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Forked from benwilson512/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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extern crate test;
extern crate time;
use std::simd::f64x2;
use std::sync::{Arc,Future};
static CHUNKS: uint = 4;
static POINTS: uint = 10000000;
static CHUNK_SIZE: uint = 10000000 / 8;
fn main() {
let points = Vec::from_fn(POINTS, |i| f64x2(i as f64, i as f64));
let start = time::precise_time_ns();
let end = time::precise_time_ns();
println!("{}ms", (end-start) as f64/1000000.0);
fn linear_regression(points: Vec<f64x2>) -> (f64, f64) {
let shared_points = Arc::new(points);
let tasks = Vec::from_fn(CHUNKS, |i| {
let local_points = shared_points.clone();
let task = Future::spawn(proc() {
sum_parts(local_points.slice(i*CHUNK_SIZE, (i + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE))
let mut products_avg = 0f64;
let mut x_sqr_avg = 0f64;
let mut x_avg = 0f64;
let mut y_avg = 0f64;
for mut res in tasks.into_iter() {
let (products_avg1, x_sqr_avg1, x_avg1, y_avg1) = res.get();
products_avg = products_avg + products_avg1;
x_sqr_avg = x_sqr_avg + x_sqr_avg1;
x_avg = x_avg + x_avg1;
y_avg = y_avg + y_avg1;
let slope = (products_avg - x_avg * y_avg) / (x_sqr_avg - x_avg * y_avg);
let intercept = y_avg - slope * x_avg;
return (slope, intercept)
fn sum_parts(points: &[f64x2]) -> (f64, f64, f64, f64) {
let mut products_avg = 0f64;
let mut x_sqr_avg = 0f64;
let mut x_y_avgs = f64x2(0f64, 0f64);
for point in points.iter() {
let f64x2(x, y) = *point;
products_avg += x * y;
x_sqr_avg += x * x;
x_y_avgs += *point;
let num_points = points.len() as f64;
products_avg = products_avg / num_points;
x_sqr_avg = x_sqr_avg / num_points;
let f64x2(x_avg, y_avg) = x_y_avgs / f64x2(num_points, num_points);
(products_avg, x_sqr_avg, x_avg, y_avg)
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