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Created September 4, 2020 19:18
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trierarch: 100
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trisula: 100
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troller: 100
trotol: 100
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trutta: 100
tubeform: 100
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turkey: 100
turnoff: 100
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tweesht: 100
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twitchel: 100
twoling: 100
tyburn: 100
uigurian: 100
uitotan: 100
uitspan: 100
umpirer: 100
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unaltered: 100
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unavailable: 100
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unchiseled: 100
uncialize: 100
unclever: 100
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undress: 100
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ungloved: 100
unhaggling: 100
unhorse: 100
unhumbled: 100
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uniflow: 100
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unmental: 100
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unmiry: 100
unmiter: 100
unmodified: 100
unmown: 100
unpalpable: 100
unpapered: 100
unpasted: 100
unpitched: 100
unplashed: 100
unprimed: 100
unprince: 100
unprop: 100
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unrandom: 100
unreceding: 100
unrecent: 100
unrelated: 100
unrisen: 100
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unshamefaced: 100
unshelled: 100
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unshore: 100
unsicker: 100
unsmeared: 100
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unsolar: 100
unstanch: 100
unstate: 100
unsteep: 100
unsunk: 100
untacking: 100
untaste: 100
untaxable: 100
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untipt: 100
untoiled: 100
unturf: 100
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unwaking: 100
unwarbled: 100
unwarned: 100
unwearied: 100
unwhite: 100
unwilled: 100
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upcover: 100
upcrowd: 100
upgrow: 100
uppluck: 100
upspew: 100
upspread: 100
upstare: 100
urceolate: 100
ureteral: 100
urobilin: 100
urohyal: 100
urologic: 100
urticaria: 100
useless: 100
uspanteca: 100
utensil: 100
uxorial: 100
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vacuolate: 100
valbellite: 100
variety: 100
varnished: 100
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velatura: 100
veliform: 100
venantes: 100
venation: 100
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venially: 100
ventifact: 100
ventose: 100
verbalize: 100
verbenone: 100
verbomania: 100
vergery: 100
vetchling: 100
veuglaire: 100
victrola: 100
vietminh: 100
villanella: 100
vinagron: 100
vincular: 100
vinous: 100
virbius: 100
virgater: 100
visionic: 100
vitameric: 100
vitaminic: 100
vitasti: 100
vitrailed: 100
vitrics: 100
vivency: 100
vivifier: 100
vortical: 100
vouchsafe: 100
vulpinae: 100
wachuset: 100
walycoat: 100
washway: 100
wedgewise: 100
wednesday: 100
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wehrlite: 100
wellmaker: 100
wellring: 100
wellyard: 100
wheelsman: 100
whelpish: 100
whenever: 100
whichway: 100
whirley: 100
whirling: 100
whiskey: 100
whisking: 100
whitebill: 100
whitfinch: 100
wholesale: 100
whooper: 100
whorish: 100
widdendream: 100
widewhere: 100
wigwagger: 100
wildsome: 100
windfallen: 100
wiredancer: 100
wistaria: 100
wistit: 100
witchlike: 100
witchweed: 100
witcraft: 100
witloof: 100
witwall: 100
wolframic: 100
wollomai: 100
woolfell: 100
wordably: 100
worset: 100
wounder: 100
wrawler: 100
wreathy: 100
writing: 100
wronger: 100
xylose: 100
yahooish: 100
yalensian: 100
yankton: 100
yarrow: 100
yarwhip: 100
yeasting: 100
yohimbine: 100
yokeldom: 100
ytterbia: 100
yukaghir: 100
yuruna: 100
zamouse: 100
zaratite: 100
zeuxian: 100
zorgite: 100
import sys
from typing import Tuple
class TrieNode():
A node in the trie
def __init__(self, char: str):
self.char = char
self.children = {}
# Is it the last character of the word.`
self.word_finished = False
self.cost = total(char)
def add_word(self, word: str):
if self.char is not word[0]:
# if the word ends here, mark the node
if len(word) == 1:
self.word_finished = True
if word[1] not in self.children:
# if it's not in our children, we need to init a new child node
self.children[word[1]] = TrieNode(word[1])
def __str__(self, level=0):
ret = "\t"*level+repr(self.char)+"\n"
for child in self.children.values():
ret += child.__str__(level+1)
return ret
class Trie():
The root of the trie
def __init__(self):
self.children = {}
def add_word(self, word: str):
if word is None or word == "":
# if we don't have a child starting with that value yet, add one
if word[0] not in self.children:
self.children[word[0]] = TrieNode(word[0])
def find_words(self, cost: int):
words = []
for child in self.children.values():
found_words = find_words(child, cost)
if found_words is None:
for word in found_words:
if word is None:
return words
def find_words(root: TrieNode, cost: int, wordSoFar: str = ''):
if cost == 0:
cost = cost-root.cost
if cost == 0:
if root.word_finished:
return [wordSoFar+root.char]
if cost < 0:
words = []
for child in root.children.values():
found_words = find_words(child, cost, wordSoFar+root.char)
if found_words is None:
for word in found_words:
if word is None:
return words
def main():
# Total up a word provided on the CLI
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
root = Trie()
words = open('/usr/share/dict/words').read().split('\n')
for word in words:
# if total(word) == 100:
# print(word)
#words = ["abra", "abba", "aaac", "abridged", "abrogate"]
#for word in words:
# root.add_word(word)
matchingWords = root.find_words(100)
for word in matchingWords:
print(word +": "+str(total(word)))
def total(word):
""" Return the score of a word if a=1,b=2,.... """
base = ord("a") - 1
return sum([(ord(x) - base) for x in word])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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