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Last active May 23, 2020 03:50
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import functools
import time
class RetryError(Exception):
class TimeoutError(RetryError):
class MaxAttemptsError(RetryError):
def retry(interval, timeout=None, max_attempts=None):
The @retry decorator implements a polling mechanism on top of a generator. The decorated function should yield when
the action is not successful and return when it is. When the function yields, the mechanism will wait `interval`
seconds before waking up the decorated function.
The value returned by the decorated function is returned to the caller, allowing the decorated function to produce
a value to the caller once it has succeeded.
If provided the timeout paramater will make the function timeout after the given amount of seconds.
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
generator = func(*args, **kwargs)
deadline = time.monotonic() + timeout
attempts = 0
while True:
if deadline is not None and deadline < time.monotonic():
raise TimeoutError()
if max_attempts is not None and attempts >= max_attempts:
raise MaxAttemptsError()
attempts += 1
except StopIteration as e:
return e.value
return wrapper
if callable(interval):
raise ValueError("retry decorator used without specifying interval")
return decorator
# Example
def prone_to_errors():
import random
if random.random() <= 0.95:
raise ValueError
return "hello"
@retry(0.25, timeout=2, max_attempts=6)
def retry_prone_to_errors():
while True:
return prone_to_errors()
except ValueError:
print("Success:", retry_prone_to_errors())
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