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Created September 28, 2010 16:28
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;; Protocol defining output with external logic:
(defprotocol Outputter (output [self logic]))
;; Simple record:
(defrecord Person [name])
;; Two protocol definitions:
(deftype OutputterTrait [target] Outputter (output [self logic] (logic target)))
(deftype DummyTrait [] Outputter (output [self logic] (println "ignored external logic")))
;; Person instance:
(def joe (Person. "joe"))
;; Mixin function:
(defn mix [source mixins] (let [m (merge source mixins)] #(get m %1)))
;; Mixed joe:
(def mixed (mix joe {:outputter (OutputterTrait. joe) :dummy (DummyTrait)}))
;; Now using our mixed joe:
(output (mixed :outputter) #(println (:name %1)))
(output (mixed :dummy) #(println (:name %1)))
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