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Created September 2, 2012 23:42
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Save sbob-sfdc/3605669 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Workshop 201, Tutorial 6, Step 1, Apex
private class TestDeleteRestrictInvoice {
// Invoice generator, with or without a Line Item
static Invoice__c createNewInvoice(Boolean withLineItem) {
// Create test Invoice and insert it into the database
Invoice__c invoice = new Invoice__c();
insert invoice;
// Create test Line Item and insert it into the database, if withLineItem == true
if (withLineItem) {
Line_Item__c item = new Line_Item__c(
name = '1',
Quantity__c = 1,
Invoice__c = invoice.Id
insert item;
return invoice;
// Single row Invoice with no Line Items => delete
static testMethod void verifyInvoiceNoLineItemsDelete(){
// Create test Invoice and insert it
Invoice__c invoice = createNewInvoice(false);
// Delete the Invoice, capture the result
Database.DeleteResult result = Database.delete(invoice, false);
// Assert success, because target Invoice doesn't have Line Items
// Single row Invoice with Line Items => delete restrict
static testMethod void verifyInvoiceLineItemsRestrict(){
// Create test Invoice and Line Item and insert them
Invoice__c invoice = createNewInvoice(true);
// Delete the Invoice, capture the result
Database.DeleteResult result = Database.delete(invoice, false);
// Assert failure-not success, because target Invoice has tracks
// Bulk delete of Invoice, one without Line Items, another with
static testMethod void verifyBulkInvoiceDeleteRestrict(){
// Create two test Invoices, one with and without a Line Item
Invoice__c[] invoices = new List<Invoice__c>();
// Delete the Invoices, opt_allOrNone = false, capture the results.
Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(invoices, false);
// Assert success for first Invoice
// Assert not success for second Invoice
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I came to this page; while referring Workbook, page numbers 124-125. The above code is incomplete and missing steps. I have successfully tried the code below. ( For some reason the formatting below from " @istest to insert merchandise; " is getting messed up. While in the writing/ editing mode at; the formatting shows correct; but after posted it is automatically removed. Please adjust the spacing)

private class TestDeleteRestrictInvoice {
// Invoice generator, with or without a Line Item3
static Invoice3__c createNewInvoice3(Boolean withLineItem) {
// Create test Merchandise3
Merchandise3__c merchandise = new Merchandise3__c(
Name = 'Test Laptop',
Quantity__c = 1000,
Price__c = 500
insert merchandise;

        // Create test Invoice
    Invoice__c invoice = new Invoice__c();
    insert invoice;

    // Create test Line Item and insert it into the database, if withLineItem == true
    if (withLineItem) {
        Line_Item__c item = new Line_Item__c(
            name = '1',
            Quantity__c = 1,
            Merchandise__c = merchandise.Id,
            Invoice__c = invoice.Id
        insert item;
    return invoice;
// Single row Invoice with no Line Items => delete
static testMethod void verifyInvoiceNoLineItemsDelete(){
    // Create test Invoice and insert it
    Invoice__c invoice = createNewInvoice3(false);

    // Delete the Invoice, capture the result
    Database.DeleteResult result = Database.delete(invoice, false);

    // Assert success, because target Invoice3 doesn't have Line Items

// Single row Invoice with Line Items => delete restrict
static testMethod void verifyInvoiceLineItemsRestrict(){
    // Create test Invoice and Line Item and insert them
    Invoice__c invoice = createNewInvoice(true);

    // Delete the Invoice, capture the result
    Database.DeleteResult result = Database.delete(invoice, false);

    // Assert failure-not success, because target Invoice has tracks

// Bulk delete of Invoice, one without Line Items, another with
static testMethod void verifyBulkInvoiceDeleteRestrict(){
    // Create two test Invoices, one with and without a Line Item
    Invoice__c[] invoices = new List<Invoice__c>();

    // Delete the Invoices, opt_allOrNone = false, capture the results.
    Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(invoices, false);

    // Assert success for first Invoice
    // Assert not success for second Invoice


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