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Created February 14, 2020 07:34
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Musical Scale Generator
* MusicalScale
* generate a scale of music
* @param key {String}
the root of the key. flats will be converted to sharps.
C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B
* @param mode {String}
desired mode.
ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, locrian,
can also pass in:
major, minor, melodic, harmonic
* @return {Object}
_scale: scale info
key: the scale key
mode: the scale mode id
notes: an array of notes
step: index of note in key
note: the actual note
rel_octave: 0 || 1, in root octave or next
triad: major, minor, diminished, or augmented triad for this note
interval: I, ii, etc
type: min, maj, dim, aug
notes: array of notes in the triad
note: the note
rel_octave: 0 || 1 || 2, relative to key root octave
class MusicalScale {
constructor(params) {
this.dict = this._loadDictionary();
let errors = this._errors(params);
if(errors) return;
this.updateScale = this.pubUpdateScale;
pubUpdateScale(params) {
let errors = this._errors(params);
if(errors) return;
_loadScale(params) {
// clean up the key param
this.key = this._paramKey(params.key);
// set the mode
this.mode = params.mode;
this.notes = [];
this._scale = this.dict.scales[this._paramMode(this.mode)];
// notes to cycle through
let keys = this.dict.keys;
// starting index for key loop
let offset = keys.indexOf(this.key);
for(let s = 0; s < this._scale.steps.length; s++) {
let step = this._scale.steps[s];
let idx = (offset + step) % keys.length;
// relative octave. 0 = same as root, 1 = next ocave up
let rel_octave = (offset + step) > keys.length - 1 ? 1 : 0;
// generate the relative triads
let triad = this._genTriad(s, idx, rel_octave, this._scale.triads[s]);
// define the note
let note = { step: s, note: keys[idx], rel_octave: rel_octave, triad: triad };
// add the note
// create a chord of notes based on chord type
_genTriad(s, offset, octave, t) {
// get the steps for this chord type
let steps = this.dict.triads[t];
// instantiate the chord
let chord = { type: t, interval: this._intervalFromType(s, t), notes: [] };
// load the notes
let keys = this.dict.keys;
for(let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
let step = steps[i];
let idx = (offset + step) % keys.length;
// relative octave to base
let rel_octave = (offset + step) > keys.length - 1 ? octave + 1 : octave;
// define the note
chord.notes.push({ note: keys[idx], rel_octave: rel_octave });
return chord;
// proper interval notation from the step and type
_intervalFromType(step, type) {
let steps = 'i ii iii iv v vi vii'.split(' ');
let s = steps[step];
switch(type) {
case 'maj':
s = s.toUpperCase(); break;
case 'min':
s = s; break;
case 'aug':
s = s.toUpperCase() + '+'; break;
case 'dim':
s = s + '°'; break;
return s;
_errors(params) {
if(this.dict.keys.indexOf(params.key) === -1) {
if(Object.keys(this.dict.flat_sharp).indexOf(params.key) === -1) {
return console.error(`${params.key} is an invalid key. ${this.dict.keys.join(', ')}`);
} else if(this.dict.modes.indexOf(params.mode) === -1) {
return console.error(`${params.mode} is an invalid mode. ${this.dict.modes.join(', ')}`);
} else {
return false;
_loadDictionary() {
return {
keys: 'C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B'.split(' '),
scales: {
ion: {
name: 'Ionian',
steps: this._genSteps('W W H W W W H'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,2,0,1],
triads: this._genTriads(0)
dor: {
name: 'Dorian',
steps: this._genSteps('W H W W W H W'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,2,2,1],
triads: this._genTriads(1)
phr: {
name: 'Phrygian',
steps: this._genSteps('H W W W H W W'),
dominance: [3,2,1,0,2,0,1],
triads: this._genTriads(2)
lyd: {
name: 'Lydian',
steps: this._genSteps('W W W H W W H'),
dominance: [3,0,1,2,2,0,1],
triads: this._genTriads(3)
mix: {
name: 'Mixolydian',
steps: this._genSteps('W W H W W H W'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,2,0,2],
triads: this._genTriads(4)
aeo: {
name: 'Aeolian',
steps: this._genSteps('W H W W H W W'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,2,0,1],
triads: this._genTriads(5)
loc: {
name: 'Locrian',
steps: this._genSteps('H W W H W W W'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,3,0,0],
triads: this._genTriads(6)
mel: {
name: 'Melodic Minor',
steps: this._genSteps('W H W W W W H'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,3,0,0],
triads: 'min min aug maj maj dim dim'.split(' ')
har: {
name: 'Harmonic Minor',
steps: this._genSteps('W H W W H WH H'),
dominance: [3,0,1,0,3,0,0],
triads: 'min dim aug min maj maj dim'.split(' ')
modes: [
'ionian', 'dorian', 'phrygian',
'lydian', 'mixolydian', 'aeolian',
'locrian', 'major', 'minor',
'melodic', 'harmonic'
flat_sharp: {
Cb: 'B',
Db: 'C#',
Eb: 'D#',
Fb: 'E',
Gb: 'F#',
Ab: 'G#',
Bb: 'A#'
triads: {
maj: [0,4,7],
min: [0,3,7],
dim: [0,3,6],
aug: [0,4,8]
_paramMode(mode) {
return {
minor: 'aeo',
major: 'ion',
ionian: 'ion',
dorian: 'dor',
phrygian: 'phr',
lydian: 'lyd',
mixolydian: 'mix',
aeolian: 'aeo',
locrian: 'loc',
melodic: 'mel',
harmonic: 'har'
_paramKey(key) {
if(this.dict.flat_sharp[key]) return this.dict.flat_sharp[key];
return key;
_genTriads(offset) {
// this is ionian, each mode bumps up one offset.
let base = 'maj min min maj maj min dim'.split(' ');
let triads = [];
for(let i = 0; i < base.length; i++) {
triads.push(base[(i + offset) % base.length]);
return triads;
_genSteps(steps_str) {
let arr = steps_str.split(' ');
let steps = [0];
let step = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
let inc = 0;
switch(arr[i]) {
case 'W':
inc = 2; break;
case 'H':
inc = 1; break;
case 'WH':
inc = 3; break;
step += inc;
return steps;
// let scale = new MusicalScale({ key: 'G', mode: 'melodic' });
// let output = => { return n.triad.type + ' ' + n.triad.interval; });
// console.log(output);
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