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Created August 30, 2012 10:00
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Save sbob-sfdc/3525278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Salesforce Mobile SDK Hybrid App Sample inline.js (001)
//Sample code for Hybrid REST Explorer
function regLinkClickHandlers() {
// avoid jQuery conflicts
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
// standard logout function
$j('#link_logout').click(function() {
SFHybridApp.logToConsole("link_logout clicked");
// handle clicks to Update on detailpage
$j("#updateButton").click(function() {
// update local information in the inventory array
inventory[$j("#detailpage").attr("data-id")].Quantity__c = $j("#quantity").val();
currentRecord = inventory[$j("#detailpage").attr("data-id")];
// strip out ID before updating the database
var data = new Object();
data.Quantity__c = currentRecord.Quantity__c;
// update the database
// handle successful retrieval of Merchandise records
function onSuccessSfdcMerchandise(response) {
// avoid jQuery conflicts
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
// debug info to console
SFHybridApp.logToConsole("onSuccessSfdcMerchandise: received " + response.totalSize + " merchandise records");
// clear div_merchandise_list HTML
// set the ul string var to a new UL
var ul = $j('<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="a" data-dividertheme="a"></ul>');
// update div_merchandise_list with the UL
// set the first li to display the number of records found, formatted using list-divider
ul.append($j('<li data-role="list-divider">Merchandise records: ' + response.totalSize + '</li>'));
// add an li for the merchandise being passed into the function via response
// create an array to store record information for click listener creation below
inventory = new Array();
// loop through each record, using vars i and merchandise
$j.each(response.records, function(i, merchandise) {
// create an array element for each merchandise record, used below for listeners
inventory[merchandise.Id] = merchandise;
// create a new li with the record's Name; use the detailLink class and a record-specific data-id
var newLi = $j("<li class='detailLink' data-id='" + merchandise.Id + "'><a href='#'>" + merchandise.Name + "</a></li>");
// render (create) the list of Merchandise records
$j("#div_merchandise_list").trigger( "create" );
// send the rendered HTML to the log for debugging
// set up listeners for detailLink clicks
$j(".detailLink").click(function() {
// get the unique data-id of the record just clicked
var id = $j(this).attr('data-id');
// using the id, get the record from the array created above
var record = inventory[id];
// use this info to set up various detail page information
// change the view to the detailpage, tracking the location change
$'#detailpage', {changeHash: true});
// simple handler for successful update
function updateSuccess(message) {
alert("Item Updated");
// simple handler for SFDC access failure
function onErrorSfdc(error) {
SFHybridApp.logToConsole("onErrorSfdc: " + JSON.stringify(error));
alert('Error getting data!');
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