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Created September 20, 2022 03:03
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Export fastlane match signing credentials for AppCenter
# Export iOS code signing as p12 and mobileprovision file for usage in Appcenter
# Manual decryption as described on
desc "Export fastlane match signing credentials for AppCenter"
lane :export_code_signing do
env_vars: [
work_dir = "./.tmp"
output_dir = "./.out"
# Recreate working directory
sh("rm -rf #{work_dir} #{output_dir}", log: false)
sh("mkdir -p #{work_dir}", log: false)
sh("mkdir -p #{output_dir}", log: false)
# Download code signing repository
sh("git archive --remote=#{ENV["MATCH_GIT_URL"]} HEAD certs profiles | tar -x -C #{work_dir}")
# Decrypt provisioning profiles
profiles = sh("find #{work_dir} -type f -name *.mobileprovision").split(/\n/)
profiles.each do |profile|
filename, = profile.match(/([^\/]+)$/).captures
sh("openssl aes-256-cbc -k '#{ENV["MATCH_PASSWORD"]}' -in '#{profile}' -out '#{output_dir}/#{filename}' -a -d", log: false)
# Decrypt certificates and private-keys, then export them as p12
certs = sh("find #{work_dir} -type f -name *.cer").split(/\n/)
certs.each do |cert|
certType, certID = cert.match(/(\w+)\/(\w+).cer$/).captures
# Decrypt cert as pem file
sh("openssl aes-256-cbc -k '#{ENV["MATCH_PASSWORD"]}' -in '#{work_dir}/certs/#{certType}/#{certID}.cer' -out '#{work_dir}/cert.der' -a -d -md md5", log: false)
sh("openssl x509 -inform der -in '#{work_dir}/cert.der' -out '#{work_dir}/cert.pem'", log: false)
# Decrypt private key as pem file
sh("openssl aes-256-cbc -k '#{ENV["MATCH_PASSWORD"]}' -in '#{work_dir}/certs/#{certType}/#{certID}.p12' -out '#{work_dir}/key.pem' -a -d -md md5", log: false)
# Generate p12 file for appcenter
sh("openssl pkcs12 -export -out '#{output_dir}/#{certType}-#{certID}.p12' -inkey '#{work_dir}/key.pem' -in '#{work_dir}/cert.pem' -password pass:'#{ENV["MATCH_PASSWORD"]}'", log: false)
UI.success "🎉 Signing credentials are ready at: #{File.expand_path(output_dir)}"
UI.success "Password: #{ENV["MATCH_PASSWORD"]}"
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