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Last active September 26, 2016 18:50
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Name: bolt-taxonomy-navigation.twig
Description: Defining taxonomy categories and using them as navigation in Bolt. Only print out those with records assigned to them
Author: S. Bonardt
CMS: Bolt CMS -
Define the categories like below in taxonomy.yml, using key and value (under 'options') i.s.o. default way. E.G:
name: Categories
slug: categories
singular_name: Category
singular_slug: category
behaves_like: categories
multiple: true
key1: Value 1
lorem: Lorem ipsum dolor
testkey: Test-key
listing_template: customcategory-listing.twig
if you like you can dump the taxonomy for debugging like this:
<ul class="categories">
{% set active = app.request.get('_route_params').slug -%}
{% for key, category in config.get('taxonomy/categories/options') %}
{% setcontent categoryrecords = 'records' where { categories: key } %}
{% if categoryrecords|length > 0 %}
<a {{ if key == active }}class="active"{{endif}} href="{{ paths.root }}path/{{key}}">{{category}}</a>
{% endif%}
{% endfor %}
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