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Created July 16, 2022 02:46
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* Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import org.opensearch.gradle.test.RestIntegTestTask
buildscript {
ext {
opensearch_version = System.getProperty("opensearch.version", "2.1.0")
common_utils_version = System.getProperty("common_utils.version", "${opensearch_version}.0")
isSnapshot = "true" == System.getProperty("build.snapshot", "true")
buildVersionQualifier = System.getProperty("build.version_qualifier", "")
version_tokens = opensearch_version.tokenize('-')
opensearch_build = version_tokens[0] + '.0'
plugin_no_snapshot = opensearch_build
opensearch_no_snapshot = opensearch_version.replace("-SNAPSHOT","")
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "org.opensearch.gradle:build-tools:${opensearch_version}"
plugins {
id 'nebula.ospackage' version "8.3.0"
id 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'opensearch.opensearchplugin'
apply plugin: 'opensearch.testclusters'
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'opensearch.pluginzip'
apply from: 'build-tools/opensearchplugin-coverage.gradle'
ext {
projectSubstitutions = [:]
licenseFile = rootProject.file('LICENSE')
noticeFile = rootProject.file('NOTICE')
licenseHeaders.enabled = true
testingConventions.enabled = false
forbiddenApis.ignoreFailures = false
dependencyLicenses.enabled = false
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
forbiddenApisTest.ignoreFailures = true
validateNebulaPom.enabled = false
loggerUsageCheck.enabled = false
opensearchplugin {
name 'opensearch-security-analytics'
description 'OpenSearch Security Analytics plugin'
classname 'org.opensearch.securityanalytics.SecurityAnalyticsPlugin'
javaRestTest {
// add "" to VM options if you want to run integ tests in IntelliJ
systemProperty '', 'false'
testClusters.javaRestTest {
testDistribution = 'INTEG_TEST'
allprojects {
group = 'org.opensearch'
version = opensearch_version.tokenize('-')[0] + '.0'
if (buildVersionQualifier) {
version += "-${buildVersionQualifier}"
if (isSnapshot) {
version += "-SNAPSHOT"
apply from: "$rootDir/build-tools/repositories.gradle"
plugins.withId('java') {
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
publishing {
publications {
pluginZip(MavenPublication) { publication ->
pom {
name = "opensearch-security-analytics"
description = "OpenSearch Security Analytics plugin"
licenses {
license {
name = "The Apache License, Version 2.0"
url = ""
developers {
developer {
name = "OpenSearch"
url = ""
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
javaRestTestImplementation project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
implementation group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-lang3', version: '3.12.0'
//implementation 'org.opensearch:notification:'
api group: 'org.opensearch', name: 'common-utils', version: "${common_utils_version}"
implementation group: 'org.opensearch.client', name: 'opensearch-rest-high-level-client', version: "${opensearch_version}"
implementation group: 'org.json', name: 'json', version: '20220320'
// RPM & Debian build
apply plugin: 'nebula.ospackage'
def es_tmp_dir = rootProject.file('build/private/es_tmp').absoluteFile
File repo = file("$buildDir/testclusters/repo")
def _numNodes = findProperty('numNodes') as Integer ?: 1
def opensearch_tmp_dir = rootProject.file('build/private/opensearch_tmp').absoluteFile
task integTest(type: RestIntegTestTask) {
description = "Run tests against a cluster"
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.test.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
tasks.named("check").configure { dependsOn(integTest) }
integTest {
if (project.hasProperty('excludeTests')) {['excludeTests']?.replaceAll('\\s', '')?.split('[,;]')?.each {
exclude "${it}"
systemProperty '', 'false'
systemProperty '', es_tmp_dir.absolutePath
systemProperty "https", System.getProperty("https")
systemProperty "user", System.getProperty("user")
systemProperty "password", System.getProperty("password")
// Tell the test JVM if the cluster JVM is running under a debugger so that tests can use longer timeouts for
// requests. The 'doFirst' delays reading the debug setting on the cluster till execution time.
doFirst {
// Tell the test JVM if the cluster JVM is running under a debugger so that tests can
// use longer timeouts for requests.
def isDebuggingCluster = getDebug() || System.getProperty("test.debug") != null
systemProperty 'cluster.debug', isDebuggingCluster
// Set number of nodes system property to be used in tests
systemProperty 'cluster.number_of_nodes', "${_numNodes}"
// There seems to be an issue when running multi node run or integ tasks with unicast_hosts
// not being written, the waitForAllConditions ensures it's written
getClusters().forEach { cluster ->
// The -Dcluster.debug option makes the cluster debuggable; this makes the tests debuggable
if (System.getProperty("test.debug") != null) {
jvmArgs '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=y,address=8000'
Zip bundle = (Zip) project.getTasks().getByName("bundlePlugin");
integTest.getClusters().forEach{c -> {
String alertingFilePath = "src/test/resources/alerting"
String alertingPlugin = "opensearch-alerting-" + plugin_no_snapshot + ".zip"
String alertingRemoteFile = "" + opensearch_no_snapshot + "/latest/linux/x64/tar/builds/opensearch/plugins/" + alertingPlugin
testClusters.integTest {
testDistribution = 'ARCHIVE'
// Cluster shrink exception thrown if we try to set numberOfNodes to 1, so only apply if > 1
if (_numNodes > 1) numberOfNodes = _numNodes
// When running integration tests it doesn't forward the --debug-jvm to the cluster anymore
// i.e. we have to use a custom property to flag when we want to debug OpenSearch JVM
// since we also support multi node integration tests we increase debugPort per node
if (System.getProperty("cluster.debug") != null) {
def debugPort = 5005
nodes.forEach { node ->
debugPort += 1
setting 'path.repo', repo.absolutePath
new RegularFile() {
File getAsFile() {
File dir = new File(rootDir.path + "/" + alertingFilePath)
if (!dir.exists()) {
File f = new File(dir, alertingPlugin)
if (!f.exists()) {
new URL(alertingRemoteFile).withInputStream{ ins -> f.withOutputStream{ it << ins }}
run {
doFirst {
// There seems to be an issue when running multi node run or integ tasks with unicast_hosts
// not being written, the waitForAllConditions ensures it's written
getClusters().forEach { cluster ->
useCluster testClusters.integTest
task integTestRemote(type: RestIntegTestTask) {
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.test.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
systemProperty '', 'false'
systemProperty '', opensearch_tmp_dir.absolutePath
systemProperty "https", System.getProperty("https")
systemProperty "security", System.getProperty("security")
systemProperty "user", System.getProperty("user")
systemProperty "password", System.getProperty("password")
if (System.getProperty("") != null) {
filter {
includeTestsMatching "org.opensearch.securityanalytics.*RestIT"
integTestRemote.enabled = System.getProperty("") != null
// This is afterEvaluate because the bundlePlugin ZIP task is updated afterEvaluate and changes the ZIP name to match the plugin name
afterEvaluate {
ospackage {
packageName = "${name}"
release = isSnapshot ? "0.1" : '1'
version = "${project.version}"
into '/usr/share/opensearch/plugins'
from(zipTree(bundlePlugin.archivePath)) {
user 'root'
permissionGroup 'root'
fileMode 0644
dirMode 0755
requires('opensearch', versions.opensearch, EQUAL)
packager = 'Amazon'
vendor = 'Amazon'
os = 'LINUX'
prefix '/usr'
license 'ASL-2.0'
maintainer 'OpenSearch Team <>'
url ''
summary '''
Security Analytics plugin for OpenSearch.
Reference documentation can be found at
'''.stripIndent().replace('\n', ' ').trim()
buildRpm {
arch = 'NOARCH'
dependsOn 'assemble'
finalizedBy 'renameRpm'
task renameRpm(type: Copy) {
include archiveName
rename archiveName, "${packageName}-${version}.rpm"
doLast { delete file("$buildDir/distributions/$archiveName") }
buildDeb {
arch = 'all'
dependsOn 'assemble'
finalizedBy 'renameDeb'
task renameDeb(type: Copy) {
include archiveName
rename archiveName, "${packageName}-${version}.deb"
doLast { delete file("$buildDir/distributions/$archiveName") }
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