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Last active May 10, 2021 00:55
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Microsoft Edge: cookies settings - bulk add/remove blocked domains
* Usage:
* - navigate to "edge://settings/content/cookies" and open devtools
* - add/remove tlds to `tlds` array below
* - copy and paste script into dev console
* - finally, call either `addAll()` or `removeAll()
* @example add domains
* addAll()
* @example remove domains
* removeAll()
const tlds = ['', 'ac', '', 'academy', '', 'aero', 'africa', 'ag', 'agency', 'ai', 'am', 'app', 'army', 'asia', 'at', 'audio', '', 'band', 'bar', '', 'be', 'beer', 'berlin', 'bike', 'bio', 'biz', 'black', 'blog', 'blue', '', 'build', 'builders', 'business', 'buzz', 'bz', 'ca', 'cafe', 'camera', 'camp', 'capital', 'cards', 'care', 'careers', 'cash', 'cc', 'center', 'ceo', 'ch', 'church', 'city', 'claims', 'click', 'clinic', 'clothing', 'cloud', 'club', 'cm', '', 'co', '', '', '', '', '', 'coach', 'codes', 'coffee', 'com', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'community', 'company', 'computer', 'varruction', 'consulting', 'cool', '', 'credit', 'cz', 'dance', 'date', 'de', '', 'deals', 'design', 'dev', 'digital', 'direct', 'directory', 'dog', 'domains', 'earth', 'education', 'email', 'energy', '', 'engineer', 'engineering', 'enterprises', 'equipment', 'es', 'eu', '', 'events', 'exchange', 'expert', 'fail', 'family', 'fans', 'farm', '', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fit', 'fitness', 'fm', 'foundation', 'fr', 'fund', 'fyi', 'gallery', 'games', 'garden', 'gay', '', '', 'gives', 'glass', 'global', '', 'graphics', 'gripe', 'gs', 'guide', 'guru', 'haus', 'health', 'help', 'horse', 'host', 'hosting', 'house', 'how', '', '', 'immo', 'in', '', 'industries', 'info', 'ink', 'institute', 'investments', 'io', 'ist', 'it', 'jp', '', 'kitchen', 'kiwi', 'la', 'land', 'law', '', 'lawyer', 'legal', 'li', 'life', 'limited', 'link', 'live', 'lol', 'london', 'love', 'ltd', '', 'market', 'marketing', 'me', '', '', 'media', 'melbourne', 'menu', 'mobi', 'moe', 'ms', 'mx', 'name', 'net', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'network', 'news', 'ninja', 'nl', '', '', '', '', 'nu', 'nyc', 'nz', 'one', 'online', 'org', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'page', 'paris', 'parts', 'party', 'pe', 'photo', 'photography', 'photos', 'pics', 'pictures', 'pink', 'pizza', 'pl', 'place', 'plus', 'press', 'pro', 'pub', 'pw', '', '', 'red', 'report', 'rest', 'review', 'reviews', 'rocks', '', 'run', '', 'school', 'science', 'scot', 'se', '', '', 'services', 'sexy', 'sg', 'sh', 'shop', 'show', 'site', 'ski', 'social', 'software', 'solutions', 'space', 'store', 'studio', 'study', 'support', 'sydney', 'systems', 'tc', 'team', 'tech', 'technology', 'tel', 'tips', 'tm', 'today', 'tools', 'top', 'tours', 'town', 'trade', 'training', 'travel', 'tv', 'tw', 'uk', '', '', 'university', 'uno', 'us', '', '', '', 'ventures', 'vg', 'video', 'vip', 'vision', 'vote', 'watch', 'website', 'wedding', 'wiki', 'win', 'work', 'works', 'world', 'ws', 'wtf', 'xxx', 'xyz', '', 'zone', ]
const timeout = 100
const head = document.head.innerHTML
const main = document.querySelector(`[role="main"]`)
const addBlockButton = main.querySelector('#CookiesAddblock')
const disabledClassIndex = head.indexOf('cursor: not-allowed !important;')
const disabledClassSelector = head.slice(disabledClassIndex - 11, disabledClassIndex - 5)
const getDialog = () => document.querySelector('[role="dialog"]')
const getDomainInput = () => getDialog().querySelector('input#sitePermissionUrl')
const getSubmitButton = () => getDialog().querySelector(`[type="submit"]`)
const getReactHandlers = (el) => Object.entries(el).find(i => i[0].indexOf('__reactEventHandlers') > -1)
function addAll() {
const addDomains = async (list) => {
if (list.length === 0) {
return true
const addFn = async () => {
const input = getDomainInput()
const url = list.shift()
input.value = `[*.]${url}`
const [, handlers] = getReactHandlers(input)
target: {
value: input.value
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeout)
await addFn()
return addDomains(list)
function removeAll(list) {
const removeDomains = async (list) => {
if (list.length === 0) {
return true
const moreOptionsButton = list.shift()
const removeFn = async () => {
const container = [
].find(i => !== '0px')
const remove = container.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout)
await removeFn()
return removeAll(list)
const container = main.querySelector('[aria-labelledby="CookiesBlockListActionRow"]')
const moreActionsButtons = [...container.querySelectorAll('button[title="More actions"]')]
return removeDomains(moreActionsButtons)
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