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Last active November 17, 2022 19:34
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Commodore 64: conversion PETSCII -> Screen Code
5 print chr$(147)
10 get a$:if a$="" then 10
20 a=asc(a$)
30 c=-1
40 if a>= 32 and a<=63 then c=a
50 if a>= 64 and a<=95 then c=a-64
60 if a>= 96 and a<=127 then c=a-32
70 if a>=160 and a<=191 then c=a-64
80 if a>=192 and a<=254 then c=a-128
90 if a=255 then c=a-161
100 if c<>-1 then print chr$(147);chr$(13);a$:poke 1024,c
110 if c=-1 then poke 53280,0:poke 53280,14
120 goto 10
32..63 | 32..63 | PETSCII
64..95 | 0..31 | PETSCII-64
96..127 | 64..95 | PETSCII-32
160..191 | 96..127 | PETSCII-64
192..254 | 64..126 | PETSCII-128
255 | 94 | PETSCII-161
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