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Last active December 4, 2022 10:21
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Pods Blocks API examples for register a custom block type or a custom block collection. Screencast:
* Plugin Name: My Custom Pods Block
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Custom block built using the Pods Block PHP API. No Javascript needed!
* Author Name: Scott Kingsley Clark
* Author URI:
* Want a quick overview and live demo? Check out the screencast here:
* Example 1: Registering a custom block type.
add_action( 'pods_blocks_api_init', 'register_my_custom_block_type' );
* Register your custom block type. Rename this function to fit your own project naming and needs.
function register_my_custom_block_type() {
* This is your block configuration. Customize it to fit your needs.
$block = [
// This is unique the name of your project so it won't conflict with other blocks installed (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'namespace' => 'my-project',
// The unique name of your block (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'name' => 'my-custom-block',
// The block title of your block.
'title' => __( 'My Custom Block' ),
// The text description of your block.
'description' => __( 'The description of my custom block.' ),
// Set your category (collection): common, formatting, layout, widgets, embed, or a custom one you register (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'category' => 'my-custom-collection',
// Dashicon name, see for an official list, exclude the "dashicons-" prefix.
'icon' => 'admin-comments',
// Limit to three keywords or phrases.
'keywords' => [
'Project name',
* Important: The below options will be different depending on what render type you want to use.
// How you want to render the block output: php or js.
'render_type' => 'php',
// If `render_type` is "php", set your callback below.
'render_callback' => 'my_custom_block_render',
// If `render_type` is "js", set your template content below and call your fields using {@magic_tag} syntax.
'render_template' => '
<div>This is an example of the value for My Magic Tag Text Field: <strong>{@my_text_field}</strong></div>
* This is a list of fields to show in your block options (shown in the "Inspector Controls" area when selecting the block.
// If you have no fields to set, just use an empty array or don't pass `$fields` into `pods_register_block_type`.
$fields = [];
// If you have fields to show, set them and customize the list here. They use the same exact field config form at as normal Pod fields.
$fields = [
'name' => 'my_text_field',
'label' => __( 'My Text Field' ),
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'my_paragraph_field',
'label' => __( 'My Paragraph Field' ),
'description' => __( 'This is a description for the field.' ),
'type' => 'paragraph',
'name' => 'my_number_field',
'label' => __( 'My Number Field' ),
'type' => 'number',
'default' => 15,
'name' => 'my_checkbox_field',
'label' => __( 'My Checkbox Field' ),
'type' => 'boolean',
'name' => 'my_select_field',
'label' => __( 'My Select Field' ),
'type' => 'pick',
'data' => [
'one' => __( 'Option 1' ),
'two' => __( 'Option 2' ),
'three' => __( 'Option 3' ),
'default' => 'two',
pods_register_block_type( $block, $fields );
* Render the block HTML if you want to do it with PHP. Rename this function to fit your own project naming and needs.
* @param array $attributes List of field attributes.
* @return string The content to render.
function my_custom_block_render( array $attributes ) {
return '
<p>This is an example of the value for My Text Field: <strong>' . esc_html( $attributes['my_text_field'] ) . '</strong></p>
<p>This is another example of the value for My Number Field: <strong>' . esc_html( $attributes['my_number_field'] ) . '</strong></p>
* Example 2: Registering a custom block collection.
add_action( 'pods_blocks_api_init', 'register_my_custom_block_collection' );
* Register your custom block collection. Rename this function to fit your own project naming and needs.
function register_my_custom_block_collection() {
* This is your block collection configuration. Customize it to fit your needs.
$collection = [
// The unique name of your block collection (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'namespace' => 'my-custom-collection',
// The block title of your block collection.
'title' => __( 'My Custom Collection' ),
// Dashicon name, see for an official list, exclude the "dashicons-" prefix.
'icon' => 'admin-customizer',
pods_register_block_collection( $collection );
* Plugin Name: My Custom Pods Block using a Pod Template
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Custom block built using the Pods Block PHP API. No Javascript needed!
* Author Name: Scott Kingsley Clark
* Author URI:
* Example 1: Registering a custom block type.
add_action( 'pods_blocks_api_init', 'register_my_custom_block_type2' );
* Register your custom block type. Rename this function to fit your own project naming and needs.
function register_my_custom_block_type2() {
* This is your block configuration. Customize it to fit your needs.
$block = [
// This is unique the name of your project so it won't conflict with other blocks installed (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'namespace' => 'my-project',
// The unique name of your block (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'name' => 'my-custom-block2',
// The block title of your block.
'title' => __( 'My Custom Block 2' ),
// The text description of your block.
'description' => __( 'The description of my custom block 2.' ),
// Set your category (collection): common, formatting, layout, widgets, embed, or a custom one you register (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'category' => 'my-custom-collection2',
// Dashicon name, see for an official list, exclude the "dashicons-" prefix.
'icon' => 'admin-comments',
// Limit to three keywords or phrases.
'keywords' => [
'Project name',
* Important: The below options will be different depending on what render type you want to use.
// How you want to render the block output: php or js.
'render_type' => 'php',
// If `render_type` is "php", set your callback below.
'render_callback' => 'my_custom_block_render2',
// If `render_type` is "js", set your template content below and call your fields using {@magic_tag} syntax.
'render_template' => '
<div>This is an example of the value for My Magic Tag Text Field: <strong>{@my_text_field}</strong></div>
* This is a list of fields to show in your block options (shown in the "Inspector Controls" area when selecting the block.
// If you have no fields to set, just use an empty array or don't pass `$fields` into `pods_register_block_type`.
$fields = [];
// If you have fields to show, set them and customize the list here. They use the same exact field config form at as normal Pod fields.
$fields = [
'name' => 'book_id',
'label' => __( 'Book ID' ),
'type' => 'text',
'default' => '',
'required' => true,
pods_register_block_type( $block, $fields );
* Render the block HTML if you want to do it with PHP. Rename this function to fit your own project naming and needs.
* @param array $attributes List of field attributes.
* @return string The content to render.
function my_custom_block_render2( array $attributes ) {
// Check that we have a Book ID set.
if ( empty( $attributes['book_id'] ) ) {
return 'Please set the Book ID.';
$pod = pods( 'book_pods', $attributes['book_id'], false );
// Check that the book exists.
if ( ! $pod->exists() ) {
return 'That book does not exist.';
// Return the template for the item.
return $pod->template( '', '
<h2><a href="{@permalink,esc_url}">{@post_title}</a></h2>
<p><a href="{@permalink,esc_url}">{@post_thumbnail.full}</a></p>
<p><strong>ISBN:</strong> {@isbn}</p>
' );
* Example 2: Registering a custom block collection.
add_action( 'pods_blocks_api_init', 'register_my_custom_block_collection2' );
* Register your custom block collection. Rename this function to fit your own project naming and needs.
function register_my_custom_block_collection2() {
* This is your block collection configuration. Customize it to fit your needs.
$collection = [
// The unique name of your block collection (A-Z, a-z and dashes only).
'namespace' => 'my-custom-collection2',
// The block title of your block collection.
'title' => __( 'My Custom Collection 2' ),
// Dashicon name, see for an official list, exclude the "dashicons-" prefix.
'icon' => 'admin-customizer',
pods_register_block_collection( $collection );
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Very interesting!!! in the gist you say that we can use all kind of PODS fields ... but i'm having an hard time trying to use the correct configuration. May i have other field config examples? like media (with multiple uploads, and thumb preview) e CPT (other pods to show via block). thanks a lot!!!

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