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Created November 3, 2021 15:10
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Pushing a `dist` folder to GitHub pages without adding it to master

To push the contents of your dist folder to gh-pages, use the following steps:

  1. Make sure your branch to deploy gh-pages from is deleted on the remote. We'll be using the "pages" branch as an example.
  2. git checkout -b pages to create and checkout the new branch
  3. Edit your .gitignore to remove the ignore for dist
  4. git add -A to add all changes
  5. git commit your changes
  6. git subtree push --prefix dist origin pages - this will push the contents of dist to the pages branch, so that it only contains the contents of dist and nothing else from the repository/parent folders. This means that index.html will be at the root of the branch and you can select it to deploy immediately in your repo's options.
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