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Created August 3, 2018 02:05
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from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any
import json
import attr
_missing = dict()
_none_type = type(None)
def _item_ctor_wrap(item_ctor):
if attr.has(item_ctor):
return lambda data: from_json(item_ctor, data)
return item_ctor
def _is_optional(origin, args):
return origin is Union and len(args) == 2 and args[1] is _none_type
def from_json(cls, data):
fields = attr.fields(cls)
kwargs = {}
for field in fields:
if field.type is None:
raise ValueError("attribute type is required")
origin = getattr(field.type, '__origin__', None)
args = getattr(field.type, '__args__', None)
value = data.get(, _missing)
if field.default is not attr.NOTHING and value is _missing: # field has a default value and is missing
elif _is_optional(origin, args) and value is _missing: # field is optional and is missing
value = None
if origin and args:
if origin is List: # field is a list
item_ctor = _item_ctor_wrap(args[0])
value = [item_ctor(item) for item in value]
elif origin is Dict: # field is a dictionary
key_ctor = args[0]
item_ctor = _item_ctor_wrap(args[1])
value = {key_ctor(key): item_ctor(item) for key, item in value.items()}
elif _is_optional(origin, args): # field is optional, but the value is present
item_ctor = _item_ctor_wrap(args[0])
value = item_ctor(value)
raise TypeError("unsupported type " + str(field.type))
elif field.type is not Any: # field is not any, call the type constructor
item_ctor = _item_ctor_wrap(field.type)
value = item_ctor(value)
if value is _missing:
value = None
kwargs[] = value
return cls(**kwargs)
class _AttrsJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if attr.has(o.__class__):
return attr.asdict(o)
def to_json(obj, indent=None):
if not attr.has(obj.__class__):
raise ValueError("object must be an attrs object")
encoder = _AttrsJSONEncoder(indent=indent)
return encoder.encode(obj)
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