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Created April 25, 2022 15:54
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regional_estimates <-
national_estimates <-
estimates <- national_estimates %>%
bind_rows(regional_estimates) %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(date >= max(date) - weeks(12),
level %in% c("national", "regional")) %>%
mutate(ValueType = case_when(
name == "infections" ~ "incidence",
name == "est_prev" ~ "prevalence",
name == "r" ~ "growth_rate",
name == "R" ~ "R")) %>%
filter(! %>%
rename(q05 = q5) %>% ## for sorting
select(-name) %>%
filter(ValueType %in% c("R", "growth_rate", "incidence", "prevalence")) %>%
mutate(Group = "LSHTM",
`Creation Day` = day(today()),
`Creation Month` = month(today()),
`Creation Year` = year(today()),
`Day of Value` = day(date),
`Month of Value` = month(date),
`Year of Value` = year(date)) %>%
pivot_longer(matches("^q[0-9]")) %>%
arrange(name) %>%
mutate(name = paste("Quantile", as.integer(sub("^q", "", name)) / 100)) %>%
pivot_wider() %>%
mutate(Value = `Quantile 0.5`,
Model = "EpiNow ONS Positivity",
Scenario = "Nowcast",
ModelType = "Survey",
Version = "0.1") %>%
select(Group, `Creation Day`, `Creation Month`, `Creation Year`, `Day of Value`,
`Month of Value`, `Year of Value`, Geography = variable, ValueType, Model,
Scenario, ModelType, Version, starts_with("Quantile "))
file_name <- paste(today(), "time-series-ons-cis-lshtm.csv", sep = "-")
write_csv(estimates, here::here("format-rt", "data", "cis", file_name))
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