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Last active December 11, 2015 07:58
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# wrapper overrides
# override attributes are being set here in order to use the base solr cookbook without direct modification
override[:solr][:home] = "/opt/solr/solr-home"
override[:solr][:configxml][:destdir] = "/opt/solr/solr-home/products/conf"
override[:solr][:configxml][:cookbook_loc] = "projectX"
# This recipe is a wrapper for the solr cookbook
# and contains project application-specific configurations for solr
# See the project/attributes/solr.rb file for override attributes that have been set
# See this link for attributes precedence:
include_recipe "solr"
# solrconfig.xml file
# This allows an external project to drop in the solarconfig.xml from outside a cookbook
# OR pass in another cookbook where the template is kept
# If these are empty, a default solrconfig.xml will deployed from this cookbook
default[:solr][:home] = "/opt/solr"
default[:solr][:configxml][:source] = "solrconfig.xml.erb"
default[:solr][:configxml][:destdir] = "/opt/solr/conf"
default[:solr][:configxml][:local] = false
default[:solr][:configxml][:cookbook_loc] = ""
# solrconfig.xml has most of the solr config info in it. Therefore, template
template "#{node[:solr][:configxml][:destdir]}/solrconfig.xml" do
source node[:solr][:configxml][:source]
variables(:solr_servers => solr_servers)
notifies :restart, :service => node[:tomcat][:svc_name]
local node[:solr][:configxml][:local]
cookbook node[:solr][:configxml][:cookbook_loc]
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