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Created September 11, 2017 20:36
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An implementation of FizzBuzz inspired by a Tom Scott video
-- borrowed from FSharp
(|>) :: t -> (t -> t1) -> t1
a |> b = b a
-- The game rules:
fizzbuzz :: Integer -> String
fizzbuzz n = let
-- We can create rules that process numbers.
-- The incoming numbers are paired with an accumulated String
rule :: Integer -> String -> (Integer, Maybe String) -> (Integer, Maybe String)
rule num word (i, acc) | (i `mod` num) /= 0 = (i, acc)
| acc == Nothing = (i, Just word)
| otherwise = (i, fmap (++ word) acc)
-- The final step always produces a string, either from the accumulator or the index
showNumberOtherwise :: (Integer, Maybe String) -> String
showNumberOtherwise (_, Just word) = word
showNumberOtherwise (i, _) = show i
(n, Nothing) |> rule 3 "Fizz" |> rule 5 "Buzz" |> showNumberOtherwise
-- Process the numbers from 1..100 and print the results
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ map fizzbuzz [1..100]
-- vim: et
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