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Created September 17, 2013 04:42
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[21:03] --> You have joined the channel #git (
[21:03] *** The channel topic is "Welcome to #git, the place for git-related help and fettucine alfredo | Current stable version: 1.8.4 | Start here: | Seeing "Cannot send to channel" or unable to change nick? /msg gitinfo .voice | Nurture your git-twigs and they will grow into a full branch".
[21:03] *** The topic was set by EugeneKay! on 09/16/13 08:14 PM.
[21:03] *** Channel modes: C, no colors allowed, no messages from outside, topic protection
[21:03] *** This channel was created on 11/25/06 10:42 PM.
[21:03] --> joshbetz has joined this channel (
[21:03] <-- macmartine has left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[21:04] <sbenthall> If I have students who are having trouble with git, is it OK to direct them to ask questions here?
[21:04] [404] sbenthall #git Cannot send to channel
[21:05] <-- joshbetz has left this server (Client Quit).
[21:05] <-> gitinfo> .voice
[21:05] *** gitinfo gives you permission to talk.
[21:05] <sbenthall> If I have students who are having trouble with git, is it OK to direct them to this channel to ask questions?
[21:06] <-- acharlieh has left this server (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.).
[21:06] --> macmartine has joined this channel (
[21:07] --> conan has joined this channel (
[21:07] <-- Luke-Jr has left this server (Excess Flood).
[21:08] <EugeneKay> We're not picky, though we might get annoyed if they come right out and ask us to do their homework
[21:08] <-- barneybook has left this server (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
[21:08] <sbenthall> yeah, it's not that. it's more like beginning git users hung up on edge cases
[21:08] <sig> sbenthall: after they've done
[21:09] --> Luke-Jr has joined this channel (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr).
[21:09] <-- macmartine has left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[21:09] <EugeneKay> Yeah, tell 'em to try first ;-)
[21:09] <offby1> EugeneKay: people have git homework?
[21:09] <sbenthall> ESR's "How to ask questions the smart way" is already on the syllabus
[21:09] <EugeneKay> Apparently these ones do
[21:09] <-- luxgeek has left this server (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
[21:09] <offby1> I generally get my pissing-off-students-with-homework ya-yas out on #scheme
[21:09] <sbenthall>
[21:09] --> sferry_ has joined this channel (~samuel@
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[21:10] --> sferry_ has joined this channel (~samuel@
[21:10] <sbenthall> thanks for the feedback! much appreciated
[21:11] --> hwrd|work has joined this channel (~textual@unaffiliated/hwrdprkns).
[21:11] --> jexmex has joined this channel (
[21:11] <jexmex> I am going to go insane
[21:11] <EugeneKay> I recommend the green pills
[21:11] <EugeneKay> They taste like mint
[21:12] <jexmex> 1 get this working right, guy pushes bad commit, another guy tries to fix it, loses my changes, and I have not clue how to figure out how to find then
[21:12] --> skorgon_1 has joined this channel (~skorgon@gateway/tor-sasl/skorgon).
[21:12] <jexmex> *them
[21:12] <-- sferry has left this server (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
[21:12] <jexmex> now I get to redo all my changes because all my attempts with git have failed
[21:12] <sig> sbenthall: git is really cursorily mentioned, also not stressed that git != github... that Bottom Up is really a very very essential thing (well it was for me) for grokking git
[21:12] <sig> and stopping shooting yourself in the foot
[21:13] <sig> even with a GUI like sourcetree that is an excellent tool to shoot yourself in the foot with
[21:13] <sbenthall> good point sig
[21:14] <mark06> is msysgit a native mingw program or was it compiled specially for the msys environment it ships with?
[21:14] <EugeneKay> guthib
[21:14] <sig> of course if git is going to be but strictly a tool/feature that comes with this wonderful GitHub service then... eh.
[21:14] <deryni> jexmex: If you commited your changes then git has them. The reflog might be your friend here.
[21:14] <EugeneKay> mark06 - I honestly have no idea; I want to say the latter.
[21:14] <-- kcj has left this server (Read error: No route to host).
[21:14] <sbenthall> sig: these are serious newbs. a lot of them don't have a better way to get into it than github
[21:14] <sbenthall> i see why it's a little offensive, but i'm doing what i can
[21:14] <sig> github isn't a way to get into git
[21:15] <sig> I:
[21:15] <sbenthall> now you're trolling :)
[21:15] <sig> I mean, it can be useful, and using it really requires very minimal git knowledge
[21:15] <sig> like... webchat vs IRC, I guess
[21:16] <sig> you don't really have to even know how to join a channel if you input it into some HTML text field when you log into the webchat
[21:16] <-- protoCall7 has left this server (Quit: protoCall7).
[21:16] <sig> you won't learn much about IRC, but if all you want it to chat on one channel (and don't care people dissing your webchat client) that I guess you don't really have to bother
[21:16] <sbenthall> sig: it's really turtles all the way down, no matter where you stand
[21:16] <sig> you can stand on Bottom Up, I... 95% promise
[21:17] [Whois] sig is ~jtakalai@ (Unknown)
[21:17] [Whois] sig is a user on channels: #git
[21:17] [Whois] sig is online via (Brisbane, AU).
[21:17] [Whois] sig is logged in as sig.
[21:17] [Whois] End of WHOIS list.
[21:17] <sig> but then again, if point isn't to learn to use a source control system (but rather to learn to use a collab web service or whatever) then maybe it's off the point
[21:17] <sig> as in, do on your own time if you care, or whatever
[21:17] <-- Samual has left this server (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
[21:17] <-- jperry has left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[21:17] <sbenthall> it's a bit choose your own adventure. showing the possibilities
[21:17] <sbenthall> thanks for the Bottom Up link. I bet it will be really useful to some
[21:18] <sig> looks like this course is more about "collaboration in the interwebs" (github) than "source control" (git)
[21:18] <sbenthall> correct
[21:18] <-- el3ctron has left this server (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
[21:18] <sig> what I imagine is people appearing on this channel asking how to login into git :D
[21:19] <sig> but eh, I guess whatever
[21:19] <sbenthall> i'm going to filter for that
[21:19] <sig> sbenthall: you could also point them to #github
[21:19] --> jperry has joined this channel (~jperry@
[21:20] <sig> they will probably happily answer git-related questions, too
[21:20] --> protoCall7 has joined this channel (
[21:20] <sig> and probably give better answers, too
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