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Last active September 15, 2021 20:54
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Atlanta BitDevs - Socratic Seminar #2 Topics

Socratic Seminar #2 & Texas Recap

Several of us Atlanta peoplewent to Texas for PlebFi and BitBlockBoom. Here are interesting things we found.


Organized by Jeremy Rubin's and Sarah Satoshi. Many of the topics are focused around DeFi and other novel use cases for Bitcoin.

Schedule and Speakers



Jeremy Rubin's language for building Bitcoin smart contracts

Discreet Log Contracts

Ben Carman presented about DLCs, which is a bitcoin contract based off a set of oracle's signatures. Uses: basic prop bets, financial derivatives, synthetic assets.

Ben's Presentation

Additional info on DLCs:


Anthony Ronning presented about Impervious, a layer 3 that sits on top of the Lightning Network

Hack 4 Freedom Hackathon - for projects built using IMP, such as phone calls between lightning nodes, decentralized cloud computing services, and more. See the winners here


  • Buck Perley presented on using LSATs instead of oAuth.
  • More info on LSATs in this blog post.
  • Top prize in hackathon was for "BakeBoy", a tool for creating macaroons from a lightning node with very specific sets of permissions and capabilities.
    • Use case: you are the "Uncle Jim" LN operator for your family, you bake a macaroon for each family member allowing them to do specific things with the lightning node.


Matthew Bell presented about Nomic, a Bitcoin sidechain network - Nomic is proof-of-stake

Applications - Bitcoin native DeFi, NFTS, decentralized lightning hub, futarchy DAOS.



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