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Created November 1, 2016 22:33
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* Created by hkatz on 11/1/16.
import scala.pickling._
import scala.pickling.binary.{ BinaryPickle => bipck}
import scala.pickling.fastbinary.{ BinaryPickle => fbipck}
//import scala.pickling.json._
import scala.pickling.binary._
class Brotherhood(
var name: String,
var brothers: Option[Seq[Brotherhood]])
object Brotherhood {
def pickleTo(brothers: Brotherhood, filename: String) = {
// convert to Pickle binary object
val brothersPickle = brothers.pickle
// get the pickle bytes array
val brothersPickleByteArray = brothersPickle.value
// write bytes array into the file
val fos = new FileOutputStream("./" + filename)
def unpickleFrom(filename: String): Brotherhood = {
val brothersRawFromFile ="./" + filename).map(_.toByte).toArray
val brothersUnpickleValue = bipck(brothersRawFromFile)
val brothersUnpickle: Brotherhood = brothersUnpickleValue.unpickle[Brotherhood]
object SerializationDemo extends App {
val tom = new Brotherhood("Tom", None)
val smith = new Brotherhood("Smith", None)
val richard = new Brotherhood("Richard", None)
val brothers = new Brotherhood("Assassin", Option(Seq(tom, smith, richard)))
Brotherhood.pickleTo(brothers, "PickleBinaryFile")
val brotherhoodUnpickle = Brotherhood.unpickleFrom("PickleBinaryFile")
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