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Last active June 29, 2024 09:31
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Save sbibek086/d7b400fb94f250b23fa8ea306de87f68 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Github Journal post1
nothing, but this cant and MUST NOT BE DELETED because tala sabai comments jun mera NOTES haru hun udhchh.
// I excitedly wrote this code- runability or compilability, is out of concern as I was impressed w CoffeecupCode n wanted
// to supersize it such that most of sol codes practices n RightToDos would turbo come senses to me. Nothing Serious!
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
beverage Coffee{
uint private data1;
uint private data2;
ufloat data;
function setIntData(uint a, uint b) public {data1=a; data2=b;}
function setIntDataPriv(uint a, uint b) private {data1=a; data2=b;}
function incIntDataPriv(uint a, uint b) private {data1=a; data2=b;}
function setFloatData(ufloat c) public {data=c;}
function empty() // I cant think of what to write inside it
function drink() // similar
function compute(uint l, uint m) internal returns(uint) {return l+m;}
beverage Tea{
function h() public{
Coffee coffee = new Coffee();
coffee.setIntData(2,3); // OK because its setIntData is public in nature
uint local= coffee.incIntDataPriv(7); //not OK not only here but also in Americano
beverage Americano is Coffee{
function g() public{
uint val = compute(3,2); //OK though it is internal returns because Americano is inherited //from Coffee
Coffee coffee = new Coffee();
if (coffee.empty)
PS: While I click 'edit' on this gist viewable, then on bottom, I see 'Add File'. I have to click there to add new gist. Anyway for kaamchalau, just add comment on this gist for immediate note down or emotional vomit posts.
So, since I created github pages just forking on from one create-pages-directory, and that sbibek086/write-the-docs is entirely my own assets on my own right, I am 'standing on the shoulders' of that jerkyll etc etc that powers it to standalone website, I can do anything, I mean just stand on shoulders of what others have already prepared - I mean softwares that they have created etc. Just saw for real whats FORKING brings to me.
# this yml integration was done just out of pure experimentation of what it means to add github extension libraries on code ,& is
#just random integration
#Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
- master
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- script: echo Hello, world!
displayName: 'Run a one-line script'
- script: |
echo Add other tasks to build, test, and deploy your project.
echo See
displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'
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sbibek086 commented Sep 19, 2022 DONT LOOK BACK or keep destroying or atleast work on preserving castle base which I hve built set up today to work on next floor tomm. Ya, I know to create with docker but HOW do I preserve it. I mean when I turn off docker, which I had to start app n run it. I mean that docker image of website always throughputting on URL no matter I switch off my machine. HOOOOOOOOW? find

below is its ans:
as AB suggested me, I should make batch .bat file of that docker commands and save it as .bat So that All i need to do is go to its location from terminal ,and then ThatFile.bat ENTER

so today I learn also that publishing package is that I write my apps and put it as package in std. npm package lists etc so that others can use of it just importing. But I already knew about that, didnt I . ONLY I was not conscious to it

=========== aws cloud soln prepare garda taaka ko from below:====== is when I trying to download boilerplateMyForked repo to my machine and do Terminal cmd npx ...... Failed host verification error roadblocked me when trying my cmd prompt and also when I tried from git bash. VVVVVIMPP , maile codespace sike vane mlae docker desktop aadi ko headache hudaina, plus env setup ko headache hudaina. so its noooooooo. 1 skill

===Abut github: just hurry pasted ========
Organizations are More KILLERS than just plain repos POWER UPGRADE vivek

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 is y Personal.Access.Tokens of github acc as github has stopped supporting acc passwords. Now it requires token-based authentication (for example, a personal access, OAuth, or GitHub App installation token) for all authenticated Git operations. Excerpt from:
what we should do:

If I close issue thread, then issues are not visible next time. Good while collaborating on OS repo to get away with resolved issues but NOT GOOD for thread of issues where I save usernam pw memos etc
github package personal access token with read write and repo rights: e39de365649162ec365f7a88b0f6e571e6d23c72

. github folder pani achammai kai chh. . agadhi rakhi naming garyo vane direct upload to github repo garda hidden files vanda raichh. i didnt k. theres speacial way files are treated when named (.) infront of it

mero codespace setting mero github le nai login hunchh, ie. my codespace settings belong to my github, so if i sync, then its setting is reflected to no matter other newly created codespaces. codeformatter extension le code format garchh by selecting code and then Rclicking to .., its installed in my acc

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Author ma index.html lai app.get('/', (res,req)=>) garera garna khojya chh but stackoverflow garya xu, herau

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sbibek086 commented Sep 26, 2022

----terminal CLIs takes care of all virtual env things aka Dev Ops things-----
more about CLI this quora ans and thisYT.
As so happens, VS code default TERMINAL mode is on bash,
and when I put npm init, it turns to node mode , then I can do npm init whatever whatever as
"npm CLI" or "npm init" is only g search away that gives such docus from package sites.
Then it returns back to bash.

npm .. whenever I install in terminal, then it adds package.json -which has all packages in it so that I can import modules in my MainApp.JS using
const MayBeClassMayBeFunc = require('express') /*here, it is calling express module from expressgraphql but for this decl. to work, expressgraphql has to be there, for which earlier needed to be done is: npm install --save expressgraphql / / these npm CLIs are just matter of looking at npm [docus (

i dont even need git seperate CLIs, all I need is Visual Studio code>> Terminal even for say git push pull command

All i have to do: goto Terminal in Vstudio , then in its terminal, cd.. stuffs (post41)
to ...xampp/htdocs(**) so that I can clone git remote urls docs inside htdocs.

So, now I can change it, then throw localhost by Xampp server to see its compilation result in browser, at the same time, can change, commit etc to reflect changes in git ready docs.
One thing pro me have to suggest to this amateur me's this paragraph is: i dont need to put it in xampp htdocs to init server for every language (its necessary for php developing). Eg. In react, to initialize server, i just have to write: npm start as server initialization is implicitly handled by package.

-- { or node.js (client side dev. approach) opp to PHP server side appr.} -two opensource pkg provider are there whose CLs are yarn create .. | yarn start AND npm install .. AND pip install .. (<-is that another pkg manager

Problem Q and A:

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sbibek086 commented Oct 1, 2022

Challenges of programming: Why programmers like cooking: You peel carrot, you chop carrot, you put carrot in stew. you DONT suddenyl find that your peeler is several versions behind and they dropped support for carrot in 4.3 version.

Some errors evolve to be exceptions. Exceptions are expected errors. Errors that we can plan for and recover from. The best coding example here is a Network Connection error while we make a program, for example, download some data. This is very much expected because we know network connections could be unreliable so we plan for that error. When that error happens, let’s label the task of downloading that data as incomplete. Queue it somewhere, and re-try it at a later time (see below for an analogy for queuing).

What we did with this planned exception is give the computer a different set of instructions (a different recipe) to do when that error happens. We do exactly that with our kids as well. We give them instructions about what to do in certain future scenarios that we expect (or fear in this case).

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sbibek086 commented Nov 8, 2022


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sbibek086 commented Nov 17, 2022

YESTERDAY I put 128 SSD on which now is my OS and 8GB RAM. Old SSD hard disk is now as backup drive.
TODAY I made my PC compatible to be docker compose client by going and doing all

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sbibek086 commented Nov 18, 2022

STUPID BIBEK, VIVEK, Ctrl C garepachhi turuntai turuntai turuntai Ctrl V gara ani balla del k k garne gara.
b) not rel to coding , jus general purpose: edi kunai video vetena vane k kera jasto tei video khojy khoyai garera baschhas ki ta 1st hand mai teslai suitable thau ma save garnu parthyo , if chhaina vane F O R G E T about it-there's another.
BBEK, tyo ek patak install garisakya installer lai kina SHIFT DEL garya NOOO, just DELLLL.
i del and again reinstall fearing that i should start again virgin but thats NOT necessary

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BIBEK esari nai gara hai, copy ma lekhnu vanda, open yt, n then assume you are typing alongside it, eso garda m concentrate + bujhna thalxu.
plus docu haru padna focus vayena vane pani same left split ma docu khol ani lekhnu ko satta vscode mai typing garerai mind engage enjoy garera basirakha

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sbibek086 commented Dec 8, 2022

KPau ji wala kaam
yei bata suru gara, i dont need other BS i dont need his shared drive coz other unnecessary files there
BUT tyo DDRM white paper and DDRM dashbor wala docs ma fatera open hune huna le
duita tab ma kholera t dui pdf double click garee preview ma hera

g datastudio ma ya jau
for deleting data


The date range control lets you select the dates you want to see in the report. You can define a custom date range by choosing start and end dates, or you can select from a list of predefined ranges, such as Yesterday, Last 7 days (including today), Last quarter, Year to Date, and so on.

NOT so immediate: blending ko bare ma, HERA bIBEK

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sbibek086 commented Dec 16, 2022

tyo sheet7 componentwisein% ma maile transposed lai column wise nai original data ko right ma raakhechhu, assha chh esle tyo data sudio ma load garda vayeko config error lai solve garnechh, n for that i have to reload data in Integrated Exxcel Sheet 7aka componentwisein%

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Author ma netmask 24 vanya LSB bata 24 bits samma change vayeko range hamro virtual private server vayo ie VPS. yeslai arko vaasa ma vanda

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kisi par totally depend mat raho, najar jhuka ke baat mat karo, bahas mat karo- if u r right, then other will get ur point, u dont need to shout. IT IS ONLY BY PRUDENCE, WISDOM, DEXTERITY THAT GREAT ENDS ARE ATTAINED AND OBSTACLES ARE OVERCOME. WITHOUT THIS QUALITY,NOTHING SUCCEEDS.

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Author brilliant on session? why Do i need to understand session becoz i need to underst from SSL/TLS handshake in

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python makemigration
//checks if some schema has been changed and then in migrates those schema changes in db
python migrate
//has sth g to do w authentication table, which django has by default
python createsuperuser
//creates superuser

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sbibek086 commented Oct 10, 2023

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git clone nddrmaKoGitLabURL
npm install --force
yarn dev

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Author ssh key gen wala utube ma tyo rajanG le garda ko khichya foto rakhee post lekh, ho https tarika pani chh, tara teso garda harek choti user pw rakhirakhna parchh aru kura pani chhan jasle SSH tarika pratical ra pow chh

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While resolving: ndrrma@0.0.0
npm ERR! Found: react@18.2.0
npm ERR! node_modules/react
npm ERR! react@"^18.2.0" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer react@"^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0-0 || ^16.0.0-0" from react-messenger-customer-chat@0.8.0
npm ERR! node_modules/react-messenger-customer-chat
npm ERR! react-messenger-customer-chat@"^0.8.0" from the root project

Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.

react element peer dependency ma conflict aako wala error ho yo

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python maile 'Add to PATH' nagarikana install garda yo mathi ko sodhchha

'Add to Path' globally garda ja pani tye eutai python version lai refer garni vo. eso garda edi alag alag stack ma hamlai alag alag python version chahinchh vane ta eutai version lai ja pani GLOBAL garda ('Add to path' garera) conflict huni vo. ho tye resolve garna ko lagi Virtual environment ko concept chahini ho -->

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AWScommunity commented Oct 17, 2023

NBHDp-QvGBQ is playwrights

Always pahila

playwright codegen

garera code generate gara ani tei code Ctrl c v garera test script lekha, tyo code run vayena vane balla improvise garna tira laga

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sbibek086 commented Feb 15, 2024


Data in UpBar ->> DataCleanup->> Cleanup Suggestion FOR like removing duplicate entry etc

jasari maile diuta row ma 1st col ko 2,3; ra 2nd col ko 10,20 lai resply 20,60 garee tyo diuta row lai select garee drag tala garyo vane varra varchh, gsheet ma chai drag drop down ko satta Ctrl Shift Y garnu parchh



pivot table - yei manxe ko matra her gsheet ko lagi, aru Guiye harko nahera

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ctrlG >> Special >> Blanks >> Ctrl - >> Entire row
for removing blank rows in excel

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sbibek086 commented Feb 29, 2024

tye ubuntu chalauda gui ko kura (which is imp) matra hun, real sudo etc pow chai xaina.

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