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Last active January 15, 2019 13:39
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Save sbrichardson/f1dedf39cad9c390c3c7830227e54946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Poor man's continuous integration script, simple code deployment to Kubernetes on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
# Checks Google Cloud container registry to see if build has finished deploying new image from
# source repository recent update. "GCP" stands for "Google Cloud Platform" when used below.
# By default, retries 9 times, waiting 45 seconds between attempts.
# Configure the variables at the top of the file for your environment
# NAME will print in the cli when the script runs and finishes.
NAME="My Fancy App"
# LOGO is just an image that will print in the cli when you run the script.
# Find an ascii art generator online to make something you like.
______ ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ ______ ______
/\ ___\/\ __ \/\ "-.\ \/\ ___\/\ \_\ \ /\ __ \/\ == \/\ == \
\ \ __\\ \ __ \ \ \-. \ \ \___\ \____ \ \ \ __ \ \ _-/\ \ _-/
\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\\"\_\ \_____\/\_____\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \ \_\
\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/\/_____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/
# URL is used to provide a helpful link in the console once the deployment is complete.
# The link would be clickable if your CLI supports it (iTerm2 etc).
# DEPLOYMENT is the deployment/service name in Kubernetes. Run `kubectl get services`
# to verify the name.
# PROJECT_ID is the GCP Project ID used for deployment and source code. The default
# will look for the currently configured project using the gcloud cli. You can provide a
# static id here if desired.
PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project)"
# IMAGE_NAME will generate a full docker/image name based on the current project id and
# current git HEAD SHA for the folder. The default is to generate the basename from the name of the repo
# configured in the remote.origin for the current folder's git information.
# The name must be the same in GCP Source Repositories for this to match up. It does not need to match
# the deployment/service name in kubernetes.
# For this to work, the name generation on the source repository build triggers must match this output:
IMAGE_NAME="$(gcloud config get-value project)/$(basename -s .git `git config --get remote.origin.url`):$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
function fail {
echo $1 >&2
exit 1
trap 'fail "The deployment was aborted. Message -- "' ERR
function configure {
echo "Validating configuration..."
[ ! -z "$DEPLOYMENT" ] || fail "Configuration option is not set: DEPLOYMENT"
[ ! -z "$PROJECT_ID" ] || fail "Configuration option is not set: PROJECT_ID"
[ ! -z "$IMAGE_NAME" ] || fail "Configuration option is not set: IMAGE_NAME"
function attempt_build {
echo "Checking build status for $IMAGE_NAME"
local n=1
local max=9
local delay=45
while true; do
gcloud container builds list | grep $IMAGE_NAME | grep -q SUCCESS && break || {
if [[ $n -lt $max ]]; then
echo "Build not completed. Attempt $n/$max:"
sleep $delay;
fail "The command has failed after $n attempts."
function set_image {
echo Container build completed, updating $DEPLOYMENT ...
kubectl set image deployment/$DEPLOYMENT $DEPLOYMENT=$IMAGE_NAME
echo $LOGO
echo $NAME
echo "Deployment complete"
echo "visit: $URL"
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