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#pods-dev chat about Loop Fields
[10:52:04 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> bing bang boom
[10:59:29 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> looks like 4 of us
[10:59:44 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> this is the ticket
[10:59:57 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> #109 is the most related for today's discussion
[11:00:06 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale>
[11:01:28 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> lol
[11:01:29 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> yep
[11:03:32 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> army: you going to join in?
[11:03:50 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> sc0ttkclark: is this logged anywhere so we can link it on the ticket?
[11:03:57 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> in case others want to see what was up
[11:04:17 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> i will log this convo in a gist and link to the gist in the ticket
[11:05:01 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> k
[11:05:42 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> well we might as well get started since we gave people 5 minutes
[11:05:58 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> The goal today is to address anyones needs on the looped group field
[11:06:13 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> sc0ttkclark: correct what I'm calling it if you're using something already
[11:06:41 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> you can see the UI design (already done) for it in the Pods admin area here
[11:06:42 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale>
[11:07:40 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> right, and it's very important to understand the limitations of this new field type
[11:07:49 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> we'll start out with either one or two levels maximum
[11:07:56 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> so you can't put loop fields in loop fields in loop fields
[11:07:57 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> etc
[11:08:03 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> noted
[11:08:05 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> two levels deep is probably best
[11:08:10 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> 1 level of looping
[11:08:14 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> so you can make a loop field for a schedule of days
[11:08:16 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> like we see on your comment
[11:08:20 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> and a loop field in that for a schedule of time slots
[11:08:24 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> actors with their meta information
[11:08:46 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> dual levels, noted
[11:08:57 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> yeah, i originally thought it should only be one level, but i think it's best to support two levels since we've now got the time
[11:10:13 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> going with the movie example, that would be an actor and looping inside to show other movies they have been in, or other things they have been 'noted' for
[11:10:44 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> of course that example throws out good data design of liking other Movie CPT's but lets go with it
[11:10:51 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> s/liking/linking
[11:11:08 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> ok cool
[11:11:12 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> for movies
[11:11:14 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> let's do this
[11:11:17 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> Movie = CPT
[11:11:35 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> actually
[11:11:39 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> yes
[11:11:40 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> hmm let's not get into relationship loop ui yet
[11:11:46 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> no
[11:11:46 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> let's keep it simple
[11:11:50 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> yes
[11:11:50 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> Book = CPT
[11:11:59 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> Chapter = Loop Field
[11:12:05 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> Chapters*
[11:12:42 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> and events in the chapter can be the second level
[11:12:54 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> sure
[11:13:18 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> I'll plan to move forward with that structure for comps and discussion so we are talking about the same thing all the time
[11:13:29 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> we're smart enough to know it still applies to other data structures
[11:13:33 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> yeah
[11:13:39 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> at least I am, after the 2nd cup of coffe
[11:13:45 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> coffee
[11:13:49 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> relationship loop ui will be the same thing essentially, but you'll be able to select from existing
[11:13:52 AM on 04/11/13] curtismchale still finishing the 2nd
[11:13:56 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> lol
[11:14:14 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> UI wise it's the same, it's what it links to that changes
[11:14:24 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> which is not what I'm concerning myself with, correct?
[11:15:13 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> right
[11:15:39 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> you should only be concerned about the UI, making it look / work well for the multitude of field types we have
[11:15:53 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> and the depth handling (loop fields in loop fields)
[11:15:58 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> k
[11:16:15 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> we are also doing this on a form for the frontend correct?
[11:17:42 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> right
[11:17:50 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> admin is top priority first, then frontend
[11:17:52 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> trying to find the exact discussion with sc0ttkclark about that, but he used 2 different emails :/
[11:17:55 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> k
[11:18:35 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> so we'll address the admin stuff and then regroup to talk about the frontend form stuff
[11:19:30 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> ok cool, essentially the same thing except the frontend needs more conscientious styling so themes can override as needed
[11:19:56 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> noted
[11:20:11 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> we will match the current form model and add some controls for the repeating part
[11:20:24 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> again I'm doing the UI/PSD stuff
[11:20:34 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> at least that was the original plan
[11:21:41 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> yep
[11:22:02 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> is there anything else that we need to address still?
[11:22:12 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> haven't had army jump in after calling me out :P
[11:23:37 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> not sure if there's anything else
[11:23:48 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> what sort of timeline are you feeling is sane?
[11:24:37 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> for a wireframe, end of day Tuesday
[11:24:55 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> then we'd get some feedback and see what changes need to be made
[11:25:49 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> the only other "gotcha" is how the loop fields will appear in the user profile edit / taxonomy add+edit forms in the admin
[11:26:21 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> during our previous discussion we had thought that it would be 'close enough' that we could use the elements from this work
[11:27:13 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> at the very least we will start with this loop field work and then see if it will work with the taxonomy/user stuff
[11:28:39 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> cool
[11:29:54 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> I think that wraps it up for today then
[11:30:53 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> sounds good
[11:30:55 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> thx for your time
[11:31:11 AM on 04/11/13] <@curtismchale> sc0ttkclark: thanks for continuing to put up with me
[11:34:20 AM on 04/11/13] <@sc0ttkclark> np ;)
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