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Created August 8, 2011 18:58
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Delete Restrict Trigger Unit Test Class (Apex)
private class TestDeleteRestrictAlbums {
// Random number generator
static double getRandomNumber() {
return Math.random();
// Album generator, with or without a track
static Album__c createNewAlbum(Boolean withTrack) {
// Create test album and insert it into the database
Album__c album = new Album__c(name = 'Test' + getRandomNumber());
insert album;
// Create test track and insert it into the database, if withTrack == true
if (withTrack) {
Track__c track = new Track__c(
name = 'Test' + getRandomNumber(),
Album__c = album.Id
insert track;
return album;
// Single row album with no tracks => delete
static testMethod void verifyAlbumNoTracksDelete(){
// Create test album and insert it
Album__c album = createNewAlbum(false);
// Delete the album, capture the result.
Database.DeleteResult result = Database.delete(album, false);
// Assert success, because target album has tracks.
// Single row album with tracks => delete restrict
static testMethod void verifyAlbumTracksRestrict(){
// Create test album and track and insert them
Album__c album = createNewAlbum(true);
// Delete the album, capture the result.
Database.DeleteResult result = Database.delete(album, false);
// Assert not success, because target album has tracks.
// Bulk delete of album, one without tracks, another with
static testMethod void verifyBulkAlbumDeleteRestrict(){
// Create two test albums, one with and without track
Album__c[] albums = new List<Album__c>();
// Delete the albums, opt_allOrNone = false, capture the results.
Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(albums, false);
// Assert success for first album
// Assert not success for second album
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