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Last active April 10, 2024 23:52
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fractional indexing by Evan Wallace via
* License CC0 -
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
* copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
* the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
* any warranty.
// Positions are represented as a string containing the digits after "0." in
// the fractional position between 0 and 1. So a position of "304" represents
// a position of "0.304".
// This returns a position that is between the positions "before" and "after".
// Missing elements (i.e. when there is no position before, or no position
// after) are represented by passing an empty string for the missing position
// instead. So "insertBetween('', positions[0])" inserts at the front and
// "insertBetween(positions[positions.length - 1], '')" inserts at the back.
function insertBetween(before, after) {
// This demo uses "0" as the first digit and "9" as the last digit for
// ease of understanding. However, this algorithm is best done with as
// large a base as possible to keep the generated positions shorter. A
// production implementation might make each digit a full byte, so the
// first digit would be 0x00 and the last digit would be 0xFF.
const minDigit = "0".charCodeAt(0);
const maxDigit = "9".charCodeAt(0);
let foundDifference = false;
let result = "";
let i = 0;
// Note: There are many ways to pick a fraction between two other
// fractions. The code below is just one way to do it, but it's
// certainly not the only way. Feel free to do this differently if
// you'd like.
while (true) {
// Pretend all digits past the end of the "before" position are
// "0" (our minimum digit).
const digitBefore = i < before.length ? before.charCodeAt(i) : minDigit;
// Pretend all digits past the end of the "after" position are
// "10" (one past our maximum digit). We do this because generated
// digits must be less than this number and we want to be able to
// generate "maxDigit" at the end of a generated position.
const digitAfter =
!foundDifference && i < after.length ? after.charCodeAt(i) : maxDigit + 1;
// Try to split the difference at the halfway point. This will round down,
// and only the upper value is ever equal to "maxDigit + 1", so the halfway
// point will always be less than or equal to "maxDigit".
const pick = (digitBefore + digitAfter) >>> 1;
result += String.fromCharCode(pick);
// If the difference is too small, continue to the next digit. We don't
// need to test the upper number since the division by two always rounds
// down. So if it's greater than the lower bound, then it must therefore
// also be less than the upper bound.
if (pick <= digitBefore) {
// If the rounded halfway point is equal to the "before" digit but the
// "before" and "after" digits are different, then the difference between
// them must be 1. In that case we want to treat all remaining "after"
// digits as larger than the maximum digit value since we have reached the
// end of the common shared prefix.
// For example, for "0.19" and "0.23" we won't be able to generate a digit
// in between "1" and "2" so we need to continue to the next digit pair,
// but we don't want to try to average "9" and "3" to get a digit since
// the next digit must be greater than or equal to "9". So instead we want
// to average "9" and a value greater than the maximum digit (i.e. "10").
if (digitBefore < digitAfter) {
foundDifference = true;
i += 1;
// Otherwise, return the halfway point plus random jitter to avoid
// collisions in the case where two peers try to concurrently insert
// between the same positions.
// The random jitter is added as random extra digits past the end of the
// fraction. This will never push the generated position past "next"
// because we know that "pick" is already less than "next". For example,
// "0.014abc" is always less than "0.015xyz" for all "abc" and "xyz".
// This implementation avoids unnecessarily append trailing "0" digits
// to the end.
// Note that the fact that the random jitter is always a non-negative
// number will bias the result slightly. This doesn't matter when we
// use a large base so the bias is small. The bias only really matters
// for smaller bases such as base 2.
let jitter = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x1000);
while (jitter > 0) {
const base = maxDigit - minDigit + 1;
const mod = jitter % base;
jitter = (jitter - mod) / base;
result += String.fromCharCode(minDigit + mod);
return result;
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