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Last active March 22, 2017 09:56
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import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import ru.vtb.poc.service.pd.domain.PaymentDocumentEntity;
public interface PaymentDocumentRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<PaymentDocumentEntity, Long>
@Query("select count(*) from PaymentDocumentEntity e join e.sourceDocument s where s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId")
Long countTotalDocument(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId);
@Query("select count(*) from PaymentDocumentEntity e join e.sourceDocument s where s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId and e.status = 2")
Long countSignedDocument(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId);
@Query("select count(*) from PaymentDocumentEntity e join e.sourceDocument s where s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId and e.selected = true and e.status = 0")
Long countInvalidSignDocument(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId);
@Query("select e from PaymentDocumentEntity e join e.sourceDocument s where s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId and e.selected = true and e.status = 1")
Page<PaymentDocumentEntity> findSignDocumentList(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId,
Pageable pageable);
@Query("select e from PaymentDocumentEntity e join e.sourceDocument s where s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId")
Page<PaymentDocumentEntity> findBySourceDocumentId(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId,
Pageable pageable);
@Query("select count(e) as count, sum(e.amount) as amount from PaymentDocumentEntity e join e.sourceDocument s where s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId and e.selected = true")
Map<String, Object> calculateSelectedDocumentsAmmount(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId);
@Query("select count(*) from PaymentDocumentEntity e1 join e1.sourceDocument s1 where e1.entityId <= ("
+ "select min(e.entityId) "
+ "from PaymentDocumentEntity e "
+ "join e.sourceDocument s "
+ "join e.sourceContentList c "
+ "where false in (c.valid) "
+ "and s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId "
+ "and e.entityId > :from) "
+ "and s1.documentId = :sourceDocumentId ")
Long findNextInvalidDocuement(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId,
@Param("from") Long form);
@Query("select count(*) from PaymentDocumentEntity e1 join e1.sourceDocument s1 where e1.entityId <= ("
+ "select max(e.entityId) "
+ "from PaymentDocumentEntity e "
+ "join e.sourceDocument s "
+ "join e.sourceContentList c "
+ "where false in (c.valid) "
+ "and s.documentId = :sourceDocumentId "
+ "and e.entityId < :from)"
+ "and s1.documentId = :sourceDocumentId ")
Long findPrevInvalidDocuement(@Param("sourceDocumentId") String sourceDocumentId,
@Param("from") Long form);
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