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Last active September 6, 2019 18:29
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Network cloud-hypervisor

In order to set the Internet connectivity for our cloud-hypervisor VMM, we need to manually setup a few things.

  1. Set guest's IP address
# ip addr add dev enp0s3
  1. Set default route
# ip route add default via

The point of the default route is to ensure that any packet (because it's aiming at a specific destination IP) will be redirected to the gateway pointed by this route.

  1. Check the routes on the host

On the host, you should have one interface (enp0s1 for instance) that faces Internet with an IP address, and one dedicated TAP interface vmtap0 that is set with the IP If that's not the case, make sure your TAP interface is set with this IP. We also need to check the routes, as we need the packets to find their way to enp0s1, and on the way back from enp0s1 to the VM at Here is what the route table should look like on the host:

# ip route
default via dev enp0s1 proto dhcp metric 20100 dev enp0s31f6 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev vmtap0 proto kernel scope link src
  1. Set IP tables rules

Having the VM sending some packet out is easy but the answer needs to reach the host. If the packets are tagged as coming from, the receiver of those packets won't be able to reply as it won't have any subnet as part of its network, and the IP won't be registered publicly as it's considered as local IP. The proper way to let the receiver send those packets back to where they came from is to tag them as coming from the interface enp0s1 identified with the IP And the way is to apply some post-routing iptables rules to the packets. Here is what needs to be done:

# iptables-save > ip_tables
# echo "-A POSTROUTING -s -o enp0s1 -j MASQUERADE" >> ip_tables
# iptables-restore < ip_tables
  1. Fix DNS nameserver address (optional)

Depending if the host machine is sitting on a specific network like an enterprise network, might not be a valid DNS address. In this case, we can edit /etc/resolv.conf in the guest to replace it with the appropriate address ( for instance). The appropriate address can be found on the host, either looking at /etc/resolv.conf or doing a nslookup

  1. Set the proxy (optional)

Again, if the host machine is sitting on a specific network that requires proxy, the proxy configuration can be exported in order to let the guest reach the Internet. Same proxy as the one found on the host should apply.

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