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Last active January 4, 2024 08:53
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OpenTelemetry + Bref + PHP + Lambda + Serverless
use OpenTelemetry\API\Common\Signal\Signals;
use OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\SpanInterface;
use OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\SpanKind;
use OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\StatusCode;
use OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\TracerInterface;
use OpenTelemetry\Aws;
use OpenTelemetry\Aws\AwsSdkInstrumentation;
use OpenTelemetry\Aws\Lambda\Detector;
use OpenTelemetry\Context\ContextInterface;
use OpenTelemetry\Context\ScopeInterface;
use OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Grpc\GrpcTransportFactory;
use OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Otlp\OtlpUtil;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Common\Log\LoggerHolder;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\SpanProcessor\SimpleSpanProcessor;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\TracerProvider;
* OpenTelemetry wrapper to simplify AWS X-Ray tracing in Bref
* To use:
* composer require open-telemetry/contrib-aws:0.0.17
* composer require open-telemetry/opentelemetry:0.0.17
* composer require open-telemetry/opentelemetry-php-contrib:0.0.17
* Set-up:
* // set things up in Bref handler
* OpenTelemetry::setTraceId($traceId); // get this from Bref's Context::getTraceId() method
* OpenTelemetry::nameRootSpan($rootName); // call this something useful, e.g. your route or function name
* // Initialise the stack when ready
* OpenTelemetry:init();
* Instrumenting your code:
* // In important code, make a span to wrap the code like this...
* OpenTelemetry::startSpan(__METHOD__);
* try {
* // do stuff
* } catch {
* OpenTelemetry::recordException($e->getMessage, $e);
* } finally {
* OpenTelemetry::endSpan();
* }
* Lambda Layers:
* Use the 'Go' supported Lambda layer for manual instrumentation. At time of writing, the layer is called this:
* `arn:aws:lambda:${aws:region}:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-collector-amd64-ver-0-68-0:1`
* Official resources that helped me:
* @see
* @see
* @see
* This has been built from collaboration across a few GitHub projects:
* @see
* @see
* @see
class OpenTelemetry
* True once init() has set up the class
* @var bool
private static bool $hasInitialised = false;
* the OpenTelemetry tracer
* @var TracerInterface
private static TracerInterface $tracer;
* The root span
* @var SpanInterface|null
private static ?SpanInterface $rootSpan = null;
* The scope from the root span
* @var ScopeInterface
private static ScopeInterface $rootScope;
* A stack of currently active spans
* @var SpanInterface[]
private static array $spanStack = [];
* A stack of currently active scopes (aligns with spans)
* @var ScopeInterface[]
private static array $scopeStack = [];
* An array of common span attributes to be added to every span
* @var array
private static array $attributes = [];
* AWS headers to pass to calls to other services for XRay
* @var array
private static array $carrier = [];
* The ASK SDK instrumation class for propagating into SDK clients
* @var AwsSdkInstrumentation
private static AwsSdkInstrumentation $awsSdkInstrumentation;
* The context
* @var ContextInterface
private static ContextInterface $context;
* The name to use when creating the root span
* @var string
private static string $rootSpanName = 'root';
* The X-Ray TraceID, if known
* @var string
private static string $traceId = '';
* Whether it is enabled
* - true will send telemetry
* - false will not collect telemetry
* @var bool|null
private static ?bool $enabled = false;
* Initialise at the beginning of Bravo bootstrap
* @return void
public static function init()
if (!self::$hasInitialised) {
register_shutdown_function([__CLASS__, 'tearDownAtShutdown']);
self::$hasInitialised = true;
* Sets up OpenTelemetry
* Call this once per PHP invocation
* @return void
private static function setUp()
// Set up to send traces to AWS XRay
// @see
// Most examples on the web use the now-deleted OpenTelemetry\Contrib\OtlpGrpc\Exporter,
// but that's gone now and there's no real good example for AWS. This is my best guess.
$transport = (new GrpcTransportFactory())->create(
'' . OtlpUtil::method(Signals::TRACE)
$exporter = new OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Otlp\SpanExporter($transport);
$spanProcessor = new SimpleSpanProcessor($exporter);
$idGenerator = new Aws\Xray\IdGenerator();
$xrayPropagator = new Aws\Xray\Propagator();
// Use AWS lamda resource detectors
$detector = new Detector();
$resource = $detector->getResource();
// Propagate the xray header into a context
$headers = [];
try {
if (self::$traceId) {
$xrayHeader = self::$traceId;
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID'])) {
$xrayHeader = $_SERVER['_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID'];
} else {
$xrayHeader = Bravo_Controller_Request_PSR15::getPsrRequest()
$headers = [
Aws\Xray\Propagator::AWSXRAY_TRACE_ID_HEADER => $xrayHeader
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::$context = $xrayPropagator->extract($headers);
$xrayPropagator->inject(self::$carrier, null, self::$context);
// set up AwsSdkInstrumentation
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider($spanProcessor, null, $resource, null, $idGenerator);
self::$awsSdkInstrumentation = new AwsSdkInstrumentation();
// Get the tracer
self::$tracer = self::$awsSdkInstrumentation->getTracer();
// Set up the root span
* Names and creates a new root span, if none exists
* Note that it's possible to name the root by calling this method before running init(),
* which will actually do the creation.
* @param string $name
* @return void
public static function nameRootSpan(string $name): void
// set the name for when the root span is created
self::$rootSpanName = $name;
// Do not allow second root spans; update the name instead
if (self::$rootSpan) {
// Only run beyond here if initialised and enabled
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
* Sets the X-Ray TraceId (e.g. from Bref Context)
* @param string $traceId
* @return void
public static function setTraceId(string $traceId): void
self::$traceId = $traceId;
* Returns the current root span name
* @return string
public static function getRootSpanName(): string
return self::$rootSpanName;
* Actually creates the root span
* @return void
private static function doCreateRootSpan(): void
// Set the root span and scope, and pass the context
self::$rootSpan = self::$tracer
self::$rootScope = self::$rootSpan->activate();
* Enable instrumentation
* @return void
public static function enable()
self::$enabled = true;
* Disable instrumentation
* @return void
public static function disable()
self::$enabled = false;
* Adds an attribute to all spans (such as userId, etc)
* @param string $key
* @param string|int|float|null $val
* @return void
public static function addAttribute(string $key, $val)
if ($val !== null) {
self::$attributes[$key] = (string)$val;
} else {
* Remove an attribute
* @param string $key
* @return void
public static function removeAttribute(string $key)
* Tears down OpenTelemetary
* Call this in a shutdown function at the end
* @return void
public static function tearDownAtShutdown()
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
* Start a span
* Call this at the beginning of an interesting part of the code, and then call endSpan() at the end.
* @param string $classOrMethod Pass __METHOD__ or _CLASS__ based on usefulness
* @param string|null $name Additional data to append
* @return int The span stack level
public static function startSpan(string $classOrMethod, string $name = null, array $attributes = []): int
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
return 0;
$spanName = $classOrMethod;
if ($name) {
$spanName .= "/$name";
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$span = self::$tracer->spanBuilder($spanName)->startSpan();
$span->setAttributes(array_merge(self::$attributes, ['trace' => $trace], $attributes));
$scope = $span->activate();
self::$spanStack[] = $span;
self::$scopeStack[] = $scope;
return count(self::$spanStack);
* Ends the current span
* Tip: use try...finally to ensure endSpan() always fires
* @return int The span stack level
public static function endSpan(): int
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
return 0;
$span = array_pop(self::$spanStack);
$scope = array_pop(self::$scopeStack);
if ($span) {
if ($scope) {
return count(self::$spanStack);
* Returns the current scope, if set
* @return \OpenTelemetry\Context\ScopeInterface|null
public static function getCurrentScope(): ?ScopeInterface
return self::$scopeStack[array_key_last(self::$scopeStack)];
* Returns the current span, if set
* @return \OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\SpanInterface|null
public static function getCurrentSpan(): ?SpanInterface
return self::$spanStack[array_key_last(self::$spanStack)];
* Records an event at the current span
* @return void
public static function recordEvent(string $name, array $attributes = [])
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
$span = self::getCurrentSpan();
if ($span) {
$span->addEvent($name, $attributes);
* Records an exception at the current span
* @param Throwable $e
* @return void
public static function recordException(Throwable $e)
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
$span = self::getCurrentSpan();
if ($span) {
$span->setStatus(StatusCode::STATUS_ERROR, $message);
* Sets up the AWS client for Xray
* @param $client
* @return void
public static function instrumentAwsSdkClient($client): void
if (!self::$enabled || !self::$hasInitialised) {
* Returns AWS' carrier headers for propagation
* @return array
public static function getCarrierHeaders()
return self::$carrier;
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