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Created June 25, 2015 13:32
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A maze game written in Python
class _Getch:
"""Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the
def __init__(self):
self.impl = _GetchWindows()
except ImportError:
self.impl = _GetchUnix()
def __call__(self): return self.impl()
class _GetchUnix:
def __init__(self):
import tty, sys
def __call__(self):
import sys, tty, termios
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
ch =
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
return ch
class _GetchWindows:
def __init__(self):
import msvcrt
def __call__(self):
import msvcrt
return msvcrt.getch()
getch = _Getch()
Possible Directions
- up
- down
- left
- right
from random import random, randint, shuffle, choice, randrange;
from math import floor;
#import time;
registry = {
"player": "@", #the player
"unknown": "?", #an unknown tile
"wall": "#", #walls we can't go through
"space": " ", #spaces we can go through
"entrance": ":", #the entrance to the maze
"exit": "0", #the exit of the exit
"treasure-small": "*", #small amounts of treasure
"treasure-large": "=" #large amounts of treasure
difficulties = {
"easy": 0.75,
"normal": 1,
"hard": 1.25,
"insane": 2
def space(width = 16, height = 8, ch = registry["wall"]):
area = [];
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
return area;
def chooseremove(items):
# pick an item index
if items:
index = randrange( len(items) )
return items.pop(index)
# nothing left!
return None
class coord:
def __init__(self, x = 1, y = 1):
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
#def to check a space for neighbours
def checkneighbors(area, cur):
neighbours = {"left": True, "right": True, "up": True, "down": True};
if(cur.x > 2):
#we are not near the left edge
if(area[cur.y][cur.x - 2] == registry["wall"]):
#we can move left
neighbours["left"] = False;
if(cur.x < len(area[0]) - 3):
if(area[cur.y][cur.x + 2] == registry["wall"]):
#we can move right
neighbours["right"] = False;
if(cur.y > 2):
if(area[cur.y - 2][cur.x] == registry["wall"]):
#we can move up
neighbours["up"] = False;
if(cur.y < len(area) - 3):
if(area[cur.y + 2][cur.x] == registry["wall"]):
#we can move down
neighbours["down"] = False;
return neighbours;
#def to determine which sides can be moved to based on neighbour data from the def above
def getpossibleneighbours(neighbours):
possiblesides = [];
if(not neighbours["left"]):
if(not neighbours["right"]):
if(not neighbours["up"]):
if(not neighbours["down"]):
return possiblesides;
def maze(width = 17, height = 9):
#this maze generator works on odd numbers
if(width % 2 == 0):
width += 1;
if(height % 2 == 0):
height += 1;
area = space(width, height); #create an area to build the maze
area[1][1] = " "; #fill in the initial space
nodes = [coord(1, 1)]; #node to continue from
while True:
#break out of the loop if there are no more nodes to choose from
if(len(nodes) == 0):
shuffle(nodes); #shuffle the bag of nodes
cur = chooseremove(nodes); #grab a random node from the bag
neighbours = checkneighbors(area, cur); #check which neighbouring spots are free
possiblesides = getpossibleneighbours(neighbours); #determine the possible sides that we could move to
#there are no posible sides that we can go to here, let's move on
if(len(possiblesides) == 0):
newside = choice(possiblesides); #choose a random side from the list of possible sides
#todo implement loops here
#add a new section to the maze based on which sides
if(newside == "left"):
area[cur.y][cur.x - 1] = " ";
area[cur.y][cur.x - 2] = " ";
nodes.append(coord(cur.x - 2, cur.y));
elif(newside == "right"):
area[cur.y][cur.x + 1] = " ";
area[cur.y][cur.x + 2] = " ";
nodes.append(coord(cur.x + 2, cur.y));
elif(newside == "up"):
area[cur.y - 1][cur.x] = " ";
area[cur.y - 2][cur.x] = " ";
nodes.append(coord(cur.x, cur.y - 2));
elif(newside == "down"):
area[cur.y + 1][cur.x] = " ";
area[cur.y + 2][cur.x] = " ";
nodes.append(coord(cur.x, cur.y + 2));
neighbours[newside] = True;
possiblesides = getpossibleneighbours(neighbours); #update the list of possible sides
if(len(possiblesides) > 0):
shuffle(nodes); #shuffle the nodes
return area;
#def to print a space to stdout
def printspace(area):
for row in area:
def difftomult(diff = "normal"):
if(diff == "easy"):
return 0.75;
elif(diff == "normal"):
return 1;
elif(diff == "hard"):
return 1.25;
elif(diff == "insane"):
return 2;
def placestuff(maze, difficulty = "normal"):
print("Placing treasure....");
diffmult = difftomult(difficulty); #convert the difficulty to a multiplier
treasurecount = 0;
#loop over every space
y = 0;
for row in maze:
x = 0;
for ch in row:
if(ch == registry["space"]):
#we have a space
#place treasure
chance = int(floor((1 / diffmult) * random() * 10));
#print("stuffchance:", chance);
if(chance == 0):
treasurecount += 1;
#1 in 4 chance to place large treasure
if(randint(0, 4) == 0):
maze[y][x] = registry["treasure-large"];
maze[y][x] = registry["treasure-small"];
x += 1;
y += 1;
print("Placed " + str(treasurecount) + " treasures");
#def to place the entrance and exit in a maze
def placedoors(maze, firstfloor = False, lastexit = [1, 1]):
placements = {};
#we are on the first floor, the entrance should be a gap on the edge of the maze
#the space at (1, 1) is guaranteed to be a space because of the generation algorithm, so we can place the entrance there
maze[0][1] = registry["space"];
#record this in the object placements dictionary
placements["firstfloor"] = True;
placements["entrance"] = [1, 0];
#we are not on the first floor, place the entrance in the same location as the exit on the previous floor
#todo check to see if there is a wall in the location that we have been told to place the entrance, and if so we should place it in the nearest free spot
#make sure that the entrance is on the screen
if(lastexit[0] > len(maze[0]) - 1):
lastexit[0] = len(maze[0]) - 1;
if(lastexit[1] > len(maze) - 1):
lastexit[1] = len(maze) - 1;
maze[lastexit[1]][lastexit[0]] = registry["entrance"];
#make sure that the player can actually move when they start playing
if(lastexit[0] == len(maze[1]) - 1 and lastexit[1] == len(maze) - 1):
#we are in the bottom corner, add a space so the player can get out
maze[lastexit[1]][lastexit[0] - 1] = registry["space"];
#record the entrance location in the placements dictionary
placements["firstfloor"] = False;
placements["entrance"] = lastexit;
while True:
exitloc = [randint(0, len(maze[0]) - 1), randint(0, len(maze) - 1)];
#make sure that there is a space at the generated position
#print("w", len(maze[0]), "h", len(maze));
if(maze[exitloc[1]][exitloc[0]] != registry["space"]):
maze[exitloc[1]][exitloc[0]] = registry["exit"]; #place the exit
placements["exit"] = exitloc; #record the exit's location
return placements; #return the coordinates of the locations at which we placed the doors
#def to convert a difficulty into a viewsize - currently unused
def difftoviewsize(diff):
if(diff == "easy"):
return [9, 9];
elif(diff == "normal"):
return [7, 7];
elif(diff == "hard"):
return [5, 5];
elif(diff == "insane"):
return [3, 3];
raise ValueError("Invalid difficulty " + diff);
#def to extract the view that a player will see from a maze, translating a difficulty into a view size
def playerview(maze, playerloc = (1, 0), diff = "normal"):
if(diff == "easy"):
return extractview(maze, playerloc, 9, 9);
elif(diff == "normal"):
return extractview(maze, playerloc, 7, 7);
elif(diff == "hard"):
return extractview(maze, playerloc, 5, 5);
elif(diff == "insane"):
return extractview(maze, playerloc, 3, 3);
raise ValueError("Invalid difficulty " + diff);
#raw view extraction from mazes
def extractview(maze, playerloc = (1, 0), width = 3, height = 3):
view = space(width, height, registry["unknown"]);
xbounds = [playerloc[0] - ((width - 1) / 2), playerloc[0] + ((width - 1) / 2)];
ybounds = [playerloc[1] - ((height - 1) / 2), playerloc[1] + ((height - 1) / 2)];
#make sure that the bounds are within the maze
if(xbounds[0] < 0):
xbounds[0] = 0;
if(ybounds[0] < 0):
ybounds[0] = 0;
if(xbounds[1] > len(maze[0]) - 1):
xbounds[1] = len(maze[0]) - 1;
if(ybounds[1] > len(maze) - 1):
ybounds[1] = len(maze) - 1;
#print("xbounds", xbounds);
#print("ybounds", ybounds);
playerviewloc = (playerloc[0] - xbounds[0], playerloc[1] - ybounds[0]);
#print("Player in view at", playerviewloc);
#copy out a section of the maze to serve as the view
y = 0;
for row in maze:
x = 0;
for ch in row:
if(x >= xbounds[0] and x <= xbounds[1] and y >= ybounds[0] and y <= ybounds[1]):
#we are inside the view bounds
#print("adding char " + ch + " at abs (" + str(x) + ", " + str(y) + ")");
view[int(y - ybounds[0])][int(x - xbounds[0])] = ch;
x += 1;
y += 1;
#place the player in the view
view[int(playerviewloc[1])][int(playerviewloc[0])] = registry["player"];
return view;
#def to test the maze generator
def test():
printspace(maze(40, 30));
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, shlex, struct, platform, subprocess
def get_terminal_size():
""" getTerminalSize()
- get width and height of console
- works on linux,os x,windows,cygwin(windows)
originally retrieved from:
current_os = platform.system()
tuple_xy = None
if current_os == 'Windows':
tuple_xy = _get_terminal_size_windows()
if tuple_xy is None:
tuple_xy = _get_terminal_size_tput()
# needed for window's python in cygwin's xterm!
if current_os in ['Linux', 'Darwin'] or current_os.startswith('CYGWIN'):
tuple_xy = _get_terminal_size_linux()
if tuple_xy is None:
tuple_xy = (80, 25) # default value
return tuple_xy
def _get_terminal_size_windows():
from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer
# stdin handle is -10
# stdout handle is -11
# stderr handle is -12
h = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12)
csbi = create_string_buffer(22)
res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, csbi)
if res:
(bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr,
left, top, right, bottom,
maxx, maxy) = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
sizex = right - left + 1
sizey = bottom - top + 1
return sizex, sizey
def _get_terminal_size_tput():
# get terminal width
# src:
cols = int(subprocess.check_call(shlex.split('tput cols')))
rows = int(subprocess.check_call(shlex.split('tput lines')))
return (cols, rows)
def _get_terminal_size_linux():
def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd):
import fcntl
import termios
cr = struct.unpack('hh',
fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234'))
return cr
cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2)
if not cr:
fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd)
if not cr:
cr = (os.environ['LINES'], os.environ['COLUMNS'])
return None
return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":
sizex, sizey = get_terminal_size()
print('width =', sizex, 'height =', sizey)
#### _____ ___ _ ___ ####
#### |_ _|____ __ _____ _ _ / __|___ __| |___ | _ \__ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ ####
#### | |/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| | (__/ _ \/ _` / -_) | _/ _` | '_(_-</ -_) '_| ####
#### |_|\___/\_/\_/\___|_| \___\___/\__,_\___| |_| \__,_|_| /__/\___|_| ####
#### ####
name:The tower of mazes,difficulty:normal,seed:2345953|1*4x4,3*11x15
from pprint import pprint;
#def to decode tower codes
def decode(str):
parts = str.split("|");
metadata = {};
for param in parts[0].split(","):
pparam = param.split(":");
metadata[pparam[0]] = pparam[1];
towerdata = {};
towerdata["metadata"] = metadata;
towerdata["floors"] = [];
for floorcode in parts[1].split(","):
multiply = int(floorcode[0:floorcode.index("*")]);
floordata = {};
floordata["partofsetof"] = multiply;
dimensions = floorcode[floorcode.index("*") + 1:].split("x");
floordata["width"] = int(dimensions[0]);
floordata["height"] = int(dimensions[1]);
for i in range(multiply):
return towerdata;
#def to encode tower codes
def encode(towerdata):
towercode = ""; #set up a string to hold the towercode
#encode the metadata
towercode += "name:" + towerdata["metadata"]["name"] + ",";
towercode += "seed:" + towerdata["metadata"]["seed"] + ",";
except KeyError:
print("Warning: No seed was specified, so the mazes will be random!");
towercode = towercode[0:-1]; #remove the trailing comma
towercode += "|";
#encode the floors
skip = 0;
for floor in towerdata["floors"]:
if(skip > 0):
skip -= 1;
towercode += str(floor["partofsetof"]) + "*" + str(floor["width"]) + "x" + str(floor["height"]) + ",";
skip = floor["partofsetof"] - 1;
towercode = towercode[0:-1]; #remove the trailing comma
return towercode;
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(encode(decode("name:The tower of mazes,seed:2345953|1*4x4, 3*11x15")));
pprint(decode("name:The tower of mazes,difficulty:normal,seed:2345953|1*4x4, 3*11x15"));
#### _____ _ __ __ ___ ####
#### |_ _|____ __ _____ _ _(_)_ _ __ _ | \/ |__ _ ______ / __|__ _ _ __ ___ ####
#### | |/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| | ' \/ _` | | |\/| / _` |_ / -_) | (_ / _` | ' \/ -_) ####
#### |_|\___/\_/\_/\___|_| |_|_||_\__, | |_| |_\__,_/__\___| \___\__,_|_|_|_\___| ####
#### |___/ ####
import random;
from sys import exit, stdout;
from time import sleep;
from math import floor, ceil;
#other files
import maze, utils, towercode;
from getch import getch; #to use: getch(); #gets one char of input
#from pprint import pprint;
#def to play a game of the towering maze game
def play(towerdata):
towerdata["metadata"]["totalfloors"] = len(towerdata["floors"]); #add the total number of floors to the tower's metadata
floor = 0;
#loop over all the floors in the towerdata we have been supplied
lastexit = [1, 0]; #the last exit's location
rawscore = 0; #the player's raw score, not includeing the movement bonus
score = 0; #the player's total score
moves = 0; #the number of moves that have beeen made
floornum = 0;
for floor in towerdata["floors"]:
#play the floor
flooresult = playfloor(floor, floornum, towerdata["metadata"], lastexit, towerdata["metadata"]["difficulty"], score, moves);
lastexit = flooresult["exitloc"]; #update the last exit location
score += flooresult["score"];
rawscore += flooresult["rawscore"];
moves += flooresult["moves"];
floornum += 1;
print("***** You reached the top of the tower! *****");
print("Moves: " + str(moves));
print("Difficulty Multiplier: " + str(maze.difftomult(towerdata["metadata"]["difficulty"])));
score *= maze.difftomult(towerdata["metadata"]["difficulty"]);
print("Score: " + str(score));
print("\n**** Press any key to continue ****");
return score;
#def to play a floor
def playfloor(floordata, floornum, towermetadata, lastexit = [1, 0], difficulty = "normal", totalscore = 0, totalmoves = 0):
#variable setup
score = 0; #the score the player has gained on this floor
moves = 0; #the number of moves the player has made on this floor
playerloc = lastexit; #the current location of the player
floormaze = maze.maze(floordata["width"], floordata["height"]);
maze.placestuff(floormaze, difficulty);
#determine whether we are on the first floor
if(floornum == 0):
firstfloor = True;
firstfloor = False;
entexlocs = maze.placedoors(floormaze, firstfloor, lastexit); #place the entrance and exits and remember their locations
while True:
utils.clearterminal(); #clear the terminal
playerview = maze.playerview(floormaze, playerloc, difficulty); #extract the view that the player will see
if(difficulty != "insane" and difficulty != "hard"):
playerlocdisp = "(" + str(int(playerloc[0])) + ", " + str(int(playerloc[1])) + ")";
playerlocdisp = "(?, ?)"; #mask the location on insane difficulty
#print the heading
print("+" + "="*44 + "+");
print("|" + towermetadata["name"].center(44) + "|");
print("+" + "="*23 + "+" + "="*20 + "+");
#prepare the sidebar
sidebar = [];
sidebar.append((" On floor " + str(floornum) + " / " + str(towermetadata["totalfloors"])).ljust(20) + "|");
sidebar.append((" at " + playerlocdisp).ljust(20) + "|");
sidebar.append("-"*20 + "+");
sidebar.append(" This Floor".ljust(20) + "|");
sidebar.append("-"*7 + "+" + "-"*12 + "+");
sidebar.append(" Score | " + str(int(score)).ljust(11) + "|");
sidebar.append(" Moves | " + str(int(moves)).ljust(11) + "|");
sidebar.append("-"*7 + "+" + "-"*12 + "+");
sidebar.append(" Overall".ljust(20) + "|");
sidebar.append("-"*7 + "+" + "-"*12 + "+");
sidebar.append(" Score | " + str(int(totalscore + score)).ljust(11) + "|");
sidebar.append(" Moves | " + str(int(totalmoves + moves)).ljust(11) + "|");
#prepare the player's view
pviewdisp = [];
if(len(playerview) < 12):
lendiff = 12 - len(playerview);
toprowsneeded = floor(lendiff / 2);
for i in range(toprowsneeded):
pviewdisp.append("|" + " "*23 + "|");
for row in playerview:
pviewdisp.append("|" + "".join(row).center(23) + "|");
if(len(playerview) < 12):
lendiff = 12 - len(playerview);
toprowsneeded = ceil(lendiff / 2);
for i in range(toprowsneeded):
pviewdisp.append("|" + " "*23 + "|");
#add plus signs at table intersections
pviewdisp[2] = pviewdisp[2][0:-1] + "+";
pviewdisp[4] = pviewdisp[4][0:-1] + "+";
pviewdisp[7] = pviewdisp[7][0:-1] + "+";
pviewdisp[9] = pviewdisp[9][0:-1] + "+";
#display the interface
for sides in zip(pviewdisp, sidebar):
print("+" + "-"*23 + "+" + "-"*20 + "+");
#(new tui)
#| The Tower of Mazes |
#| | On floor 3 / 5 |
#| | at (3, 1) |
#| #####?? +----------------+
#| # 0@#?? | This Floor |
#| ### #?? +-------+--------+
#| # #?? | Score | 50 |
#| ### :?? | Moves | 29 |
#| ??????? +----------------+
#| ??????? | Overall |
#| +----------------+
#| | Score | 1050 |
#| | Moves | 329 |
#print("+-" + ("-" * 30) + "-+");
#print("| " + floornumdisp.ljust(30) + " |");
#print("+-" + ("-" * 30) + "-+");
#print("| " + ("Score: ".ljust(15) + str(score).ljust(15)) + " |");
#print("+-" + ("-" * 30) + "-+");
#print("| " + ("Moves: ".ljust(15) + str(moves).ljust(15)) + " |");
#print("+-" + ("-" * 30) + "-+");
#print("| " + ("Location: ".ljust(15) + ("(" + str(playerloc[0]) + ", " + str(playerloc[1]) + ")").ljust(15)) + " |");
#print("+-" + ("-" * 30) + "-+\n");
#maze.printspace(playerview); #display the maze
ch1 = getch(); #get a character of input from the user
if(ch1 == b'\xe0' or ch1 == "\x1b"):
#if the first chracter is "\x1b", there will be an extra "[" character next - this needs picking up so it doesn't break the rest of the script
if(ch1 == "\x1b"):
ch1b = getch();
#we have an escaped character, get more input
ch2 = getch();
#todo make the arrow keys actually do something
#todo make sure that the player can't crash the game by moving out of the playing area on the first floor
#todo make sure that the player can't go through walls
if(ch2 == b'H' or ch2 == "A"):
#the up arrow key was pressed
if(playerloc[1] > 0):
if(floormaze[playerloc[1] - 1][playerloc[0]] != maze.registry["wall"]):
#the new space is not a wall :D Move the player.
playerloc[1] -= 1;
moves += 1; #increment the number of moves the player has made
elif(ch2 == b'P' or ch2 == "B"):
#the down arrow key was pressed
if(playerloc[1] < len(floormaze) - 1):
if(floormaze[playerloc[1] + 1][playerloc[0]] != maze.registry["wall"]):
#the new space is not a wall :D Move the player.
playerloc[1] += 1;
moves += 1; #increment the number of moves the player has made
elif(ch2 == b'K' or ch2 == "D"):
#the left arrow key was pressed
if(playerloc[0] > 0):
if(floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0] - 1] != maze.registry["wall"]):
#the new space is not a wall :D Move the player.
playerloc[0] -= 1;
moves += 1; #increment the number of moves the player has made
elif(ch2 == b'M' or ch2 == "C"):
#the right arrow key was pressed
if(playerloc[0] < len(floormaze[0]) - 1):
if(floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0] + 1] != maze.registry["wall"]):
#the new space is not a wall :D Move the player.
playerloc[0] += 1;
moves += 1; #increment the number of moves the player has made
elif(ch1 == b'\x03' or ch1 == "\x03"):
print("Press CTRL + C again to quit, or any other key to cancel.");
ch2 = getch();
if(ch2 == b'\x03'):
if(floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0]] == maze.registry["exit"]):
#calculate the bonus score gained through completing the floor in a low number of moves
#we add one here since we exit the loop early
#todo tweak this algorithm based on playtesting
movementscore = (1 / (moves + 1)) * floordata["width"] * floordata["height"] * 50;
print("---- Floor complete! ----");
print("**** Floor Results ****");
print("Moves: " + str(moves + 1) + "\n"); #we add one to the number of moves since we exit the loop early
print("Score: " + str(score));
print("Movement bonus: " + str(movementscore));
print("Total floor score: " + str(score + movementscore));
print("\n\nPress any key to continue...");
ch = getch();
elif(floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0]] == maze.registry["treasure-small"]):
#we have found a little bit of treasure! Add to the score and remove the treasure.
floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0]] = maze.registry["space"];
score += 50;
elif(floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0]] == maze.registry["treasure-large"]):
#we have found a little bit of treasure! Add to the score and remove the treasure.
floormaze[playerloc[1]][playerloc[0]] = maze.registry["space"];
score += 250;
return {
"exitloc": entexlocs["exit"],
"rawscore": score,
"score": score + movementscore,
"moves": moves
stdout.write(""" _____ _ __ __ ___
|_ _|____ __ _____ _ _(_)_ _ __ _ | \/ |__ _ ______ / __|__ _ _ __ ___
| |/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| | ' \/ _` | | |\/| / _` |_ / -_) | (_ / _` | ' \/ -_)
|_|\___/\_/\_/\___|_| |_|_||_\__, | |_| |_\__,_/__\___| \___\__,_|_|_|_\___|
|___/ v0.3dev b7, The name is temporary
******** Press any key ********\r""");
for i in range(10):
if(i % 2 == 1):
print("|---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---|");
print("| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |");
sleep(random.random() * 0.1);
while True:
| Main Menu |
| 0: Help |
| 1: Load tower |
| |
| 2: Play the example tower |
| |
| 3: Changelog |
| 4: Exit |
| (Press a number) |
ch = getch(); #get a charcter of input
if(ch == b'0' or ch == "0"):
#the player wants help
print("Press any key to continue....");
ch2 = getch();
elif(ch == b'1' or ch == "1"):
#the player wants to play
towerdata = towercode.decode(utils.getinput("Enter tower code: ")); #get and decode a tower code
#set the seed if it is specified
if "seed" in towerdata["metadata"]:
play(towerdata); #play the game
elif(ch == b'2' or ch == "2"):
#the player wants to play the example tower
towerdata = towercode.decode("name:The tower of mazes,difficulty:normal,seed:2345953|1*4x4,3*11x15,1*5x5");
#set the seed if it is specified
if "seed" in towerdata["metadata"]:
elif(ch == b'3' or ch == "3"):
#the player wants the changelog
print("Press any key to continue....");
ch2 = getch();
if(ch == b'\x03' or ch == "\x03" or ch == "4" or ch == b'4'):
#other files
from terminalsize import get_terminal_size;
#function to get input from the user - guarantees that the user will enter at least 1 character.
def getinput(prompt = ">", minchars = 1):
while True:
inputstr = input(prompt);
if(len(inputstr) >= minchars):
return inputstr;
#function to get a yes / no input
def confirm(prompt = "Are you sure?"):
while True:
response = getinput(prompt).lower(); #get the input and convert it to lower case
if(response == "" or response == "y" or response == "ye" or response == "yes"):
#the user answered yes
return True;
elif(response == "n" or response == "no"):
#the user answered no
return False;
#temporary def to output a bunch of blank lines to clear the terminal while we figure out how to move the cursor upwards
def clearterminal():
tsize = get_terminal_size();
print("\n" * tsize[1]);
#def to get the contents of a file
def file_get_contents(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
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How to play, please help.

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sbrl commented May 27, 2021

Oh wow, this some old stuff I've written here.

@aniruddha-ingle: Sorry I didn't see your comment there!

@IronManRox228228: I would assume that you would download the contents of this gist, and then do python

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