< -0.92388, -0.382683, 0 >
< -0.83147, -0.55557, 0 >
< -0.83147, -0.55557, 0 >
< -0.707107, -0.707107, 0 >
< -0.707107, -0.707107, 0 >
< -0.55557, -0.83147, 0 >
< -0.55557, -0.83147, 0 >
< -0.382683, -0.92388, 0 >
< -0.382683, -0.92388, 0 >
< -0.19509, -0.980785, 0 >
< -0.19509, -0.980785, 0 >
< 0, -1, 0 >
< 0, -1, 0 >
< 0.19509, -0.980785, 0 >
< 0.19509, -0.980785, 0 >
< 0.382683, -0.92388, 0 >
< 0.382683, -0.92388, 0 >
< 0.55557, -0.83147, 0 >
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< 0.707107, -0.707107, 0 >
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< 0.83147, -0.55557, 0 >
< 0.83147, -0.55557, 0 >
< 0.92388, -0.382683, 0 >
< 0.92388, -0.382683, 0 >
< 0.980785, -0.19509, 0 >
< 0.980785, -0.19509, 0 >
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<129,66,67> }
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texture {
pigment {
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finish { ambient 0.4
diffuse 1
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reflection 0
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