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Created June 19, 2012 13:39
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Explore Mandelbrot set in your terminal using only Ruby core features!
# Built on pseudo-code from
COLORS = %w(1;32 0;32 0;36 1;36 1;37 0;37 1;30 0;30 0;34 1;34 0;35 1;35 0;31 1;31 0;33 1;33)
# Detect terminal resolution
term_size = `stty size` { |x| x.to_i }.reverse
X_MAX = term_size[0] - 1
Y_MAX = term_size[1] - 3 # Leave room for help text at bottom
def print_color_block(color)
color = COLORS[(color + 3) % NUM_COLORS]
"\033[" + color + 'm' + "\xe2\x96\x88"
def draw_mandelbrot(zoom, center_x, center_y, max_iterations)
output = "\n"
(0..Y_MAX).each do |y_in_pixels_from_top_left|
# scaled y coordinate of pixel (must be scaled to lie somewhere in the mandelbrot Y scale (-1, 1)
y_in_pixels_from_center = y_in_pixels_from_top_left - Y_MAX.to_f / 2.0
y_unit_range = 2.0 / zoom
y0 = (y_unit_range * y_in_pixels_from_center / Y_MAX) - center_y
(0..X_MAX).each do |x_in_pixels_from_top_left|
# scaled x coordinate of pixel (must be scaled to lie somewhere in the mandelbrot X scale (-2.5 to 1)
x_in_pixels_from_center = x_in_pixels_from_top_left - X_MAX.to_f / 2.0
x_unit_range = 3.5 / zoom
x0 = (x_unit_range * x_in_pixels_from_center.to_f / X_MAX) + center_x
x, y = 0.0, 0.0
iteration = 0
while (x*x + y*y < 2*2 && iteration < max_iterations) do
xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0
y = 2*x*y + y0
x = xtemp
iteration = iteration + 1
output += print_color_block iteration
output += "\n"
print output
print "\033[0m"
def get_keypress
system("stty raw -echo")
system("stty -raw echo")
def print_help
puts "Move: w,a,s,d Zoom: -/+ , Reset: r, Quit: q. Set 'Use bright colors for bold text' in Terminal."
# Controls precision and speed. 100 is a good balance on my 2.0GHz MBP.
iterations = 100
# Keyboard input variable. Start with a view reset
key = "r"
# Main loop
while (key != "q") do
case key
when '+', '='
zoom *= 1.1
when '-'
zoom *= 0.9
when "a"
center_x -= 0.2 / zoom
when "d"
center_x += 0.2 / zoom
when "w"
center_y += 0.2 / zoom
when "s"
center_y -= 0.2 / zoom
when "r"
center_x = -0.75
center_y = 0.0
zoom = 1.0
draw_mandelbrot zoom, center_x, center_y, iterations
key = get_keypress
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