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Created May 18, 2010 08:43
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function! DoPrettyXML()
" save the filetype so we can restore it later
let l:origft = &ft
set ft=
" delete the xml header if it exists. This will
" permit us to surround the document with fake tags
" without creating invalid xml.
1s/<?xml .*?>//e
" insert fake tags around the entire document.
" This will permit us to pretty-format excerpts of
" XML that may contain multiple top-level elements.
0put ='<PrettyXML>'
$put ='</PrettyXML>'
silent %!xmllint --format -
" xmllint will insert an <?xml?> header. it's easy enough to delete
" if you don't want it.
" delete the fake tags
" restore the 'normal' indentation, which is one extra level
" too deep due to the extra tags we wrapped around the document.
silent %<
" back to home
" restore the filetype
exe "set ft=" . l:origft
command! PrettyXML call DoPrettyXML()
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